The nature reserve of Zabrzeźnia - Rezerwat przyrody Zabrzeźnia

Created on July 25, 1984 floristic nature reserve "Zabrzeźnia", has an area of ​​27.62 ha and is located in the Grotniki forest district, in the commune Mainly in you will say Zgierz, voivodeship of Lodz, in Poland. Łowicz-Błońska Plain Mesoregion.
Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 58′20 ″ N 19 ° 41′20 ″ E

The main purpose of establishing the reserve is the preservation and protection of silver fir (Abies alba), occurring in this reserve on the northern border of its natural range, and the naturalization of the oak-hornbeam complexes occurring in the reserve.
In 1994, 78 fir trees were listed in the reserve, including 4 dying and 3 dry. The highest ones exceeded 30 m in height and were 110-165 cm in diameter at breast height.
Uroczysko is a remnant of a natural complex of mixed forests with fir, which grows here on the lowest position in the country. The stands are dominated by: pedunculate oak, hornbeam, Scots pine and warty birch. The undergrowth includes: mountain ash, dogwood, buckthorn and euonymus.
The reserve is located next to the border of Głowno, 3 km from the city center.
Type of reserve: floristic. Type of reserve: biocenotic and physiocenotic, sub-type of the reserve: natural and semi-natural biocoenoses, ecosystem type: forest and coniferous, ecosystem sub-type: upland forests.

Geographical Coordinates