Viterbo - Viterbo

Viterbo - Porta Romana and San Sisto bell tower
Coat of arms
Viterbo - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
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Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Viterbo (in Viterbo Vetèrbe) is the capital ofprovince of the same nameLazio.

To know

The city has ancient origins (it is believed that Viterbo derives from the Latin Vetus Urbs, meaning Old Town) and has a vast medieval historic center, with some well-preserved neighborhoods, surrounded by walls and surrounded by modern neighborhoods, except to the west, where they extend archaeological and thermal areas (necropolis of Castel d'Asso, source of Bullicame, Roman theater of Ferento).

Geographical notes

Viterbo is located between 2 extinct volcanoes, i Volsini Mountains. The Lake of Bolsena, the largest volcanic lake inEurope is located 15 km from the city while the Vico lake is 10 km.


Viterbo has Etruscan origins. Between 1100 and 1300 it was one of the most important cities ofEurope. During the thirteenth century it controlled about 50 castles, and for several decades it was also a place of refuge for popes fleeing Rome, not for nothing is it historically known as the "City of the Popes": in the thirteenth century it was in fact a papal seat and for about 24 years the Papal Palace hosted or there were elected various Popes. Pope Alexander IV decided in 1257 the transfer of the Papal Curia to the city due to the hostile climate present in Rome; the papal stay lasted, except for brief interruptions, until Pope Martin IV, just elected (February 22, 1281), definitively removed the papal court from Viterbo.

It was also the scene of one of the battles between the potential invaders of Rome and the papal armies. Later, when the papacy first moved to Orvieto and later to Avignon, the city of Viterbo gradually lost importance. It was then struck by the plague that decimated the population and by a devastating earthquake in 1349. In the first half of the 20th century it was damaged by the urbanization interventions wanted by the fascist regime and later by the bombing of the allies during the Second World War. Today its population is practically the same as in the 13th century.

How to orient yourself

The historic center of Viterbo is enclosed by medieval walls which have come almost intact to this day.

The most important street in the center is the course (corso Italy) that crosses Verdi Square, also known as Piazza del Teatro.

From Piazza Verdi the via Matteotti leads to piazza della Rocca with a Vignola fountain and the Church of San Francesco. It is so called because the Rocca di Albornoz overlooks it, today the seat of the National Archaeological Museum.

Continuing on the course you cross the small one Piazza delle Erbe and is therefore reached Piazza del Plebiscito, locally referred to as Piazza del Comune. It is dominated by the 14th century Palazzo dei Priori and still today the seat of the municipality of Viterbo.

It starts from piazza del Plebiscito via San Lorenzo that crosses the piazza del Gesù, among the oldest in Viterbo, dominated by the Romanesque façade of the church of San Silvestro and by a medieval tower. Continuing on, you will find Piazza della Morte and on the right, after crossing a bridge on the underlying Via di S. Antonio, Piazza San Lorenzo, in an elevated position above the historic center. The most representative monuments of Viterbo overlook it. the cathedral, the palace and the papal loggia,

Back on the bridge, take the via del Pellegrino which reaches the famous district of the same name, consisting of medieval houses with a characteristic external staircase.

On the way back to Piazza del Plebiscito it must not be overlooked Piazza Fontana Grande, adorned with a 13th century fountain and the nearby church of San Sisto leaning against Porta Romana which opens onto the eastern section of the ancient walls.

How to get

By car

The shortest way to reach Viterbo from the North or South-Italy is to take the "A1"until the junction of Orte getting onto the SS675, the Umbro-Laziale highway. Viterbo is 30 km from the Orte junction.

Those who travel for tourist purposes and have more time available may find it interesting to take the Via Cassia or at least some sections of this ancient Roman consular road that leads from Florence to Rome it winds through picturesque countryside, crossing suggestive villages, many of which are of Etruscan origin.

  • From Rome: Exit from G.R.A. for the S.S. 2 / b Cassia bis which enters the S.S. 2 Cassia (about 85 km dual carriageway up to Monterosi, then 2 choices: continue on the Cassia passing by Capranica or turn right passing by Ronciglione and along the Strada Cimina)
  • From the towns north of Viterbo on the Tyrrhenian coast the S.S.1 Aurelia is used up to Montalto di Castro or the A12 a Tarquinia and proceed towards Viterbo crossing respectively Tuscania or Monte Romano is Vetralla.
  • From the highway of the sun, Exit Orte continue on the highway towards Viterbo (about 28 km) from Florence Exit Attigliano and continue in the direction Bomarzo, Viterbo (23 Km)

On the train

Viterbo-Porta Fiorentina, is the station where the trains of the FR3 line coming from the Ostiense station of Rome. To travel this route it takes 50 minutes, while from Attigliano (in the province of Terni) takes 30 minutes.

