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Marolles district
​((nl)Volksbuurt van de Marollen)
Plaque bilingue de la rue des Ménages (anciennement Deevestroet « rue des Voleurs » en marollien).
Bilingual plaque on rue des Ménages (formerly Deevestroet “Rue des Voleurs” in Marollien).
Postal code
50 ° 50 ′ 14 ″ N 4 ° 20 ′ 51 ″ E

the Marolles district is a district of Pentagon which, itself, is the central district of the city ​​of brussels.


If you want to immerse yourself in the “Brussels spirit”, this is the district that you absolutely must visit. Here, we still speak Marollien, also called brusseleer, (a mixture of Brabant, French and Walloon dialect); Moreover, all the street signs are not only bilingual French-Dutch as everywhere in the Brussels Region, but also in their former name in Marollien. Stroll on the flea market of the Place du Jeu de Balle or take a pot ("Have a drink") in a caberdouche ("Drink outlet", "coffee") is something tasty. You will not fail to meet there babbeleirs ("Talkative") and zwanzeurs (“Joke-tellers”) typical of this “Brussels spirit”. In Brussels, and more particularly in Les Marolles, if you are told "Yes, surely!" ", It means" No! "And if someone answers you" No maybe! ", It means" Yes! ". And for those who don't want to be the naive victim of zwanzes ("Jokes", "jokes"), it would be good to consult the lexicon of Brussels terms: Anecdotal Brussels Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element

For comic book lovers, the Marolles offer eight of the wall frescoes of the "Brussels comic strip trail », The oldest of which dates from 1992. Made by artists from theasbl "Wall art" according to original drawings by the various authors of Comics, they are all visible by car but it is preferable to be by bike or on foot to be able to admire them at ease and in detail.

  • Comics in Brussels in photos Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Photos of all the murals of the comic strip course on the website of the city of Brussels.


The Marolles district owes its name to the congregation of Apostoline sisters known as the mariculture sisters (contraction of the Latin term of Mariam Colentes) who settled in 1664 rue de Montserrat, formerly rue des Marolles, and who came to the aid of prostitutes in the neighborhood. This expression will be successively deformed into "Maricolles", then into "Marolles". The rue Haute and the part between the latter and the rue des Minimes, being the historic start of the district, are also called "La Marolle".


At XIIIe century, the future Marolles were only a district of weavers settled, along the stream of Smaelbeek, betweenNotre-Dame de la Chapelle church (then known as Capella Beatae Mariae extra muros oppidi Bruxellensis sita (“Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary located outside the city walls of Brussels”)) and the Steenpport, one of the seven gates of the first wall of Brussels.

View of the Porte de Hal and its surroundings in 1612.

After the completion of the second wall of Brussels in 1383, the rue Haute, which is the backbone of the district and which connects the old Steenpport to the new Hal gate, begins to urbanize. It is mainly occupied by weavers and fullers. In 1405, a fire devastated the surroundings of the Notre-Dame de la Chapelle church and destroyed 2,400 homes and 1,400 looms.

At the end of XVIe century, the rue des Minimes, called at the time Bovendael, being largely occupied by machoufelkes (“Prostitutes” in Marollian), it was decided to install “counters” closed at night between this road and rue Haute in order to prevent these prostitutes from accessing it.

The events that marked the life of the neighborhood were not always calm. the , the patricians of Brussels, having heard of a plot hatched by the fullers and the weavers of the Chapel district, supported by the butchers to exterminate them, took up arms. They first slaughtered the butchers who lived in the city and then turned against the weavers and fullers who were trying to set fire to the Steenpoort in order to be able to enter the city. The patricians first went to set fire to their houses, then, taking them from the rear, killed a great number of them. the , to protest against the high cost of living, the Marollians ransacked the Brussels courthouse the very day of its inauguration. the , the Marolliens take to the streets against the project to build an extension of the courthouse threatening the destruction of part of the neighborhood and, at the corner of rue de Montserrat and rue de la Prévoyance, hold a conference press in the middle of the street known as the “Battle of the Marolle”; this action will put a definitive end to the project.

