Central African Republic - República Centroafricana


The Central African Republic (Central African Republic in French and Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka en sango) is a country located in Africa central. It limits the north with Chad, west with Cameroon, to the south with the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to the east with Sudan Y South Sudan.


The Central African Republic is one of the clearest examples of a "failed state" in the world. With a population plunged into poverty, a succession of despotic and authoritarian governments, and an almost total absence of state control, this country offers little attraction for tourists. Attempting to visit it has historically been a dangerous adventure, but the latest coup, which took place in March 2013, has made this even more difficult and various governments have advised their citizens not to travel there.

Unfortunately, this has prevented the country's natural wealth from being explored. Among the most important parks, the Manovo-Gounda St. Floris Reserve wave Dzanga Sangha National Reserve, in which you can enjoy gorillas or elephants. The possibility of meeting pygmy tribes and sharing their lifestyle is an attraction for the most curious.


Until the early 1800s, the peoples of Central Africa lived beyond the expanding Islamic frontier in the Sudanese area of ​​Africa and therefore had relatively little contact with outsiders. However, during the first decades of the 19th century, Muslim merchants began to penetrate more and more into this region and to cultivate special relationships with local leaders to facilitate their trade and settlement in the region. The initial arrival of Muslim traders in the early 1800s was relatively peaceful and depended on the support of local peoples, but after about 1850, slave traders with well-armed soldiers began to penetrate the region.

The European penetration in the Central African territory began at the end of the XIX century during the so-called Division of Africa. The French, Belgians and British competed to establish their claims to territory in the Central African region.

In 1889, the French established a post on the Ubangui River in Bangui, the future capital of the Central African Republic, and in 1894, the "French Congo", which bordered the Congo Free State (Belgium), now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. and Cameroon (Germany), it was fixed by diplomatic agreements. The French called their colony Ubang Shari.

On December 1, 1958, the Ubangi-Shari colony became an autonomous territory and took the name of the Central African Republic. The founding father, Barthélémy Boganda, died in a mysterious plane crash in 1959, just eight days before the last elections of the colonial era. On August 13, 1960, the Central African Republic gained its independence and two of Boganda's closest aides became involved in a power struggle. David Dacko won and by 1962 had established a one-party state.

Since then, a series of coups, including a notorious period under the self-proclaimed emperor, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, and periodic violence by rebel groups, have caused much harm to the citizens of the Central African Republic. Today, it remains one of the most disloyal, dangerous and unstable nations in the world, and is the poorest country in the world as of 2019. The northeast of the country is the heart of the rebel movement and the most dangerous region of the Republic. Central African.


The climate is generally tropical. Northern areas are subject to the Harmattan winds, which are hot, dry, and carry dust. They have also been subject to desertification, and the northeast is a Sahel desert similar to its neighbor Darfur. The rest of the country is prone to flooding from nearby rivers.

In the November 2008 issue of National Geographic magazine, the Central African Republic was named the country least affected by light pollution.


The Central African Republic consists of 80 ethnic groups, each having its own language, including the Gbaya, Banda, Mandija, Sara, Mboum, M'baka and Yakoma.


To get


Citizens of the following 16 countries can visit the Central African Republic without a visa for up to 90 days: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Israel , Liberia, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal and the United States (up to 180 days).

Visas can be single or multiple entry, but multiple entry is recommended over single entry. Multiple entry visas generally last one year, while single entry lasts three months. They cost US $ 150 and take two days to process. If you are from a country without a Central African Republic embassy, ​​you can apply for a visa at a French consulate or embassy. It is not clear whether other citizens (of the United States, France, etc.) can apply at a French consulate or not. Policies for obtaining a visa vary between embassies and from month to month. You can apply for a visa at the embassies of the Central African Republic at Yaoundé, N'Djamena, Brazzaville, Kinshasa and Khartoum. The country also has embassies in Washington, Paris and Bonn.

The borders with Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (at least east of Bangui) are very unsafe and no attempt to cross them by land is recommended. There are no land routes between the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville).