The Roma Nord trains also terminate here, coming from the Roma-Flaminio station and following a different route. Both lines are widely used by commuters so avoid rush hours.

By bus

The buses of the COTRAL regional bus lines connect Viterbo to the other centers of the province. From Rome they leave from the Saxa Rubra station at the stop of the trains coming from the Rome-Flaminio.

How to get around

The historic center is small enough to be easily explored on foot.

By public transport

Viterbo's public transport is managed by the Francigena company, which uses 15 bus lines.

What see

The town hall in Piazza Plebiscito
The Cathedral of San Lorenzo
Viterbo - Papal Palace
  • Medieval walls and 13 access gates. Simple icon time.svg1. The medieval walls are about 4km long and surround the historic center. The construction works began in 1095 and present different construction techniques depending on the period to which they date back. Along the walls there are protruding towers and 13 doors open at variable distances, two of which are now walled up.
  • 1 Palace of the Popes (Papal Palace), Piazza San Lorenzo, 39 320 7911328, @. Simple icon time.svg10: 0013: 00 and 15: 00-19: 00. The Palace, originally the bishop's residence, dates back to the 13th century and was the residence of six popes from 1257 to 1281. It can be visited together with the Museo del Colle del Duomo and the hidden parts of the Cathedral. The most important parts of the palace are certainly the Loggia delle benedizioni (Loggia dei Papi) and the Aula del Conclave, where the first and longest conclave in history lasted 33 months, when the local population, tired of the cardinals who employed too long to elect a pope, he locked them all up until they came to a decision. The practice continues even today when the cardinals shut themselves up inside the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican to elect the new pope. Palazzo dei Papi (Viterbo) on Wikipedia Palace of the Popes (Q1639175) on Wikidata
  • 2 Colle del Duomo Museum, Piazza San Lorenzo, 1 (Next to the cathedral of San Lorenzo), @. Sacred Art Museum. On the ground floor there are canvases and paintings while on the 1st floor there are sacred vestments, reliquaries, chalices and monstrances. From the rooms of the museum it is possible to climb to the top of the gothic bell tower of the Duomo. Colle del Duomo Museum on Wikipedia Colle del Duomo Museum (Q3867911) on Wikidata
  • 3 Viterbo Cathedral (Cathedral of San Lorenzo), @. The cathedral dates from the 12th century, but the facade is from the 16th century and the tower from the 14th. There is the tomb of Pope John XXI. Pope Alexander IV was buried there, but his tomb was inexplicably destroyed during renovations in the 16th century. According to legend, the cathedral was built on the site of the Etruscan temple of Hercules. Viterbo Cathedral on Wikipedia Cathedral of San Lorenzo (Q1736131) on Wikidata
  • 4 Palazzetto of Valentino della Pagnotta, Piazza San Lorenzo. It was built and inhabited in the 13th century by Valentino della Pagnotta, a wealthy farmer, elected Prior of the City in 1458. It is one of the best preserved medieval houses in the historic center.
  • 5 Church of San Silvestro. Located along the Via Francigena, between Piazza del Gesù and Via del Pellgrino, it is one of the oldest churches. Church of San Silvestro (Viterbo) on Wikipedia church of San Silvestro (Q3672058) on Wikidata
  • 6 San Pellegrino medieval district. Crossing Via San Pellegrino San Pellegrino district, one of the two medieval districts of Viterbo. In the district there are thirteenth-century towers and palaces, often with profferlo, which maintain their medieval appearance San Pellegrino district on Wikipedia San Pellegrino district (Q16593550) on Wikidata
  • 7 Museum of the Porters Sodality of Santa Rosa, Via San Pellegrino, 60, 39 0761 345157, @. Ecb copyright.svgFree entry. Simple icon time.svgHours: Wednesday to Sunday 10-13 / 15-19. Inside it is possible to receive information on the association, view the video of the transport of the Santa Rosa machine (Patrimonio UNESCO from November 2013) and appreciate the models of the machines made for past editions. Museum of the association of porters of Santa Rosa on Wikipedia Santa Rosa Porters' Association Museum (Q3867975) on Wikidata