Two criminal cases in the neighborhood also hit the national headlines. In 1897, theCourtois affair named after one of the two assassins, Alexandre Courtois who is none other than a former police commissioner of the Marolles district and, in 2007, theStorme case named Léopold Storme, found guilty of having murdered his two parents and his sister in their house in the rue des Capucins.

The physiognomy of the Marolles, due to the occupants, has also changed considerably over the centuries. From the Middle Ages when it was, besides mainly rural, inhabited by artisans engaged in the tanning of skins, "left behind" and brigands of all stripes, the XVIIe and the XVIIIe century, sees there the installation of the Brussels bourgeoisie who built beautiful mansions there. The establishment of the industrial revolution in Belgium at the end of the XVIIIe century, sees the emergence of industrial structures, such as the roaster Jacquemotte Cafes, and the arrival of new occupants from the Deep Flanders and of Wallonia. The latter will, moreover, profoundly influence and modify the local language, previously called Bargoensch, to make it the Marollien we know today. Finally, the XXe century sees a last transformation with the "sandblasting" which is a movement pushing the Sablons district to extend towards the Marolles and to modify the image and the atmosphere by gentrification and the resumption of each caberdouche ("Estaminet") which is closed by an antique dealer.

The "History" section comes in part from the French Wikipedia article entitled Marolles (see the list of authors).


  • General Action Committee of the Marolles, Les Marolles: 800 years of struggle: life of a Brussels district (History), Liège, Éditions du Perron, , 206 p.(ISBN 978-2-8711-4030-6 )(OCLC27080089)
  • Pierre Loze (photogr. Tom D'haenens and Thierry Malty), Espace Jacqmotte: Brussels-Les Marolles, reinvesting in the city (Architecture), Tielt, Lannoo, , 253 p.(ISBN 978-9-0209-6149-2 )(OCLC227904021) - Texts in French and Dutch.


The district has two shared bicycle stations which are "Chapelle" and "Jeu de Balles", plus two stations on the "small belt Which are "Hôtel des Monnaies" and "Porte de Hal". For more information on these stations and their location, refer to the section Circulate, by bike of the article dedicated to Brussels Pentagon.

To see

The curiosities were arranged according to a criterion of proximity and to follow a certain route without point of departure or arrival but which can be started at the 1 Brussels-Chapelle station and ending near the 2 Brussels-Midi station and some 3 Lemonnier premetro station

