Lioness - Leonessa

Piazza VII Aprile, the main square of Leonessa
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Lioness is a city of Lazio.

To know

Geographical notes

The municipal territory of Leonessa is located in the Eastern Lazio, in Sabina, along the northern side of the Terminillo and the Val Leonina (or Vallonina) descending from the Saddle of Lioness, then stretching on the homonymous plateau of Leonessa up to the border with theUmbria with the territory of the municipality of Monteleone di Spoleto is Cascia; it also includes the mountain of Cambio, 2,081 m high above sea level. and Mount Tilia and the Corno river flows through it.


Leonessa was founded in 1278 with the merger of various pre-existing castles, in the plateau at the foot of Mount Tilia. At the end of the 12th century, the foothills of the border between the State of the Church and the Kingdom of Naples, each of which headed a group of castles. This foundation is part of the synecism or fortification proceedings which, especially in Abruzzo in the XIII-XIV centuries they were at the origin of many agglomerations.

In the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries industries flourished, mainly the wool one, which found outlets in numerous shopping centers, from the markets of Farfa to those of Ascoli Piceno. Later the art of wool turned to decline, while continuing to absorb a considerable part of local craftsmanship. During the 1500s Leonessa was given a fief to Margaret of Austria, daughter of Charles V, who brought it as a dowry to the Farnese.The economic situation took a serious blow following the violent earthquakes of 1703, in which many public buildings were destroyed and numerous hamlets.

Until 1860 it was a municipality included in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, until it was occupied by the Kingdom of Sardinia, which in 1861 took the name of the Kingdom of Italy. It was already before free universityIn 1927 it passed from the province ofthe Eagle, included in the historic district of Cittaducale, to the newly established one of Rieti, belonging to Lazio instead ofAbruzzoAfter 8 September, the Leonessa area was affected by a strong partisan movement, and on 16 March 1944 the town and the surrounding hamlets were occupied by the partisans of the Antonio Gramsci Garibaldi Brigade, and incorporated into a free area that went from Valnerina. to Norcia and Leonessa, with the center Cascia. This was followed by a strong reaction from the German army, which attacked the area in force. Leonessa paid a high price in blood, when between 2 and 7 April there was a series of massacres (the Massacre of Leonessa) in which 51 civilians were killed, including the parish priest Don Concezio Chiaretti.


The city has been hit several times by earthquakes: on 30 November 1298 and in early December 1315, which partially destroyed the church of San Francesco and the adjoining convent, now home to the Civic Museum. Damages caused the earthquake of 1454.

The earthquake of 1703 was destructive. Numerous villages were razed to the ground in the Leonessano area and 800 people were killed. The 1979 earthquake in Valnerina caused several damage, even significant but without victims, such as that of 1997 in Colfiorito. Also the 2016 earthquake in Amatrice. -Arquata del Tronto-Accumoli did not cause victims but only superficial damage to some houses despite the proximity to the epicenter.

How to orient yourself


The territory of the Municipality of Leonessa is divided into Sesti, in which the thirty-nine Leonessane hamlets are located: Sesto di Corno, Sesto di Croce, Sesto di Forcamelone, Sesto di Poggio, Sesto di Torre and Sesto di Terzone, which bring together the villages of Albaneto, Capodacqua, Buccioli House, Casale dei Frati, Casanova, Colleverde, Corvatello, Cumulata, Fontenova, Fuscello, Ocre, Pianezza, Piedelpoggio, Sala, San Clemente, San Giovenale, Sant'Angelo in Trigillo, San Vito, Terzone, Vallimpuni, Vallunga, Viesci, Villa Alesse, Villa Berti, Villa Bigioni, Villa Bradde, Villa Carmine, Villa Ciavatta, Villa Climinti, Villa Colapietro, Villa Cordisco, Villa Gizzi, Villa Immagine, Villa Lucci, Villa Massi, Villa Pulcini, Villa Zunna, Vindoli and Volciano.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • Rome Ciampino Airport
  • Rome Fiumicino Airport

By car

  • A1 motorway Italy.svg Autostrada del Sole
from the north exit at Orte, continue for Terni, exit towards Terni Ovest, continue on the SS 79 following signs for Leonessa.
from the south exit a Cassino and follow the direction Rome, take the A 25 motorway towards L'Aquila, continue on the A 24 motorway Rome-L'Aquila, exit at L'Aquila Ovest, cross L'Aquila, Antrodoco and take the SS 471 for Leonessa.
  • From Rieti take the SS 79, cross Quattro Strade, Vignaletto, continue on the SS521 for Leonessa.

