Province of Granada - Provincia di Granada

Province of Granada
The Alhambra of Granada and the Sierra Nevada
Province of Granada - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Province of Granada - Coat of arms
Province of Granada - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Province of Granada it is one of the eight provinces that make up Andalusia.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

The Alpujarra - Historical region consisting of a series of valleys that follow one another on the southern slope of the Sierra Nevada and then continue east in the province of Almería,

Urban centers

  • Granada - The city of the Alhambra
  • Baza - Small town on the sierra of the same name with monuments from the Moorish period and later and an interesting archaeological museum that testifies to the importance of Baza in pre-Carthaginian times.
  • Guadix - Famous for its caves (Las Cuevas) dug into the tuff by local shepherds and peasants but also by Moors who returned clandestinely after their expulsion decreed by Philip II.
  • Orce - Moorish-looking town with an interesting Paleontology museum where fossils found in the surrounding area are exhibited.
  • Órgiva - Village in the Sierra Nevada where a large Hippy community once resided permanently, who celebrated the Fiesta del Dragón every summer, which was attended by other flower children from all over the world.

Costa Tropical (Costa Granadina)

  • Almuñécar
  • La Herradura
  • Motril - Center of 60,000 inhabitants a few kilometers from the coast. On its coast there are numerous beaches including the playa de Granada where King Baudouin of Belgium died. Today the former property of the Belgian royalty, the "Villa Astrida" is a luxury hotel.
  • Salobreña

Other destinations

  • Capileira - Village in the "La Alpujarra" region at an altitude of 1,430 m. s.l.m.
  • Fuente Vaqueros - The native village of the writer Federico Garcia Lorca
  • Sierra Nevada National Park (Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada) - The park includes over 20 peaks over 3,000 meters of the Sierra Nevada, including the Mulhacén (3479 m), The park management offers visitors a shuttle bus that touches the main points of interest. Further details on the site governmental.
  • Sierra Nevada ski resort (Estación de esquí de Sierra Nevada)
  • Trevelez - Another village of "La Alpujarra" from where tourist trails start for the peaks of the Sierra Nevada and the impressive surrounding gorges. Trevelez is also famous for a local ham, the Jamón de Trevélez.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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