Pskov - Pskow

Псков (Pskov, Pskow); German outdated Pleskau or Pleskow; Estonian Pihkva; Latvian Pleskava
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Pskov (Псков) is a city in northwestern Russia and the capital of homonymous oblast. The city is located near the Estonian and Latvian borders and is therefore one of the first places in Russia worth visiting when traveling by land. The city is worth seeing because of the Pskov Kremlin (12th century) and numerous churches and monasteries in the city and the surrounding area. Pskov is also a good destination for excursions because of its proximity St. Petersburg.


Pskov is one of the oldest cities in Russia and was first mentioned in 903. It developed rapidly at the time of the Hanseatic League and also became an important religious center of Russian Orthodoxy. In the 17th century the city was expanded as a fortress. In the 20th century, Pskow and the surrounding area was industrialized and largely destroyed and looted by German troops during World War II. About 60% of the Pskov resident population lost their life in 1941-1945. In the post-war period, numerous churches and monasteries were closed and demolished, but since the 1980s Pskov has once again developed into an important religious center. Many churches and monasteries have been renovated or rebuilt.

getting there

Veliky Novgorod240 km
Riga280 km
St. Petersburg295 km
Tallinn350 km
Vilnius435 km
Smolensk465 km
Minsk540 km
Moscow730 km

By plane

Pskov has a small airport in the south of the city. The regional airline Pskovavia offers flights to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. However, there is more choice of scheduled flights from Saint Petersburg, Riga or Tallinn (all around 300 km away).

By train

Pskov is on the Saint Petersburg - Riga railway line, as well as the Dno - Pechory - Valga / Tartu railway line. Train connections exist with Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Riga and Vilnius.

By bus

In the street

Pskov is on the main road from St. Petersburg to Latvia and Belarus. The E95 bypasses the city center to the east. From this the E77 branches off in Pskow Riga from. About 100 km south in Ostrow branches off the E95 to the E381 Daugavpils and Kaunas from. The main roads to Moscow either run over Veliky Novgorod or over Welikie Luky.

By boat


Bus routes, trolleybuses and marshrutki operate in the city center. The center and its surroundings can also be visited largely on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Ploskaya Tower of the Pskov Kremlin
  • The fortified Pskov Kremlin is about three hectares and is located in the middle of the city center. Basically it comes from the 12th century. The fortification wall can be climbed and walked on via the seven towers. In the middle of the area is the Trinity Cathedral (Троицкий собор) from the 17th century. See also Wikipedia: Pskov Kremlin
  • Snetogorsky Monastery: The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is home to some of the oldest preserved medieval frescoes in Russia
  • Dowmontow City (Daumantas City)
  • Basil's Church. 15th century.
  • Cosmas and Damian Church (15th century)
  • Church at the Appearance of Christ (15th century)
  • Mirosch Monastery with the Mirosch Cathedral (12th century)
  • Pogankin Palace: Museum of History and Crafts
  • Picture gallery







Practical advice


Pskov itself is a good destination for a day or two-day trip from Saint Petersburg. However, there is still a lot to see near Pskov:

  • Izborsk fortress
  • Pechory Monastery
  • Mikhailovskoye Pushkin Memorials
  • Svyatogorsky Monastery with the Tomb of Pushkin


Web links

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