The Brigitines Chapel (we can guess, on the right, its contemporary twin sister).
  • 1 Brigittines Chapel Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Brigittines Street (train, station of "Brussels-Chapelle "- bus 2748, stop "Chapelle") Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (you have to go through the back and enter through the northwest facade of the new chapel). This former chapel with a single nave of the Brigittines, erected in the Italian-Flemish baroque style in 1663, is the only vestige of the Brigittines convent. Acquired by the city of Brussels in 1923, it was restored in 1975 and, in 2007, the Italian architect Andrea Bruno attached to the historic chapel a twin sister made entirely of glass and steel. Since 1997, it has become a place dedicated to the performing arts.
  • 2 Mural Quick and Flupke Rue Notre Seigneur 19 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of approximately made in according to a sketch by Hergé and representing the characters of Quick and Flupke
The Chapel Church in 2012.
  • 3 Notre-Dame de la Chapelle Church Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Chapel Square (bus 2748, stop "Chapelle") Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (6 steps at the entrance). The presence of a chapel in this place is attested by a charter dated 1134 and the surroundings constitute the start of the urbanization of the district in XIIIe century. The current architecture dates from 1699 to 1708, when it was restored. From the “treasures” point of view, the oldest of these are the baptismal font dating from 1475, but also the painter's tomb. Pieter Brueghel the Elder, an array of Peter-Paul Rubens (Jesus Giving the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Simon), the relics of saint Boniface and two organs: a tribune organ, built by Pierre Schyven in 1890 in romantic style and a removable organ, unique in the world, built by Rudi Jacques in 1996-97. This organ has the particularity of having a fifth which sounds particularly and expressly wrong to make special effects and surprise the ear. Each year, at the end of August, the "Organ of August" festival, organized around this instrument, attracts renowned singers, instrumentalists and organists from all over the world specializing in the interpretation of early music.
  • 4 Minimes Street Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (tram 9293, “Poeleart” or bus stops 2748, stop "Chapelle") – It owes its current name to the monks ofOrder of Minims, who built their convent there in 1621. Having borne several different names over the ages, it was not until 1853 that it acquired its current name. For the record, in a document from 1374, it is called Super Zabulum quo iter versus Obbruxellam, that is to say "Where do we go fromSablon church To Saint-Gilles ».
    • 5 Saints-Jean-et-Etienne-aux-Minimes Church Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Rue des Minimes, 62 Logo indicating timetables outside offices: Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 13 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (2 very small steps at the entrance). This basilica-style building dating from the beginning of the neoclassical period in XVIIIe century is the parish church of the Marolles district. Inside, you can admire the grandstand organs in Baroque style made by François Noelmans in 1680 and which are the oldest in Brussels. Throughout the interior lintel can be read in monumental letters and in three languages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, a quote from Saint Paul: “His are the times and the ages; to Him the glory and the power ” which dates from the Jubilee of the year 2000. Every 3e or 4e Sunday of each month, from September to June concert given by the choir and orchestra of the chapel of the Minimes.
    • 6 Mural Pass me the sky Rue des Minimes, 93 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of about 28 m2 carried out in according to a sketch by Stuf and Janry representing the characters of Pass me the sky.
  • 7 Mural Spirou Notre-Dame de Grâces Street 1 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Mural painted in according to a sketch by Yoann and Vehlmann representing the characters of Spirou and Fantasio on the flea market of the Place du Jeu de Balle. Connoisseurs will recognize the different authors who have succeeded at the helm of this cartoon caricatured among second-hand dealers.
  • 8 High Street Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is one of the oldest roads in the city of Brussels, since it follows the route of an old Gallo-Roman road. With its 1120 meters, it is also the longest of the "Pentagon ».
The house of Breugel in 2011.
  • 9 Mural Benoit Brisefer High Street 121 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of approximately made in according to a sketch by Peyo representing the character of Benoît Brisefer.
  • 10 Attitude Brussels Logo indicating a facebook link Rue Haute, 123, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5038853 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 11 h - 18 h. – Space dedicated to two artists: Jan Bucquoy and Christophe Demaître. It is, among other things here, that the museum of the slip is now located.
    • 11 Briefs Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Fri.- Sun. : 11 h - 18 h. – This very surreal little museum is due to the director, writer and provocative artist Jan Bucquoy. It exhibits briefs of famous men and women. The only conditions to be exposed, the briefs must have been worn by the personality and washed.
  • 12 House of Pieter Brueghel the Elder Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Rue Haute, 132 (bus 2748, “Chapel” or “Ball game” stops) Logo indicating timetables only visible from the outside until the museum opens in 2017. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Although the old archives concerning this residence have disappeared in the bombardment of 1695, it is traditionally accepted that this house, dated 1541, is the one where settled, in 1563, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, one of the four masters of the school of Flemish primitives, where he died in 1569 and where his two sons were born Pieter Brueghel the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder. On the other hand, it is certain that David Teniers III, son of Anna brueghel and grandson of Jan Brueghel the Elder, died there in 1685. In the course of 2017, the house should become a museum dedicated to the great painter.
  • 13 Jacquemotte space Rue Haute, 139-141 (bus 2748, stop "Ball game") Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Installed rue Haute since 1928, the roasters Charles and Henri Jacqmotte, built by architect Auguste Schoy, in 1860, this private mansion in eclectic to house their roasting and burner facilities. In operation until 1985, the factory was abandoned until its complete renovation in 2001. Transformed into a business center and converted housing lofts in the old workshops. Do not hesitate to push the heavy and imposing black door, if it is not already open, which will lead you through the sumptuous central passage, of an ornamental richness resulting from the Flemish Renaissance tradition marrying the false marble, the stucco, the blue stone, the woodwork and the marble, towards the courtyard and the housing complex; then, push your curiosity towards the large landscaped garden which stretches out at the back behind a large bay window.
