Ribadesella - Ribadesella

The Council of Ribadesella It is located in the eastern part of the Principality of Asturias, Spain. It has an area of ​​84.37 km2. It limits the north with the Cantabrian Sea; to the south with the Councils of Cangas de Onís and Parres; east with that of Llanes and to the west with that of Caravia.

The highest point is the Monfrecho, with 897 m., Located in the Sierra de La Escapa on the border with Cangas de Onís. The main course of the council is the Sella river, which flows into the Ribadesella estuary.

To get

By car

  • From Madrid: Probably the most comfortable alternative is to take the A-6 / AP-6 to Benavente where it connects with the A-66 / AP-66. In Mieres del Camino You can take the AS-1 "Autovía Minera" to merge into the A-64 in the vicinity of Pola de Siero, and then take the A-8 until exit 333 (Ribadesella Oeste).
  • You can choose, from Madrid, to take the N-601 in Adanero (Ávila) when leaving the AP-6 to continue on Olmedo, Valladolid Y Medina of Rioseco and turn off at Mansilla de las Mulas along the N-625 to reach Riaño through Cistierna. Here it continues towards Cangas de Onís, going through the incredible Gorge of the Beyos, through which the River Sella since his birth in the Hell Fountain. Following this road you get to Arriondas, from where the N-634 takes us following the right bank of the river Sella to Ribadesella. With this route we will follow the river from its source to its mouth in the Cantabrian Sea.
This alternative itinerary, in its final part from Mansilla de las Mulas, can be taken from the A-66, diverting to the A-231 in Onzonilla, continuing through Palanquinos to the N-601 to take the N-625 in Mansilla de las Mulas .
  • From Santander and the Eastern Cantabrian is reached directly through the N-634 / A-8 that is abandoned at exit 326 (Ribadesella Este).
  • From Gijon and Galicia: It can be accessed by the A-8 until exit 333 (Ribadesella Oeste).

By bus

The company ALSA offers several services that can take us to this council, with routes from Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Bilbao, Valladolid, Oviedo, Gijón, Santander.

By plane

The Asturias airport It is located in the council of Castrillón, 105 km from Ribadesella. You can hire a taxi prior to your arrival at the airport by calling 34 659763942.

By train

Stations Renfe closest to Ribadesella are those of Oviedo and Gijón, while FEVE (Spanish Narrow Gauge Railways) It has a station in the Villa itself.


Parking problems, especially in the summer months. Coinciding with the International Descent of the Sella Parking areas are usually established outside the main nucleus of the Council in order to avoid, as far as possible, the collapse of the municipality.

In taxi

Due to the remoteness of these areas it is recommended to use the Ribadesella taxi (659763942), located on Ramon Soto street.


Panel of Prehistory.

In the main nucleus of Ribadesella is the Palace of Pietro-Cutre, seat of the City Council [1], 17th century. Also in the old town of the town we can find what was the painter's birthplace Darío de Regoyos, known as "The Shield" for which it is seen on its façade.

It is interesting to see the frescoes that adorn the vaults of the parish church, the work of the Riosella brothers Uría-Aza, recently restored. One of the houses on the beach was his property and he has an interesting collection of sculptures in his garden.

It is worth taking a walk along the beach of Sta. Marina, the main sandy area of ​​the Council, and enjoying the houses of the Indians, built in many cases by those who emigrated to Latin America in the 19th century and made their fortune; several of them date from the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays some have been converted into nice hotels.

In 2006, on the Paseo de la Grúa, the Port route composed of six panels designed by the comedian and academic Antonio Mingote that run through the History of the Council from Prehistory to the present day.

You can not miss the Tito Bustillo Cave (declared World Heritage on July 7, 2008 by UNESCO along with sixteen other caves of the Cantabrian coast) proof that 15,000 years ago there were already men in what would later become Ribadesella. In addition to the guided visit to the cave, which is carried out with a reduced daily quota to try to preserve the remains that are inside, it has an interesting exhibition and didactic classroom. In August 2008, work began for the construction of the Tito Bustillo Interpretation Center, with the laying of the first stone.

In the surroundings of the main nucleus of the Council you can find remains of prehistoric times, with dinosaur tracks at the western end of the Sta. Marina beach (Punta del Pozo / Punta'l Pozu) and in the cliffs of Tereñes.

3.5 km from the center of Ribadesella, on the left bank of the estuary is the village of Junco / Xuncu, in which we can find the Romanesque Church of Sta. María in a privileged position from which the entire Sella estuary can be seen.

Also on the left bank of the Sella is the nucleus of Water Caves, whose only natural access is through a cave excavated in the mountain. It has an impressive collection of stalactites and stalagmites. Arriving at this nucleus, 7.5 km away from the center, is a beautiful excursion that can begin at the entrance of the Tito Bustillo Cave.

In the eastern part of the Council, already on the border with that of Llanes, we can find the mouth of the Guadamía river that has a small and beautiful beach. The cliffs that surround the mouth, due to the materials that form them and the karst phenomena, have been pierced by numerous chimneys. In situations of high tide and swell, it is spectacular to see how the sea "breathes": suddenly, in the middle of the ground, a column of water appears thrown under pressure.

