Cangas de Onís - Cangas de Onís

Cangas de Onis is a city of Asturias, SpainInland town, located 25 km from Ribadesella, 11 km from Covadonga. It is a very beautiful typical Asturian town with a great atmosphere.

To get

By car

Roman bridge, Cangas de Onís
Cangas de Onís - Pintu Palace
Marketplace. Cangas de Onís
  • From Madrid - By the A-1 to Burgos; then take the N-627 towards Santander to Cabezón de la Sal where it connects with the A-8 / N-634. Continue along the same in the direction of Oviedo until exit 326 where you take the N-632 that by Arriondas takes us to Cangas de Onís. As an alternative, in Unquera you can take the N-621 to Panes, then turn off to the AS-114 that takes us to our destination following the course of the Deva and Cares, with their throats.

An excellent alternative, from Madrid, is to take the A-6 / AP-6 to Benavente, taking here the A-66 towards León and diverting to the A-231 in Onzonilla, continuing to Palanquinos to take the N- in Mansilla de las Mulas. 625 to reach Riaño through Cistierna. Here we continue towards Cangas de Onís, crossing the incredible Gorge of the Beyos, through which the river Sella since his birth in the source of Hell.

Another possibility is to leave the AP-6 in Adanero to take the N-601 here that goes through Olmedo, Valladolid and Medina de Rioseco takes us to Mansilla de las Mulas. The only drawback of this route is that most of the route is done on conventional roads. In return we will go through typical places of Castile, some known thanks to the Literature of the Golden Age (The Knight of Olmedo, by Lope de Vega); It is a great opportunity to taste the famous Castilian roasts.

By plane

The Asturias airport It is located in the council of Castrillón, 14 km from Avilés, 40 km from Gijón, 47 km from Oviedo and 124 km from Cangas de Onís. You can pre-hire a taxi by calling 985 84 87 97. The one in Santander It is located 137 km, in the municipality of Camargo.

By train

Stations Renfe closest to Cangas de Onís are those of Oviedo and Santander, while FEVE (Spanish Narrow Gauge Railways) It has the closest stations in Ribadesella, Arriondas and Llanes.


Parking problems.


  • Cangas de Onís Town Hall
  • Chapel of Santa Cruz
  • Church of Cangas de Onís
  • Church of San Martín de Grazanes.
  • Church of San Pedro de Con.
  • Church of Santa Eulalia de Abamia
  • Church of Santa Maria de Villaverde
  • Palace of Cortés
  • Pintu Palace
  • Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva
  • Roman bridge


  • Take advantage of the fact that you are Arriondas, and do the descent of the Sella.
  • Do not stop going to Mirador del Fito.
  • 11 km from Cangas is located Covadonga and a little higher the lakes of Enol and Ercina.
  • Don't forget to visit the beach. It is recommended the Sablon beach in Llanes, 50 km away, and that of Sta. Marina in Ribadesella.
  • It is also essential to visit Aguntín Ibarrola's colored cubes in the port of Llanes.
  • Canoe descents
  • Horse trails
  • Bungee jumping
  • Trekking

recommended the route to the forest of the bedules

To buy

Typical Asturian gastronomic products.

To eat

Several restaurants at an affordable price with a daily menu where you can taste the typical dishes of the area. (From € 9). Highly recommended the Arrive at Casa Juan

Drink and go out

Be sure to try the poured cider.


  • National Parador. Located in the Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva.
  • Hotel Los Robles, Located in the center of town. Good value for money with a lot of cleaning and good treatment.
  • The Inn of the MonasteryNice, clean hostel, as well as cheap.
  • Asprón Rural House[1], in the sanctuary of Covadonga, 12 km from Cangas de Onís. Rooms with bathroom and views of the Basilica.


See also