  • 14 Brussels CPAS Museum Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Haute, 298A (bus 2748, stop "Hôpital St-Pierre"), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5436055, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Game. : 14 h - 16 h. Logo indicating tariffs Guided tours by reservation for groups not exceeding 20 people: 50  by group. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (1 very small step at the entrance). The works come mainly from donations and bequests from individuals to assistance institutions. The collections, whose oldest work dates from XVIe century, present a great diversity: paintings, prints, sculptures, pieces of gold and brasswork, ceramics, furniture, textiles, a collection of coins and medals as well as objects testifying to daily life and the history of medicine.
  • 15 art) & (museum margin Logo indicating a link to the website rue Haute, 314 (bus 2748, stop "Hôpital St-Pierre"), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5339490, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 11 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : , pensioner and> 18 years old: ,> 6 years old: free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (1 step at the entrance and furnished interior). Opened in 1986, this museum presents a collection of works by self-taught creators working in isolation or in creative workshops for people who are psychologically fragile or mentally handicapped. Periodically, activities, especially for children, allow visitors to understand the spirit of the world in which the artists representing the museum live.
Hal's Gate in 2011.
  • 16 Hal gate Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Boulevard du Midi, 150 (subways 2346, station "Porte de Hal"), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5333450, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from h 30 - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : ,> 65 years old and between 19 and 25 years old: , PMR and between 4 and 18 years old: 1,5 , <4 years: free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Built in 1381, it constitutes the last vestige of the second medieval wall of the city of Brussels. This wall, which had seven towers, was destroyed between 1818 and 1840 to allow the construction of the boulevards of the "small belt ". Since 1847, it has become a museum. Currently, visitors can discover the history of the building and its occupation over the centuries, as well as that of the city, its defense, its corporations, its folklore. Among the exhibits, guild necklaces, the parade armor of theArchduke Albert of Habsburg, his naturalized horse as well as that of his wife the Infanta Isabella of Spain, the cradle known as "of Charles V" which would have been rather that of his father Philippe the beautiful.
  • Pieremans Street (bus 2748, stop "Hôpital St-Pierre") – Formalized in 1969, the name of this street is a corruption of "Piermont" of the name of the family who once owned the buildings located along this road. It used to be called Peeremansstrotje ("Little rue des Vers").
    • 17 Cite Hellemans Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Rue Pieremans and Rue de la Rasière – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Inaugurated in 1915 and created by the architect and town planner Émile Hellemans, it is one of the first examples of a social city made up of collective housing and located in the very heart of the city. It also constitutes an architectural ensemble remarkable for its design and its aesthetics influenced by theArt Nouveau. Comprising 272 dwellings and organized in seven parallel bars of four floors separated by wide pedestrian alleys. Each accommodation has a south-east facing terrace. Heavily degraded by time and pollution, the entire city was extensively renovated at the very beginning of the XXIe century.
    • 18 Mural The Beaver Patrol Pieremans Street, 47 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of about 50 m2 carried out in according to a sketch by Mitacq and depicting the characters of Discreet Falcon and Hungry Tapir from The Beaver Patrol.
    • 19 Mural Jojo Pieremans Street, 41 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of about 56 m2 carried out in according to a sketch byAndré Geerts and representing the characters of Jojo.
The Jeu de Balle flea market and the Church of the Immaculate Conception in September 2009.
  • 20 Place du Jeu de Balle (Den  Met) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (bus 2748, “Jeu de Balle” stop) – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite This square was drawn in 1853, at the same time as the rue Blaes, with the aim of making it suitable for the practice of the pelota ball game, very popular in Brussels in XIXe century. It was in 1873 that the market "market for old goods and nipples" (den a met in Marollien) is transferred here from Place Anneessens and is still there. It is also here that since 2002, every eve of the national holiday, the popular “National Ball” has been held during which the royal family casually makes an appearance. On the square, two buildings deserve attention: the Church of the Immaculate Conception in neo-Romanesque style, which was once part of a Capuchin convent, and the former Brussels fire station in eclectic style.
  • 21 Mural Billy and Buddy Rue du Chevreuil, 19 (bus 2748, “Jeu de Balle” stop) Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite It is the oldest mural in the Brussels comic book route. About 30 m2, it was built in 1992 and restored in according to a sketch by Roba and representing the characters of Billy and Buddy.
  • 22 Rue des Capucins Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (bus 2748, “Jeu de Balle” stop) – The oldest mention of the street appears in the censal book of 1321 and bore the name of Zavelstrate ("Rue du Sable"). The street conceals two murals made by theasbl "Wall art".
    • 23 Mural Blondin and Shoe Polish rue des Capucins, 15 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Made in and measuring approximately 32 m2, this painting features the characters of Blondin and Shoe Polish created by Jijé.
    • 24 Mural Odilon Verjus Rue des Capucins, 13 Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Made in and measuring approximately 33 m2, this painting represents the missionary Odilon Verjus and his sidekick Father Laurent, helping Josephine Baker to descend from the wall according to a sketch by the authors Laurent Verron and Yann.
  • 25 Mural Cat Boulevard du Midi, 87 (subways 343132518283, station "Lemonnier ») Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Wall painting of about 80 m2 carried out in according to a sketch by Philippe Geluck and representing the character of Cat.


