Faroe Islands - Quần đảo Faroe

Risin og Kellingin
Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg
Basic information
CapitalTorshavn, one of the smallest capitals in the world
GovermentAutonomous Region of the Kingdom Denmark
CurrencyDanish Krone (DKK), Faroese króna at par
Area1,399 km2
Population48,551 (November 2010 est.)
LanguageFaroese (derived from Old Norse), Danish. English; Nordic; widely spoken
ReligionEvangelical Lutheran
Power system230V/50Hz (European plug)
Phone number 298

Faroe Islands The Faeroe Islands (also known as the Faroes or Faeroes; Faroese: Føroyar, Danish: Færøerne, Irish: Færeyjar - meaning "sheep islands") are a group of islands located in the Na Sea. Norway, North Atlantic Ocean, between Iceland, Norway and Scotland.


The Faroe Islands are a territory officially separated from Norway in 1814, after the Treaty of Kiel signed on January 14, 1814, and belongs to Denmark. The Faroe Islands have 2 delegates in the Danish delegation to the Nordic Council (Nordisk Råd). According to the Law on Autonomy of the Faroe Islands of Denmark On 31 March 1948, the archipelago was an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of Denmark since 1948 and a member of the Commonwealth of Kingdoms of Denmark (Rigsfællesskab). According to the above law, the Faroe Islands are autonomous in all areas, except for the two areas of defense and foreign affairs. Culturally, the Faroese have close relations with Iceland, Shetland, Orkney, and the remote Hebrides. sticky rice and Greenland.


From about 625, Irish Catholic monks came to the islands. They brought sheep to feed in the grasslands and they lived as hermits. Perhaps it was they who gave the islands their name. These monks seem to have moved to Iceland before the arrival of Norwegian Vikings from the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands and Scotland around the end of the 9th century. From 1035 to 1814, the Faroe Islands were nominally a colony of the Kingdom of Norway. In fact, since the signing of the Kalmar Union (1397), Denmark has gradually replaced Norway, taking control of the archipelago. According to the Treaty of Kiel signed on January 14, 1814, Denmark must ceded rule of Norway to the Kingdom of Sweden, but kept the colonies of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, despite the objections of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. In 1816, the Danish government abolished parliament. (Løgting) and Lagman (prime minister) of this archipelago, and merged Faroe into an amt (equivalent province) of Denmark. After the meeting of the people to awaken the national pride on the afternoon of Christmas Day Born in 1888, the Faroese wanted independence. In 1906, they formed the Sjálvstýrisflokkurin (Independence Party) party to counterbalance the pro-Danish Sambandsflokkurin (Cooperation Party) which wanted to maintain the status quo. The point of conflict between the two parties is the use of Faroese to teach in schools. At the request of the Sambandsflokkurin party, the Danish government introduced law number 7 in 1912, deciding that the Danish language should be used for teaching. This law was not repealed until 1938. During the Second World War, Faroe was occupied by Britain, while Denmark was occupied by Britain. virtue Nazi occupation. After the war, the Faroese did not want to remain a Danish amt and sent a delegation to Denmark to negotiate. The two sides could not agree with each other, so they agreed to hold a referendum in 1946. The result was a majority agreeing to independence, but the king of Denmark used his veto power to reject it. After many negotiations In 1948, the Danish Parliament voted on the Autonomy Law for the Faroe Islands. From this year, Faroe gradually gained autonomy, except for the defense and foreign affairs areas. By March 29, 2005, with the joint declaration in Fámjin (Faroe), Faroe would be given increased powers over defense and foreign affairs.


The Faroe Islands are located in the northern Atlantic Ocean, at 62 degrees north latitude and 7 degrees west longitude, including 18 islands and 11 small uninhabited islands, which are volcanic islands that have been inactive since about 60 million years ago. . From the northernmost Cape Enniberg to the southernmost Sumbiarsteinur, 118 km long. The total length of the coastline of the archipelago is 1,117 km. Especially the west coast has high rocky mountains, vertical cliffs towards the sea. The average height of the rocky mountains is 300 m above sea level, the highest mountain is Slættaratindur, 882 m high. Currently - except for the island of Litla Dímun - the remaining 17 islands are inhabited. Distance from the archipelago Faroe Islands to Scotland's Sula Sgeir island is 240 km, to the Shetland Islands is 280 km, to Scotland is 310 km, to Iceland is 450 km, to Norway is 675 km and to Ireland is 678 km.


Previously, the Faroe Islands were a colony of the Kingdom of Norway and then the Kingdom of Denmark. Since 1948, Faroe has been self-governing (with the exception of defense and foreign affairs). Currently, Faroe has a parliament (Løgting) and an autonomous government. Denmark appoints only one representative officer in the archipelago (called rigsombudsmand) (since 2007 Søren Christensen) who attends important parliamentary meetings, but does not have the right to vote. Along with the resolution Parliament of the Isle of Man (called Tynwald) and parliament of Iceland (called Alting), the parliament of the Faroe Islands is one of the three oldest parliaments in the world, they have existed for a millennium. Faroe's constitution consists of a minimum of 27 and a maximum of 32 deputies, elected for a term of 4 years by universal suffrage. In addition, Faroe is also elected 2 deputies to the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) and 2 delegate in the Danish delegation to the Nordic Council (Nordisk Råd). Administratively, Faroe is divided into 6 sýsla (county or canton equivalent) and 36 kommune (town or rural commune equivalent) ).




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