Province of Flemish Brabant - Provincia del Brabante Fiammingo

Province of Flemish Brabant
Grote Markt in Halle
Flemish Brabant Province - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Flemish Brabant Province - Coat of Arms
Flemish Brabant Province - Flag
Institutional website

Province of Flemish Brabant (in DutchVlaams-Brabant, in FrenchBrabant flamand) is a region of the Flanders in Belgium.

To know

Geographical notes

It borders the Belgian provinces of Antwerp north, del Limburg to the east, of Liege, of the Walloon Brabant andHainaut south and of the East Flanders West. Flemish Brabant also completely surrounds the Brussels-Capital Region.


Flemish Brabant was created in 1995 by dividing the former province of Brabant into three parts; two new provinces (Flemish Brabant and Walloon Brabant) and the Brussels Capital Region. The division was carried out to accommodate (with delay) the division of Belgium into three regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels Capital Region).

Spoken languages

The official language of Flemish Brabant is theDutch (as in all Flanders), but some municipalities can use the French to communicate with their citizens; these are called linguistic facilitation communes. Other special municipalities of this type can be found along the border between Flanders is Wallonia, and between Wallonia and the areas German-speaking of the Belgium.

Town Hall of Leuven

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into two administrative districts (arrondissementen in Dutch).

The Church of San Leonardo a Zoutleeuw

Urban centers

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

The province has a rich cultural history and a great diversity of typical products.


Among the typical products of this province, there are several Belgian beers famous all over the world.


Other projects

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