  • Flea market Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook linkPlace du Jeu de Balle (bus 4827, “Jeu de Balle” stop) Logo indicating timetables every day of h - 14 h (Saturday and Sunday until 15 h). – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite The most famous of the country's flea markets; this is where, in the album The Secret of the Unicorn, Tintin buys the model of the boat from The Unicorn. More than 500 stalls and stores in a cosmopolitan and friendly atmosphere. It is an ideal place to hunt, stroll, find a rarity, relax.
  • 1 Brussels baths swimming pool Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Rue du Chevreuil, 28 (bus 4827, “Jeu de Balle” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5112468 Logo indicating timetables from Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 19 h 30, Saturday: from h 30 - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs non-resident: between 3 and . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (4 steps at the entrance) Public swimming pool. Under the appearance of an "ocean liner" style, the building has five levels, swimming pools and public baths-showers as well as a modern infrastructure in an Art Deco decor.
  • 2 Square des Ursulines rue de la Chapelle (train, station of "Brussels-Chapelle "- bus 2748, stop "Chapelle") Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Multi-functional outdoor space suitable for skateboards and BMX with ramps, springboards, bowl and bars. Drinking water point.

To buy

  • Flea and flea market  – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Every day from h - 14 h and Saturday and Sunday until 15 h has been held since 1873 on the Place du Jeu de Balle the most famous flea market in Belgium. Well known for his brol ("Stuff", "bazaar", "thing", "thing", ... in Marollien) even coming from outside the national borders, the salesmen are all professionals there.


Restaurants are listed by type of cuisine and then alphabetically.

South American cuisine

  • 1 Bossa nova Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Rue Haute, 381, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3247608 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Saturday: from 12 h - 15 h and19 h - h, Sunday: from 12 h - 16 h and19 h - 23 h. Logo indicating tariffs Dish of the day at 10 . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 steps at the entrance). Brazilian cuisine. Meat specialty cooked on the grill, self-service formula. Bar (Bossa Nova Club) with dance floor and, every weekend, concert by a Brazilian artist.

