Natural Reserve of Nazzano, Tevere-Farfa - Riserva naturale di Nazzano, Tevere-Farfa

Natural Reserve of Nazzano, Tevere-Farfa
Tiber River in Torrita Tiberina
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Nazzano Tevere-Farfa Regional Nature Reserve is a protected area located in Lazio.

To know

Geographical notes

It extends to the border between Central Lazio is Eastern Lazio; is divided between the Roman countryside and the Sabina, in the municipalities of Nazzano, Torrita Tiberina is Montopoli di SabinaThe landscape of the Reserve is characterized by the morphology of the Tiber which flows slowly in this stretch, forming wide loops and meanders. The river valley, typically alluvial with deposits of clay, sand and gravel, is bordered by hills of modest size made up of sediments of marine origin.


The reeds, consisting mainly of straw and cattail, are sometimes embellished by the yellow flowering of the marsh iris while, on clayey soils, we find burdock and horsetail among the roots of white and red willows. This is the kingdom of many birds such as the reedbug, the reedbill, the water rail, the moorhen and the nutria, an allochthonous mammal of American origin that has naturalized for several decades in many Italian wetlands. with stagnant water, you can see the potamogetum, the American azolla and the curious duckweed with tiny rounded leaves.On the banks of the river, especially on the right bank, there is one of the few surviving examples of riparian wood low course of the Tiber formed by black and white poplars, laurels, alders and some English oaks. On the hilly slopes overlooking the Tiberina valley it is possible to observe the dark foliage of holm oak, especially where the slope is more steep, but also of deciduous oaks such as downy oaks and turkey oaks. The Judas tree, recognizable by bright purple spring blooms, the hornbeam, the hornbeam, the field maple as well as shrubby species such as the mastic, the viburnum and the small phillyrea contribute to form this wood of high naturalistic interest white and fragrant flowers.


View of the wetland

The rich presence of birds in the lake environment is one of the reasons of greatest interest for visitors. In addition to the ducks such as the mallard, the teal, the wigeon and the tufted duck, it is possible to observe the great grebe, the coot, the kingfisher and birds of prey such as the marsh harrier and the osprey. thins out is a very important habitat for the reproduction of fish, insects and amphibians such as the spotted newt and the green frog. The cultivated areas and pastures of the wide plain of Nazzano are mainly frequented by corvids, but they are also the places where it is easier to observe the skylark, the badger and reptiles such as the rat snake. for the little egret, the great white heron and the gray heron whose nesting has been documented. In the residual wooded environment the presence of porcupines, martens, wild cats and numerous small rodents, preferred prey of the barn owl and other nocturnal birds of prey is ascertained.


Between 1953 and 1955, ENEL built a dam on the Tiber river just downstream from the confluence with the Farfa stream for the production of electricity. the water level rose, with the consequent flooding of the surrounding land. Thus a kind of "lake" was formed, extending for about 300 hectares, capable of hosting a large number of bird species during their migrations.

The naturalistic importance of lake of Nazzano therefore led in 1968 to the creation of an oasis for the protection of fauna established thanks to the agreement between ENEL, the Municipality of Nazzano and WWF Italy. Following this protection, the birds increased further to the point that the area deserved to be included in 1977, by decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in the list of wetlands of international importance protected by the Ramsar Convention. 1979, in the area of ​​the old oasis and in some neighboring areas (occupied by woods and cultivated fields or pastures), the Lazio Region - with the law 4 April 1979, n. 21 - established the "Tevere-Farfa Nature Reserve", the first regional protected area including part of the territories of the municipalities of Nazzano is Torrita Tiberina. Today the reserve, which has become an "area of ​​regional interest" in accordance with the provisions of the law of the Lazio Region no. 27 of 1999, also includes a part of the territory of the municipality of Montopoli di Sabina.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

  • River Museum, Via Mazzini 4 (in Nazzano), 39 335 6880515, 39 0765 332002. Ecb copyright.svg1 € for visits without a guide; 2 € for group visits with a guide.. Simple icon time.svgTue-Thu-Sat-Sun 9: -15: 00. For visits on unscheduled days, contact the museum. It collects naturalistic and archaeological material.
It aims to raise awareness of the river ecosystem. The exhibition includes microscopes, aquariums, films and dioramas and has a strongly didactic slant.
The archaeological section is located in the basement and was built with the purchase of some ancient caves below: finds and fossils come not only from Nazzano but from the entire middle valley of the Tiber, with particular reference to the area of Lucus Feroniae which also included Nazzano.

What to do

  • Guided boat trips, 39 347 6104110, 39 347 9364173, @. Trips on ecological boats of the Reserve, with various durations according to the length of the routes.
  • Facilities for the observation of fauna. Watchtowers and huts for wildlife observation and birdwatching, along the paths of the Reserve, equipped with educational panels inside them.
  • Bikes. Within the Reserve, a bicycle rental service is available at the following facilities: Ecotourism Tevere Farfa; The farmhouse of the farmer; Agriturismo la Terrazza sul Tevere, whose contact details are indicated in the paragraph Where to eat.
  • Equestrian Center, In the Reserve, in the locality of Celli (in Torrita Tiberina), 39 333 3035334. Adjacent to the Agriturismo The moon on the Tiber.


Where to eat

The following dining places also offer accommodation options.

Where stay

Accommodation can also be found in the farmhouses indicated above in the paragraph Where to eat.


How to keep in touch



  • Franciscan sanctuaries in the Rieti plain - A path of nature, faith and art in the Sabina crossed by San Francesco, to visit the four Sanctuaries of the Holy Valley: Greccio, Poggio Bustone, The Forest, Fonte Colombo.

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