Atlantic Provinces - Provincias Atlánticas

The Atlantic Provinces of Canada are located on the eastern coast of the country, which includes the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, New brunswick, New Scotland and the Prince edward island. With rugged and sparsely populated areas, the provinces have traditionally made up most of their income from the area's large fisheries. This is changing in the region, as oil production, information technologies, biomedical research, higher education and tourism have become important points for the local economy.


fishing boat in newfoundland

The inhabitants of the Atlantic provinces are historically from Western Europe (Scottish, Irish, English, French Akkadians) and First Nations heritage. The reserves of the Mi'kmaq nation in Scotland, Prince edward island and the east of New Brunswick dominate Aboriginal culture in the Maritimes region, while Newfoundland and Labrador It has a unique history of Innu, Inuit, and Mi'kmaq groups. The first Aboriginal group likely to have encountered Europeans in Newfoundland, the Beothuck, has long since disappeared.

Despite a strong cultural heritage of the Aboriginal and Acadian region, it typically evokes Celtic imagery for Canadian tourists, because of the Scottish and Irish heritage of these provinces. A fragment of Gaelic culture remains in Nova Scotia, but mainly on Cape Breton Island, where Gaelic is still a dominant language in some communities.


Historically, Acadia (in French Acadie) was the name given by the French to a territory in the northeast of North America, including parts of eastern Quebec, the Atlantic Provinces of Canada and New England and extends south to Philadelphia. Later, the territory was divided into the British colonies that would become the American states and Canadian provinces. The Akkadians were forcibly expelled from the region by the British. Famous, many of these expelled Akkadians came up to Louisiana, which were known as Cajuns.

Today, Acadia refers to the Canadian Atlantic regions with French roots, language, and culture. In the abstract, Acadia refers to the existence of a French culture on the east coast of Canada. Recently, Canada it celebrated 400 years of Acadia (although it also celebrates 500 years of the French presence on the island of Newfoundland).


The Atlantic region is famous for its traditional music, greatly influenced by the popular traditions of Western Europe, but with a distinctive local flair. Music is one of the main carriers of local ethnic cultures here, and it is possible to hear French and Scottish Gaelic songs sung, the Cape Breton Island, for example, despite the overwhelming use of English in everyday life.

Despite Celtic influences seen throughout the region, Newfoundland music is distinct, incorporating much of the traditions of British and Irish sailors and songs of fishermen. Newfoundland's traditional music industry is at least as strong as that of Ireland, and groups like Great Big Sea have found mainstream success on "mainland" (Canada).


The provinces of New brunswick, New Scotland and the Prince edward island they are collectively known as the maritime provinces, while the Atlantic provinces also includes Newfoundland and Labrador.


While the Canadian Atlantic has been primarily a rural place steeped in economies of natural resources, it is home to a number of historic cities that are central to the cultural life of the region.

  • Halifax. the largest city in the Atlantic provinces, a historic city and port serving as the economic center of the region on the eastern coast of New Scotland.
  • Sydney from Nova Scotia. the most populated city in the Cape Breton Island, a part of Nova Scotia.
  • Saint John. the oldest incorporated city in Canada, as well as the largest city of New brunswick.
  • Moncton. the only officially bilingual city in Canada, noted for its dialect Franglais and the history of Acadia (it was a center in New Brunswick for Acadian Deportation by the British).
  • Fredericton. It is the capital city of New Brunswick. It is located on the St. John River and it is a very clean and beautiful city.
  • Charlottetown. the capital of the Prince edward island and the city where the Confederation of Canada was negotiated. The area also has a history of Acadia in the harbor, in the settlement of Port La Joye '
  • St. John's. one of the oldest cities in North America and the historic capital in the The new World on the island of Newfoundland.

Other destinations

Sand dunes in the Greenwich section of Prince Edward Island National Park

The Canadian Atlantic is full of interesting places outside its urban centers.