On the train

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Cotral bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Spoleto port. It marks the northern entrance to the city and dates back to the 15th century. From here the main streets of the historic center branch off and join the main square. These ancient arteries are characterized by the presence of beautiful buildings dating back to the sixteenth and sixteenth centuries, ie the period of greatest wealth of the city, thanks to the development of the wool industry that characterized its economy for a long time.
  • 2 Church of San Pietro and Convent, piazza VII Aprile. It was built on the main square at the end of the 13th century by the Augustinians. The entire structure adapts to the relief of the mountain and is divided into a lower church, Santa Maria delle Grazie, and an upper one dedicated to St. Peter.
Of the ancient convent which was an integral part of the religious complex, only a long loggia remains which extends along the entire length of the churches.
The devastation caused by the numerous earthquakes that have occurred over the centuries have forced reconstructions and restorations, so that the church now shows the baroque aspect of the post-earthquake reconstruction of 1703 inside.
The painting of the Madonna and Child between Saints Agostino, Carlo Borromeo and Caterina d'Alessandria, work of the seventeenth century by Giovanni Lanfranco da Parma; there Crowned Virgin with Saints John the Baptist, Francis and Mary Magdalene, attributed to the Caravaggesque painter Manfredi; there Madonna del Parto, by an anonymous seventeenth-century.
The lower church houses a Pity wood which is a sixteenth-century copy of Michelangelo's Pietà that can be seen in Rome in San Pietro; a Deposition from the Abruzzo school made in polychrome terracotta in the mid-16th century.
  • 3 Church of San Francesco and Convent, via San Francesco. The thirteenth century saw the beginning of the construction of this religious complex which shows an architectural evolution due to the prolongation of the works also in the following centuries. The nearby convent, the subject of a skilful restoration in recent times, shows a 15th century cloister with frescoes that narrate episodes from the life of San Francesco; will host the Demoanthropological Museum.
The church, whose façade is in red ashlars, characteristic of the religious architecture of the city, preserves frescoes dating back to the early fifteenth century in the crypt. Discovered in the nineties, they show a clear Giotto inspiration; depict Hell, Heaven, Madonna of the Olive, Passion and Resurrection of Christ.
A terracotta nativity scene that can be traced back to the sixteenth century Abruzzo art, as well as a wooden crucifix of the Umbrian school of the sixteenth century, makes a fine show of itself.
  • Church of Santa Maria del Popolo. Its construction dates back to the end of the 13th century; However, the works went on for a long time, and were definitively completed in the 16th century. The façade retains a late Gothic portal.
  • 4 Sanctuary of San Giuseppe da Leonessa, Corso San Giuseppe da Leonessa. The Sanctuary is dedicated to the highly venerated local saint born here in the mid-sixteenth century and preserves his remains as well as his heart, intact, in a seventeenth-century silver reliquary. Martyred in Constantinople, his body was stolen overnight on October 18, 1612 by some Leonessan faithful, and brought back home.
The baroque church dedicated to him was built in the first half of the eighteenth century on a previous oratory, in turn built on his birthplace.
The frescoes in the church are the work of Giacinto Boccanera (17th century) for the first dome, by Virginio Monti (1912) for the second dome. The organ is of German manufacture and dates back to 1759.
The Don Pio Palla Museum, annexed to the Sanctuary, preserves vestments and sacred objects dating back to the time of construction.

Events and parties

  • Pasquarella. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 5th. Groups of young people in traditional clothes sing Christmas carols in the streets. The following day of the Epiphany, sweets are distributed to children for whom a puppet show is set up.
  • Snow Festival. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday in February. with tasting of local products.
  • Easter period. Processions are held following an evocative and ancient popular ritual.
  • Feast of St. Joseph. Simple icon time.svgFebruary 4th. It is held in commemoration of the death of the native saint of the city.
  • Palio del Velluto and Fair of goods and livestock. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday in June. The ancient Fair ends with the Palio.
  • Torchlight procession of San Giuseppe da Leonessa. Simple icon time.svgfirst Sunday of July. Event still in honor of the local saint.
  • Great fair of goods and livestock. Fair of eighteenth-century origin, called frank because it was established free from customs.
  • August Leonessano. Rich review of shows: dance, ballet, theater, music. There are also numerous fairs and festivals in the hamlets.
  • Leonessana potato festival. It is held to sponsor the particularly prized and tasty potato.
  • Truffle festival in the snow. Simple icon time.svgin December. A truffle dog race is held, which identifies it even when the earth is covered with half a black snow.
  • Living nativity scene. Simple icon time.svgin the Christmas period. It is inspired by the terracotta nativity scene of the church of San Francesco; on December 24th polenta with mulled wine.

What to do

Leonessa includes part of the Mount Terminillo; the mountain massif is a destination for summer tourism but above all for winter. Leonessa has ski lifts on its side and ski slopes.