By plane

The only international airport in the country (and the only one with scheduled flights) is the Bangui M'Poko International Airport (BGF). There is no Central African airline that provides regional connections or transfers to domestic flights. Air France offers the only service to Europe, flying to Paris. Ethiopian Airlines flies to Addis Ababa. Kenya Airways serves Bangui on its three-city route: Nairobi-Bangui-Douala. Royal Air Maroc flies the three-city route: Casablanca-Douala-Bangui. TAAG Angola Airlines flies two three-city routes connecting Luanda-Brazzaville-Bangui and Luanda-Douala-Bangui.

Other airlines serving Bangui include: Camair-co and Interair South Africa (both to Douala) and Toumai Air Chad (to Brazzaville, Cotonou, Douala, Libreville, Lomé, and N'Djamena).

By bus

Bus service is available from Cameroon and Chad, although the length and dangerous areas make such bus trips infrequent. However, in terms of safety and ease of going through checkpoints, traveling by bus is preferable to traveling in a 4x4.


Other African cities and countries are accessible via boats and barges that travel infrequently along the Ubangui River. The Ubangui River empties into the Congo River, which is navigable to Stanley Falls, near Kinshasa / Brazzaville. Although slow, there are regular barges (although not on a set schedule) that travel from Bangui to Kinshasa / Brazzaville.

The boats also cross the Ubangui River from Bangui to Zongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is connected to the limited and difficult road network of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, continuing to Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

In 4x4

The Central African Republic is one of the least developed countries in Africa and its road network is in poor condition and services are almost non-existent outside of large cities or towns. The police and military are extremely corrupt and checkpoints (established for bribery more than any other reason) are frequent. There are no roads through the dense jungle between the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo. Traveling from Cameroon to Bangui and then to the Dzanga-Sangha Reserve is relatively easy, but bribery checkpoints are common.

In the northern and eastern parts of the country, local rebels and nominally government-controlled soldiers pose a great threat. Kidnapping and banditry are serious dangers in these regions and traveling in the northern or eastern regions of the Central African Republic (especially if you plan to drive your own vehicle) should only be done in consultation with local experts. This includes all routes to / from Chad, Sudan, South Sudan and crosses to the Democratic Republic of Congo east of Bangui.



Traditional trade is carried out by shallow canoes. The Ubangui river is the most important, navigable all year round to make drawings of 0.6 meters or less. 282 km of waterways are navigable to draw up to 1.8 meters.


The main language is French with a dialect called Central African French, which is easily understood by French speakers. There are also many indigenous languages. While French is the official language of the Central African Republic, only a few people in the country know more than a few words.

Sängö (also known as Sangro or Sangho) is the lingua franca and is spoken by the majority of the people in the Central African Republic (some 2000 have it as their mother tongue, while 80% of the country has it as a second language). To find out if someone speaks Sängö, just say Balâo (which means Hello), if you reply with Balâo mïngï, then a Sango speaker has been found.

Hardly anyone speaks English, even in the capital.


The Musée Ethnograhique Barthélémy Boganda in Bangui is the country's national museum and has a decent collection of local instruments, weapons, tools, and exhibits on local traditions, religion, and architecture.

Prehistoric cave paintings can be found in various places, but some of the best can be found in Bambari.

The "Chutes de Boali", a possible day trip from the capital, are a series of rather picturesque waterfalls, which are even more impressive in the rainy season.

The megaliths near the town of Bouar are arranged in concentric circles and are remains of ancient CAR people.

As with most of Africa, local markets can be a feast for the eyes, offering a wide variety of handicrafts. Just be vigilant, as the RCA markets are rife with petty and violent theft.

The country is made up of vast expanses of rainforest that make it popular to explore.


Visits and stays with Pygmy communities are probably the biggest draw for the few tourists in the country. Possible activities include: hunting with traditional weapons and / or devices, collecting medicinal plants with the women of the village, participating in an evening of music and dancing.

Visit the Dzanga Sangha Special Reserve to hike through the jungle in search of gorillas, elusive forest elephants, chimpanzees, and more. A visit to the reserve is often combined with a stay in a pygmy village. The reserve is part of a larger protected area, with the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park (consisting of two non-continuous parts: "Dzanga Park" and "Ndoki Park") flanking the Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve on two sides and that in turn, it is part of a larger tri-national Protected Area that includes the Lobéké National Park in Cameroon and the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in Congo-Brazzaville.

