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Dunière wildlife reserve
48 ° 38 ′ 0 ″ N 66 ° 45 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site

The Dunière wildlife reserve is a wildlife reserve in the east of Quebec to Canada.


The Dunière wildlife reserve is located in the Matapedia valley and covers an area of 578 km2. It is adjacent to the Matane wildlife reserve and at the zec Casault. It is part of the network of wildlife reserves of Quebec. The management of its fauna is the responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife through the Corporation de gestion des rivières Matapédia et Patapédia (CGRMP), but its territory is private property belonging to the Société Générale de Financement which founded the Gestion Forestière Lacroix company to manage the forestry aspect of the territory. The territory is a mountain setting covered by a resinous forest mainly composed of fir and spruce trees, but also including cedars.

The Dunière wildlife reserve includes one of the largest concentrations of moose in Quebec with a population density of 33 individuals per 10 km2. In fact, moose hunting success in this area is approaching 100%. It is divided into 17 hunting sectors numbered 1 to 12, but also including sectors 2A, 4A, 5A, 8A and 11A.

  • Reception station of the Corporation de gestion des rivières Matapédia et Patapédia (CGRMP) 462, rue Saint-Jacques North, Causapscal Logo indicating timetables Every day of h - 21 h. – Reserve information and administration office.
  • Lacroix reception station Lacroix Road Logo indicating timetables Open every day, 24 h/24. – Main reception station of the reserve. Located at the southern limit of the reserve's territory.

To go

From urban centers of Quebec such as Montreal and Quebec, take highway 20 then route 132 east towardsAmqui and go to Causapscal. Once in Causpsapcal, take rue Frenette towards Sainte-Marguerite on 4 km to Chemin Lacroix on the left which leads to the Lacroix reception station at the entrance to the wildlife reserve. From Causapscal, it is a journey of 40 km to get to the Lacroix reception station.


Several forest roads give access to the different sectors of the reserve. A general map as well as a map of each of the sectors are available on the website. Some forest paths indicated on the maps are only practicable in 4x4 or quad.

To see

  • Wildlife observation  – In addition to the moose that dominates the territory of the reserve, there are bears, foxes, coyotes, partridges, hares and white-tailed deer.


  • Moose hunting Logo indicating timetables Beginning of September to beginning of November. Logo indicating tariffs Prices vary according to the weapon used, the type of accommodation and the length of stay. – Contingent hunting subject to drawing lots, an original hunting license is required. It is possible to obtain a hunting license at CFRMP reception station.

To buy


Have a drink / Go out


A sanitary block is available at the entrance to the wildlife reserve near the Lacroix reception station.

  • Camping pitches  – In hunting sectors 2A, 5A, 8A and 12. No accommodation available, you must bring your own accommodation equipment.
  • Rustic camps  – In hunting sectors 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 11A.

Packages including hotel accommodation in Causapscal are offered. Transportation for the reserve is included. In addition, meals prepared by the innkeeper can be offered directly in the reserve thus avoiding having to return to Causapscal.


  • 1 Causapscal  – It is the city located near the wildlife reserve. It includes the reserve administration office in addition to many services including: hotel, restaurant, bank, mechanical garage.
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