Lubiaszów nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Lubiaszów

Established in 1958 "Lubiaszów" nature reserve has an area of ​​202.4 ha and is located in municipalities Sulejów and Wolbórz in Piotrków County, voivodeship of Lodz, in Poland.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 25′41 ″ N 19 ° 52′15 ″ E

The protection covers a mixed forest with a large share of fir, which is a remnant of a well-preserved primeval forest The Pilica Forest. Here, multi-species old stands have been preserved, including the most important site in the region silver fir. The entire reserve is one of the most important clusters of old trees in the Pilica Forest, which are over 140 years old Polish larches as well as a group of over 100 two-hundred-year-olds pedunculate oaks.

The most valuable trees in the reserve include silver fir, approx. 160 years old, 3 m in circumference and 37 m high, over 200-year-old English oak, small-leaved lime and sycamore maple.
The trees sow and regenerate very well, especially the fir.
Rare plants deserve attention: common periwinkle, Cuckoo Fuchs, the common spotted eagle, European bed bug, if forked crow, evergreen climber common ivy; Perennial rare in Poland goldenhead lily if greenish knee; also a shrub daffodil daffodil.
Most of them were included in the "Red List of Endangered Vascular Plants in Poland".
The reserve is located approx. 13 km north of Wolborz, through the villages of Żarnowica and Koło, and then to the east through the village of Golesze Nowe.

Geographical Coordinates