If the Central African Republic were ever to emerge from conflict and dysfunctional governance, the country would be an attractive ecotourism destination (similar to Gabon). Bamingui-Bangoran National Park and Manovo-Gounda St.Floris National Park are promising wildlife reserves found in unsafe regions with no facilities.

To buy


The country's currency is the Central African CFA Franc, referred to as the FCFA (ISO currency code: XAF). It is also used by five other Central African countries. It is interchangeable on a par with the West African CFA Franc (XOF), which is used by six countries. Both currencies are fixed at a rate of 1 euro = 655,957 CFA francs.



There are Ecobank ATMs in Chad where you can get a cash withdrawal with a Mastercard or Visa card.


The costs in the Central African Republic are exorbitant for foreigners who plan to maintain a lifestyle similar to that of their home country. Much of the trade and goods must be moved or shipped to the nation, which explains the high costs of many goods. The "local" goods that are imported from regional nations like the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon are slightly less expensive (rice, beans, water, etc.) Finally, many of the supermarkets in Bangui and other cities are owned by Lebanese and families, so there is abundant Middle Eastern food imported into the country, although these products are also very expensive.

Eat and drink

To eat

There is a great diversity of food in Bangui, including Chinese, Lebanese, French, local, etc. Food in foreign-owned restaurants is very expensive and can cost between $ 10 and $ 20 per plate (or more). However, local food can also be expensive depending on the restaurant and its location. There are abundant French bakeries in downtown Bangui with moderate prices for baked goods and meals. Food in supermarkets is very expensive, although you can buy cheaper food in local markets and street vendors.

To drink

Local beer ("33", Mocaf, Crystal) and soft drinks (Mocaf is a major producer) are priced similarly to products in Europe and the United States. Wine is available in some French wine stores, but it can be very expensive. Palm wine is common. The water is produced in Cameroon and the Central African Republic and can be purchased in all local supermarkets. Imported products like Coca-Cola and Fanta are also available.


English lessons are available at the Martin Luther King Center at the US Embassy. French and Sango lessons can be found at Alliance Francaise. There is also a university in Bangui with undergraduate degrees and some graduate programs.


There are countless opportunities to work teaching English or for any of several humanitarian or religious organizations in the Central African Republic. Many of the streets of Bangui are lined with organizations such as MSF (Doctors Without Borders), UNICEF, International Red Cross, European Union, WHO, Institut Pasteur, Catholic Relief Serices, COOPI and many others. Most organizations participate in health and development programs, although others deal with education, religion, etc. Speaking French is essential for someone who wants to participate effectively in working with these organizations, as English is rarely spoken, even in Bangui.


The Harmattan winds, which are hot, dry and dusty, affect the northern areas. Floods are common.

The police manning the checkpoints will demand bribes, expect no less than US $ 5; There are many reports that a trip from the Cameroon border to Bangui will cost hundreds of US dollars or euros in bribes. The police often confiscate an item (passport, camera, watch) and demand money for it. Armed robberies on the country's highways are common. Violent crime in the capital is common even in daylight, particularly around the "kilometer 5" bus station. Alcoholism is a major problem for city dwellers, so watch out for drunks and don't even think about drinking with the locals (you'll be drunk).


In theory, visitors can obtain a filming permit from the Bangui Ministry of Tourism within two days. In practice, however, photography is viewed with suspicion and does not displease not only with the police or the army around the usual sensitive places (government buildings, infrastructure, checkpoints), but with ordinary people almost everywhere. . Taking photos in a conspicuous manner will attract negative attention and you should ask permission to take the photo of anyone, even in public places.


Some areas of Bangui have clean and filtered drinking water, so it is safe to drink water that is served in some restaurants and bars. However, the purity of the water is not reliable and therefore it is safer to buy bottled water, boil or filter water. Outside the capital there is no guarantee of purity of the water. All food must be cooked or peeled before being served, particularly food bought from local markets, where hygiene is a concern. If any illness arises, it is best to seek advice from one of the doctors at an embassy (the embassy of France and of USA. They have good doctors) or in a clinic of an organization like Institut Pasteur. Local clinics and hospitals sometimes have a limited supply of necessary resources, such as syringes, medicines, etc.


Locals often eat with their hands. If you are eating with them and using your hands as well, be sure to eat with your right hand. The left is usually used for the bathroom and therefore it is rude or unattractive to them if you eat with said hand.

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