At the western end of Ribadesella, very close to the border with the Council of Caravia, are the Vega and Berbes beaches. It is a wide sandy area that opens onto the Cantabrian Sea at the mouth of the Acebo River. Access to it is made from the N-632 through a short but spectacular gorge, known as "Entrepeñas", which takes us from Barredo / Barreu to Vega. Part of this beach is classified as a protected landscape.

To eat

As in all the Cantabrian Coast, the places to eat well are abundant. If we are looking for restaurants:

  • Basilio House, Manuel Caso de la Villa, 50. It has an interesting menu of fish and seafood.
  • The Huertona, Ctra. De La Piconera.
  • Restore Xico, López Muñiz, 9, next to the parish church and the Town Hall.
  • Tista House, in Toriello, 4 km from the main town towards Llanes.

If we prefer tapas, although in almost all of them it is possible to eat "to the letter":

  • The Tarteru, in the port itself, Marqués de Argüelles, 3.
  • La Portiella, in Tereñes, 3 km to the west of the main center. Tapas and dishes a la carte. Nice views of the Cantabrian Sea.
  • The bowling alley, in El Carmen, 4 km inland from the council.

Drink and go out

Most of the nightclubs are concentrated in the center of Ribadesella itself.

  • The Apothecary
  • The corner
  • Big night pub. These three stores are located on the Gran Vía de Agustín Argüelles.
  • Disco Pub Riot, in Marqués de Argüelles.
  • The toll.

In a more traditional plan we can try the typical Asturian cider in one of the many winches (bars) of the council. In addition to the aforementioned places to go "for tapas" we can include:

  • The Cafetín, in C / Comercio.
  • Carroceu cider house, in Marqués de Argüelles.
  • Breakwater, in C / Manuel Fernández Juncos.
  • Cider House The Guide, Avda. Palacio Valdés.

In all of them, you can also eat; Perhaps not as extensive menus as in restaurants, but generally with good quality.


The hotel offer in the Council has grown considerably in recent years thanks to the rural tourism.

In the beach area

  • Gran Hotel del Sella, in La Playa s / n. Part of the hotel is one of the old beach chalets. ****
  • Hotel Villa Rosario, in Dionisio Ruisánchez, 6. Located in an old restored beach villa, its roof formed by colored ceramic tiles is interesting. It also has a good restaurant. ****
  • Hotel Don Pepe, at Dionisio Ruisánchez, 12 ***
  • Hotel Ribadesella Playa, in Ricardo Cangas, 3. It is also an old restored beach villa. ***
  • Picolo hotel, at Ricardo Cangas, 26. *
  • Hotel Boston, in El Pico, 7. Cozy and economical family hotel 300 meters from the town center and less than a hundred meters from Sta Marina Beach. *

In the urban area

  • Hotel Brisas del Sella, in El Corvero, 9. An impressive view of the Ribadesella estuary and beach. **
  • Hotel Marina, in Gran Vía de Agustín Argüelles, 36. Right in front of the bridge that serves as the goal in the International Descent of the Sella. **
  • Hotel Covadonga, in Manuel Caso de la Villa, 6. *
  • Pension Arbidel 20 meters from Gran Vía.

Rural hotels

  • Hotel Camangu , in Camangu.
  • Hotel Tereñes Costa, in Tereñes.
  • Rural hotel Paraje del Asturcón, in Junco.
  • Rural hotel El Faro, on the road from the Ribadesella lighthouse on Mount Somos.
  • Trasgu village, Ribadesella
  • Hotel Mirador del Sella, in Junco.

Village houses

Lately this type of accommodation has proliferated, which normally give us the comfort of hotels and the independence of an apartment.

  • Camangu House , in Camangu, 4Km from the urban area of ​​Ribadesella.
  • La Xana Village House, Pando
  • Villalen Village House, Cuerres
  • Under Los Tilos, Santianes del Agua


Those who are attracted to this type of accommodation have three establishments in the Council:

  • Camping Los Sauces, on the Ctra. de San Pedro, 1 km from the beach of Sta. Marina.
  • Camping Ribadesella, in Sebreño.
  • Campsite Playa de Vega, near said sandy area.


From Ribadesella there are numerous excursions to take:

  • Sanctuary of Covadonga (35 km) and Lakes of Covadonga (46 Km.), Popularized for being a regular end of the stage in the «Vuelta Ciclista a España».
  • Mirador del Fito (32 Km.), On horseback from the Councils of Parres, Colunga and Ribadesella.
  • Jurassic Museum of Asturias (30 Km.) Between Colunga and Lastres.
  • Gulpiyuri Beach (18 Km.), In Naves (Llanes); A very curious beach formed in the center of a meadow.
  • Ribadesella estuary (0 Km.), Where the river Sella empties and ends the descent of the Sella , which begins in Arriondas. An excursion to enjoy nature is the descent of the Sella by canoe, although the descent of the Sella in canoe during all times of the year. It is advisable to reserve a place in the summer time, the day with the most visitors of the year occurs on the first Saturday in August with the descent of the sella 2011 International (August 6).