Sabina - Sabina

The plain of Rieti seen from Poggio Bustone
Sabina - Location

Sabina is a region ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

Sabina is a historical-geographical region ofcentral Italy, located in Eastern Lazio and borders to the east with Cicolano ed Abruzzo, south with the Central Lazio, north with Umbria is Marche. Its most important city today is Rieti.

Understood as a land inhabited by the Sabines, the region develops on the south-west - north-east axis starting from the Tiber and up to the Apennine watershed with the Marche. Nowadays 66% of the Sabina Region understood in this sense is part of the province of Rieti, with the exception of the Cicolano which historically was never a Sabine territory.

The parts of the remaining ancient Sabina are located in the province of Rome (Roman Sabina), in Umbria and in Abruzzo (Aterno valley until thethe Eagle).


The name of the region derives from the Sabines, an ancient Italic people that bordered to the west with the Etruscans, to the south with the Latins, to the north with the Umbrians and to the south with the Sannio. Rome are lost in the legend, even if it is certain that Romans and Sabines were for a long time in constant war with each other and that an interpenetration took place between the two peoples, so much so that from a certain moment the Sabines settled on the Quirinal hill, contributing considerably to the growth and the strengthening of Rome.

The legend of the rape of the Sabine women traces the relations between the two peoples immediately after the foundation of Rome, when Romulus, in search of alliances and women with whom to populate the city, kidnapped the women of the Sabines by deception, triggering the war between Rome and its neighboring peoples, of which only the Sabines remained invincible. The battle of Lake Curzio was interrupted only when the kidnapped women threw themselves into the arms of the contenders, imposing a truce between Romulus and Tito Tazio and the birth of a collaboration between the two peoples. According to a more purely historical version, it was the continuous search for lowland pastures that pushed the Sabines to press on the territory of Rome and to settle on the Quirinale.In any case, the Sabines, counted in the Roman tribe of the Tities, expressed two Kings of Rome ( Numa Pompilio and Anco Marzio) and gave rise to some of the most ancient Roman gens (Curtia, Pompilia, Marcia, Claudia, Valeria and Hostilia).

Although they lived together within the same walls, over the centuries the contrasts between Romans and Sabines remained strong, and there are numerous wars and military actions against each other. The Sabina was definitively subjected to Rome in 290 BC. by the consul Manio Curio Dentato; the Sabine population was offered Roman citizenship without the right to vote, but as early as 268 BC. she was granted Roman citizenship with inclusion in two new tribes, the Quirina and the Velina. Consul Manio Curio Dentato was also responsible for the reclamation of the ancient lacus Velinus, carried out by making the waters flow into the nearby Nera river and thus giving life to the Marmore waterfall, which allowed cultivation on the wide fertile plain of the Piana Reatina. of Italy it was included in the Regio IV, the Sannio, while in that diocletianea it belonged to the province of Valeria.

Its territory, in the Middle Ages, was partially aggregated to the Duchy of Spoleto, in part to the Roman Duchy (today's Roman Sabina) .With the birth of the Papal State, it was for a period directly governed by the pontiff, later entrusted to noble families, who established various territorial divisions, including the County of Sabina and the Sabinese patrimonium. The papal province of Sabina officially dates back to 1605, with the rectors' seat in Collevecchio, during the pontificate of Paul V (1605-1621), who resumed direct control over the aforementioned territory.

With the reorganization of the provincial districts launched in 1927, in an attempt to restore unity to the Sabina, the Mussolini government established 17 new provinces including the province of Rieti. The new province was obtained by uniting the territory of the Rieti district (which had been part of the province of Perugia from the unification of Italy until 1923, and at that time it was part of the province of Rome) with the territory of the former district of Cittaducale (formerly part of the province of Eagle degli Abruzzi); therefore the territories of the Roman, Umbrian and Abruzzese Sabina remained outside.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Rieti - Considered by the authors of the classical age the geographical center of Italy (Umbilicus Italiae) was founded at the beginning of the Iron Age and became an important city of the Sabines; still today its territory is identified as "Sabina".
  • Antrodoco - It is one of the municipalities that proclaims itself Center of Italy, in competition with Rieti. It develops at the southern entrance of the Gorges of the Velino.
  • Cittaducale - The city retains its low-medieval urban character intact, with an elliptical plan modeled on that of the traditional Castrum Romanum. Some sections of the walls with the characteristic defensive towers are still well preserved.
  • Lioness - It is a city of winter sports and is home to the "Campo Stella" ski resort located on the northern side of the Terminillo massif, renovated in 2013 with a new sheltering facility.

Other destinations

  • Farfa - It was one of the most powerful monastic communities in thecentral Italy between the 11th and 13th centuries. It preserves the crypt, bell tower and Lombard cloister of the original Romanesque complex.
  • Greccio - San Francesco left the Franciscan Abbey there as a tangible trace; as a spiritual legacy the memory of the first representation of the Living Nativity, which is repeated annually.
  • Mount Terminillo - Third highest mountain in Lazio and home to two ski resorts on both sides, Terminillo is also called The Mountain of Rome since it represents the most popular destination for skiers in the capital.

Site of environmental interest

  • Turano Lake - It stretches at the foot of Mount Navegna (1506 m), a natural reserve covered with woods, and is characterized by the presence on its banks of ancient villages and castles that are reflected in the clear waters rich in many species of fish that reach considerable sizes: a true paradise for fishermen who flock to its banks.
  • Monti Lucretili Natural Regional Park - Largely still uncontaminated, it preserves a great wealth and variety of flora and fauna. It offers a wide choice of paths and itineraries for walks in total immersion in nature.
  • Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia nature reserve - Located between Lake of the Salto and Lake Turano, the Reserve is characterized by a low level of anthropization and by the wide diffusion of woods, present in over 70% of its surface, with mountain, hilly and valley landscapes, numerous streams and waterways .

How to get

On the train

  • At Passo Corese there is the station of Fara Sabina-Montelibretti, located on the railway Rome-Orte (slow line), on which the FL1 regional service operates, with trains every 15 minutes to Rome Tiburtina and Fiumicino airport and every half hour to Poggio Mirteto.
The station is the main access node by train to the capital not only for the municipality of Fara in Sabina, but for the whole part of the Sabina that is located upstream of the railway, including the provincial capital Rieti (which is why a Passo Corese-Rieti railway has been suggested several times); Approximately 1.3 million passengers pass through it every year.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sabina
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sabina
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