  • Bay of Fundy. that separate New brunswick Y New Scotland, has the highest tides in the world
  • Gros Morne National Park. World Heritage Site, north of Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • L 'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site. site of an ancient Viking settlement, the first European settlement in North America, dating back to the year 1000, on the North Peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Peggy cove. a picturesque and historic Scottish fishing community with beautiful sea views and the most photographed lighthouse in the world. Look for the metal plates molten into the rocks warning anyone who walks on the rocks that danger is imminent from the breaking of the waves. The lighthouse includes a famous post office that operates during the summer months. Send a postcard from here to get your special postmark. There is a souvenir shop near the lighthouse for the usual souvenirs run-of-the-mill. The town of Peggy's Cove is a photographer's delight - even hobbyists will have an easier time taking poster-worthy pictures.
  • San Juan River Valley. Historic wood-covered bridges, river ferries, waterfalls, as well as artist studios and historic sites
  • Kejimkujik National Park. petroglyphs, canoeing, sandy beaches, and many species of birds
  • Prince Edward Island National Park. covers much of the north central coastline and includes' Green Gables' and other sites related to the 'Anne of Green Gables and books by its author, Lucy Maud Montgomery


While the population of the Atlantic provinces predominantly speak English and French, it is worth noting that there are regional dialects of the following languages ​​that can get rid of the average central Canadian tourist, not to mention those who are from abroad.

Some rural communities in the maritime provinces have unique vernacular expressions unknown to tourists. For example, "A series of good" means "very good." Such expressions will not hamper a tourist's understanding of local people, but can be a notable feature in certain areas. It is not limited to Atlantic Canada, some of these expressions can be found in neighboring states of United States.

Acadian French

Acadian French (le français acadien) is a dialect of French spoken by Akkadians in the maritime provinces of Canada. Like other dialects of French from Canada, who parted ways with French from France about 400 years ago at the time of the French colonization of the Americas, and it sounds different than the visit of the Francophones. Acadians and Francophones from Quebec can understand each other with little difficulty.

Newfoundland English, French, and Irish

In Newfoundland, another dialect of English is found in combination with any number of local variations. Often times, a Newfoundland resident can let you into their home just by saying it. In some areas, an Irish accent can be heard, while in other areas it may not be present.

Although Newfoundland English is alive and well, Irish was a dialect of the Irish language specific to the island of Newfoundland and was widely spoken until the mid-20th century. It was very similar to the accent heard in southeastern Newfoundland. Ireland, due to massive immigration from Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Cork counties. Newfoundland is the only place outside of Europe with its own distinctive name in the Irish language. Talamh an Eisc literally "the land of fish".

Newfoundland French is distinct from the other dialects of Canada, including the French of quebec and Acadian French and was intentionally rejected by the government throughout the 20th century; Today it is carried out to save lives with a group of loudspeakers in the Península au Puerto Puerto.

To get

By plane

Halifax It has the main international airport in the region (and was recently listed as one of the best in North America). Flights can also be made to Sydney in Cape Breton Halifax, or periodically from Boston, Toronto, or other maritime cities.

By bus

  • Greyhound it connects to the Atlantic provinces, and in some cases its passes include coach services in the maritime provinces.
  • DRL Coachlines Ltd. offers regular daily passenger bus services in Newfoundland. The DRL head office is at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, but can be reached toll free at 1-888-738-8091.
  • maritimebusoffers bus transportation throughout the maritime provinces.

By ferry

The ferry service is available in Prince edward island to Pictou, New Scotland or from Newfoundland to North Sydney, New Scotland.


  • PEI Express Shuttle offers service between PEI and Halifax. It is recommended to book in advance of 3 days.


The old town clock located on the hill of the Halifax citadel


To eat

The entire region is famous for its seafood. The fish soup is to be enjoyed and the mussels are legendary. New Scotland it is famous for its scallops and lobsters; Prince edward island with its mussels, oysters and lobsters; Newfoundland by "the fish" (always referring to the cod) and the fin seal pie (yes, made from seal fins). The local cuisine is marked by the origins of the population, French for Akkadians, and British and Irish for English speakers.

Go out and drink

When you go to a bar to enjoy the scene, the usual beers from the Canadian market will be available, but local specialties can be found as well. In New Scotland try an Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale and in New brunswick to reach Moosehead Lager.

In Newfoundland, the drink that tourists try to force into the so-called "chirp". This is a high proof rum from Jamaica that is the province's non-official national drink. The drink dates back to the times of the British Empire, when sailing ships laden with salted cod from Newfoundland sailed up to Jamaica, and they would return home with a shipment of rum. Be careful when it comes to this, it is very strong!

Stay safe

Since most of the region's tourist destinations are rural, crime is less of a threat than getting lost. The weather can get ugly quickly, so be prepared. Moose are huge member of the deer family (called "elk" in Europe, which are a common hazard on the roads.

Next destination

The neighboring province of Quebec offers an immersion in a unique French-speaking culture, while just to the south lies the charm of the region of New England of the United States. Both are accessible by boat or by road.

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