Brasserie cuisine

  • 2 Chaff Place du Jeu de Balle, 21-22, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5025848 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : 12 h - 15 h and18 h - 22 h 30, sat.- Sun. : 12 h - 16 h and19 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs dishes: between 14 and 20 , brunch formula on Sunday at 18 , breakfast formula (Mon.- sat. : 10 h - 11 h 45) To 12 . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Brasserie cuisine. Covered terrace
  • 3 Yellow cobra Boulevard du Midi, 76, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5117379 Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs ± 20 beer Jupiler at a more than democratic price. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Brasserie cuisine in a caberdouche authentic. Covered and shaded terrace. Karaoke evenings on weekends. It was in this place that the Belgian members of the artistic movement gathered Cobra.
  • 4 The Golden Key Ball Game Square, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5119762 Logo indicating timetables of Tue.- Sun. : h - 15 h. Logo indicating tariffs about 12,5  for a soup, a main course, a dessert, a drink and a coffee. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 small steps at the entrance). Home cooking, ideal for catering or simply having a drink after browsing the flea market. Typical setting of cafes from the early XXe century and Marollian atmosphere. Terrace. With a little luck, you may meet there the knight in the order of Leopold Jean Vanobbergen better known by his stage name of Great Jojo.
  • 5 The Brigittines Logo indicating a link to the website Place de la Chapelle, 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5126891, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables of 12 h - 14 h and19 h - 22 h, closed Saturday lunchtime, Sunday and public holidays. Logo indicating tariffs menu: between 12 and 23 , market menu (5 courses) 55 . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance but rather narrow passage). Note entre 12,5 et 13,50/20 in the 2016 Gault et Millau guide. French and Brussels cuisine. Private room for 28 people.
  • 6 The Wine Bar Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Haute, 198, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 496 820105 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables Wednesday to Friday: open in the evening, Saturday open for lunch and dinner, Sunday: open for lunch. Logo indicating tariffs menu: between 10 and 20 , wines by the glass: between 4 and . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance but you have to ask for the opening of the 2e double door). Brasserie cuisine and wine bar. Note entre 12,5 et 13,50/20 in the 2016 Gault et Millau guide and classified as “Bib Gourmand” in the 2015 Michelin guide.
  • 7 Ploegmans Logo indicating a link to the website High Street, 148, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5032124 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Saturday: from 12 h - 14 h and18 h 15 - 21 h 45 (22 h Friday and Saturday), Sunday: from 12 h - 14 h. Logo indicating tariffs menu: between 11 and 25 , children's dishes 8,5 . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Brasserie cuisine. Retro decor from the late 1940s. Frequented by the "old" Marollians and their tasty dialect.
  • 8 Restobière Logo indicating a link to the website Rue des Renards, 9, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5115583 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 12 h - 15 h and18 h 45 - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs dishes: between 12 and 24,5 , menus: between 20 and 40 , children's menu (dessert dish): . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite Belgian cuisine cooked with beer (even the desserts) in a bistro decor from the early XXe century with a collection of old mills and coffee boxes. Terrace.

Mediterranean cuisine

  • 9 Villa Rosa Rue Haute, 393-395, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5373321 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Saturday from 19 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs ± 30 . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (1, walk at the entrance but wide passage). Spanish cuisine. Take away food

Far Eastern cuisine

  • 10 The Belgo Thai Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Haute, 72, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 8084088 Logo indicating timetables from Tue.- Sun. : 11 h 30 - 14 h 30 and of 19 h - 14 h 30 (closed in the evening on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays). Logo indicating tariffs menu: between 8 and 25 , children's dishes 12,5 . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (1 step at the entrance). Thai and local cuisine. Small terrace.
  • 11 Tears of the Tiger Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Rue de Wynants, 21, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5121877 Logo indicating timetables closed Monday and Saturday noon. Logo indicating tariffs menu: between 10 and 22,5 , weekday lunch (3 courses) at 15,5 , discovery menu (six courses) at 45 , all-you-can-eat buffet on Sunday noon and evening at 35 . – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (3 steps at the entrance). Thai cuisine, vegetarian dishes. Take away food.

Middle Eastern cuisine

  • 12 Al Jannah Logo indicating a link to the website Blaes Street, 59, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5140844 Logo indicating timetables from Thursday to Tuesday from 12 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs dishes: between 5 and 15 . – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite (1 step at the entrance). Lebanese cuisine. Take away food. Small terrace.