  • Ski. The massif is home to two ski resorts, one more famous and popular on the southern side which takes its name directly from the massif (Terminillo) and located in the locality Campoforogna (1640 m a.s.l.), the other located on the opposite northern side (Leonessa-Campo Stella), geographically not connected to each other. Both stations have a potential catchment area covering theUmbria, all the Northern Lazio ed Oriental, with Rieti is Viterbo, and part of that central ie part of the province of Rome.
The southern station of Terminillo is located 20 km from the city of Rieti with which it is connected through the state road 4 bis del Terminillo. It has 4 ski lifts located between 1500 and 2108 meters above sea level, 40 km of slopes dedicated to alpine skiing and 20 km of tracks dedicated to Nordic skiing, as well as the presence of good accommodation facilities.
Discovered by Mussolini and built in the Fascist period among the first of the Apennines, then very popular in the sixties and seventies, the locality suffered the competition of the nearby stations ofAbruzzo in the eighties and nineties, failing to keep up with the rest of thecentral Italy, also because of the lack of a motorway connection.
The historic cable car built in 1938 is still functioning, in the departure station there are the decorations made by the avant-garde painter Achille Dal Lago.
In the two-year period 2005-2007, as part of a plan for the modernization of the facilities, new four-seater chairlifts were installed and an overall plan to extend the mileage of the slopes is envisaged, to complete the connection with the Vallonina and the ski lifts. Campo Stella.
Unique in all of Central Italy is the lighting of the cross-country trails that can also be used in the middle of the night.
  • Hiking. Terminillo also offers the possibility of alternative tourism development to skiing, starting from the landscape which, in particular in the eastern area, recalls the Venetian Dolomites. Numerous and varied walks. The presence of fauna and flora are relatively modest, given the important altitudes already starting from the town (1650 a.s.l.) and the ski lifts present have not had a significant environmental impact. To date, however, this mountain has constantly seen interest in sports such as trekking (sky race, mountain running race along the CAI paths) and thesummer and winter hiking, also connected to the religious and spiritual themes of the Way of Francis.
Moreover, theMountain climbing and climbing are activities practiced on Terminillo for over forty years. In fact, above all the bastions of the East and North walls offer the possibility of both summer and winter mountaineering ascents (just remember, by way of example, the popular climbing routes on the walls of the so-called Central Spur of the East wall and, as for winter ascents, the Chiaretti-Pietrostefani canal on the north-east side). Worthy of interest, especially in winter, is the Sassetelli Crest which winds north of the summit. In addition, the small mountain group immediately adjacent to the Valloni Mountains (Monte Elefante, highest peak 2,015 m) presents mountaineering and winter ski mountaineering itineraries of remarkable beauty and complexity: ice falls, mixed channels and classic routes with considerable exposure.
There are numerous walking routes that lead to the top or secondary peaks, from both sides. From the top the view sweeps 360 ° over the below plain of Rieti, on the whole Sabina up to the Roman countryside, on the mountains of upper Lazio (Monte Pozzoni), the Sibillini Mountains, the Monti della Laga, the Gran Sasso d'Italia, the Cicolano, the Mountains of the Duchess, the massif of Monte Velino and the Carseolani Mountains. Close to Saddle of Lioness at an altitude of 1820 m there is the CAI Angelo Sebastiani Refuge.
There are also several possibilities for bicycle excursions both by road with the typical ascent to the Sella di Leonessa from both sides, southern and northern, and by MTB on the numerous dirt paths that the massif offers. In particular, the unpaved ascent from the eastern side along the typically mountain road that climbs up to the is highly suggestive Saddle give her Gorges of the Velino through the municipality of Micigliano.


  • It is a typical product crushed salami, devoid of fat as it is made to rest under weights.
  • The sfusellati they are a typical long homemade pasta which is given a particular shape with sticks of old umbrellas.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Giampaoli, Corso S. Giuseppe, 121, 39 0746 922114.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Terni - Actively industrial city, nevertheless it has a historical center of good interest. The spectacular ones are just a few kilometers away Marmore Falls they are a destination of great tourist attraction.
  • Rieti - Considered by the authors of the classical age the geographical center of Italy (Umbilicus Italiae) was founded at the beginning of the Iron Age and became an important city of the Sabines; still today its territory is identified as "Sabina".
  • L'Aquila - It is slowly but tenaciously reborn after the earthquake of 2009. Santa Maria di Collemaggio, San Bernardino, the Spanish Fort, the Fountain of the 99 spouts are its major monuments.
  • Spoleto - The city's cathedral is one of the most beautiful Umbrian monuments; the Festival dei Due Mondi is one of the most important cultural events in Italy.


  • Saddle of Lioness - Road route that connects the cities of Leonessa and Rieti through the Apennine pass of Sella di Leonessa.
  • Franciscan sanctuaries in the Rieti plain - A path of nature, faith and art in the Sabina crossed by San Francesco, to visit the four Sanctuaries of the Holy Valley: Greccio, Poggio Bustone, The Forest, Fonte Colombo.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lioness
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lioness
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