Have a drink / Go out

Theater and performance halls

  • 1 Tanners Theater Logo indicating a link to the website Rue des Tanneurs, 75-77, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5121784, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables programming of the current season. Logo indicating tariffs adult : 12 ,> 60 years old, student <26 years old . – Contemporary theater.
  • The Brigittines Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Rue des Brigittines, 1 (in the Brigittines chapel), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 2138610, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables programming of the current season. Logo indicating tariffs adult : 14  (12  in presale),> 65 years old, student <26 years old 10  ( in presale), child <12 years old . – Contemporary art center of the city of Brussels.
  • Choir and orchestra of the Minimes chapel Logo indicating a link to the website Rue des Minimes, 62 (in L'Saints-Jean-et-Etienne-aux-Minimes church), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 10 223230, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Each 3e or 4e Sunday of each month, from September to June, at 10 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Choral cantata concerts.

Bars and nightclubs

  • 2 Fuse Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Blaes Street, 208, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5119789 Logo indicating timetables Friday (special evenings) and Saturday from 23 h - h. Logo indicating tariffs before midnight : , after midnight : 11 . – Trendy nightclub with the best of European DJs. Techno music, house music and electro (since 1994, making it the first disco to have broadcast this music in Belgium). Entrance fee for 24 h at the “Porte de Hal car park” for
  • 3 Havana Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Epee Street, 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5021224, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Friday and Saturday from 22 h - h. – Disco-bar, Latin music. Restaurant with Cuban and South American cuisine, terrace
  • 4 Bazaar Rue des Capucins, 63, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5112600 Logo indicating timetables Friday and Saturday from 23 h - h. Logo indicating tariffs 10 . – Soul music, house music, pop music and Brazilian music. 1 dance floor on the ground floor and 1 dance floor in the basement.


  • 5 In Stoemelings Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Rue du Mirroir, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 489 495924 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables mar.- sat. : 11 h - 18 h. – Accessible, sans aide, aux personnes à mobilité réduite En marollien, En stoemelings signifie « En douce », « En catimini ». Petite brasserie artisanale qui brasse la Curieuse Neus, la Cuvée Houdini, la Geeele Tram et la Chike Madame. Les bières peuvent être dégustées sur place ou achetées pour les emporter avec soi. Vue sur la salle de brassage depuis le bar.


  • 1 La Maison Haute Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Haute, 101, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 475 692132 (cellphone), e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 11 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs 420  petit déjeuner compris. – réseau Wi-Fi accessibleInaccessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite 3 chambres d’hôte doubles. Animaux non admis.
  • 2 Hôtel Solys Midi (Midi Station Hotel) Boulevard du Midi, 81-82, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5380700, e-mail : room available from 14 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs dortoir : 17,5  par personne, chambre double : 50 . – Wireless free. Inaccessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite 21 chambres simples, doubles et dortoirs à 4 ou 6 lits. Pas toujours très calme pendant la foire du Midi et malheureusement voisin de la « petite ceinture » et de la « jonction Nord-Midi ». Animaux non admis.
  • 3 Hôtel Galia Logo indicating a link to the website Place du Jeu de Balles, 15-16, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5024243, e-mail : room available from 13 h, to be released before 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs chambre double : 80 , chambre quadruple : 90 . – Wireless free. 20 chambres simples, doubles, triples et quadruples. Animaux non admis. Restaurant avec terrasse.

Gérer le quotidien

Situation des distributeurs automatiques de billets de banque. Pour leur fonctionnement, référez-vous à la section « Distributeurs de billets » de l'article sur la Belgium.

  • 1 BNP Paribas Fortis Rue Haute, 166 Logo indicating timetables 24h/24. – Wireless free. (bnppf_Free_WIFI). Terminal extérieur avec guidance vocale. Aussi pour cartes de crédit.
  • 2 BNP Paribas Fortis Place du Jeu de Balle, 50 Logo indicating timetables 24h/24. – Wireless free. (bnppf_Free_WIFI). Terminal extérieur avec guidance vocale. Aussi pour cartes de crédit.


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