  • 8 Pianoscarano medieval district. Pianoscarano is the oldest district of the city. The district is between Paradox Park is Porta Fiorita.
  • 9 Church of San Sisto, Piazza San Sisto. The church built in Romanesque style before 1068. Due to the difference in height between the medieval walls and the country plan, the presbytery and the choir behind it were built at a greater height and connected to the old church with an imposing staircase. Every year, on the evening of September 3, the transport of the Santa Rosa car and in the church the porters receive the blessing "in articulo mortis". Church of San Sisto (Viterbo) on Wikipedia church of San Sisto (Q3672092) on Wikidata
  • 10 Ceramics Museum, via Cavour 67, 39 0761 227644, fax: 39 0761 227644, @. Set up in the rooms of the sixteenth-century Palazzo Brugiotti, the museum exhibits everyday objects that testify to life in Upper Lazio as it took place in the 12th and 13th centuries.
  • 11 Church of S. Maria Nuova, Piazza Santa Maria Nuova. This is one of the oldest churches in Viterbo, built in 1080 on the remains of a temple. Externally, on the left, there is a pulpit on a column, from where Saint Thomas Aquinas preached. The church has a wide range of frescoes from the Viterbo school and paintings between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. In the apse of the left aisle there is a precious triptych of 1180 painted on leather with the effigy of Christ. Church of Santa Maria Nuova (Viterbo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria Nuova (Q3673507) on Wikidata
Viterbo - Church of San Francesco
  • 12 Piazza Del Plebiscito.
  • 13 Priory palace, Piazza del Plebiscito. It dates back to 1263. Inside there is a courtyard garden with arches from 1682 with an elegant Baroque fountain and a beautiful view. There are some interesting frescoes.
  • 14 Church of Sant'Angelo in Spatha, Piazza del Plebiscito. The Lombard-Romanesque style church is already mentioned in a bull of Pope Leo IV from around 850. Church of Sant'Angelo in Spatha on Wikipedia church of Sant'Angelo in Spatha (Q3672520) on Wikidata
  • 15 Church of Santa Maria del Suffragio, Corso d'Italia. Inside the church there is a rare fresco by the famous architect Luigi Vanvitelli. Church of Santa Maria del Suffragio (Viterbo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria del Suffragio (Q1121515) on Wikidata
  • 16 Church of San Giovanni in zoccoli, Via Giuseppe Mazzini. The construction of the church is before the year 1037.
  • 17 civic Museum, Piazza Francesco Crispi, 2, 01100 Viterbo VT, 39 0761 348276, 39 0761 348275. Simple icon time.svgClosed for renovation (Year 2010). It houses a collection of sketches of the Machine of Santa Rosa from the 17th to the 19th century Civic Museum (Viterbo) on Wikipedia Civic Museum (Viterbo) (Q3867770) on Wikidata
  • 18 Church of Santa Maria della Verità, Crispi square. In the church there is a cycle of frescoes in the Nazzatosta chapel by the painter Lorenzo da Viterbo. Church of Santa Maria della Verità (Viterbo) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria della Verità (Q36512748) on Wikidata
  • 19 Museum of the House of Santa Rosa, Via Casa di Santa Rosa. Housed in the monastery of Santa Rosa including, besides the sanctuary, the house of the Saint.
  • 20 Church of San Francesco, Piazza San Francesco. Built in the 13th century in Romanesque-Gothic style, the church was completely destroyed by bombing in 1944. It was rebuilt in 1953. There is the superb mausoleum of Pope Adriano V, who died in Viterbo in 1276 and the mausoleum of Pope Clement IV, who died in Viterbo in 1268. There are also the remains of the tomb of the so-called "one-day pope", Cardinal Vicedomino Vicedomini, who would have become Gregory XI had he not died the night after his election in 1276. Basilica of San Francesco alla Rocca on Wikipedia basilica of San Francesco alla Rocca (Q2219514) on Wikidata
  • 21 Rocca Albornoz, Piazza della Rocca, 21 / b. Ecb copyright.svg6 €. Simple icon time.svgMuseum Tue-Sun 8: 30-19: 30. Almost destroyed by the bombings of 1944. It took over a century to build and complete it in 1462. The Rocca Albornoz houses the National Etruscan Museum.
  • 22 National Etruscan Museum, Piazza della Rocca, 21b, 39 0761 325929. Ecb copyright.svgEntrance fee. Simple icon time.svgHours: 8:30 - 19:30. Closed on Christmas, New Year's Eve, May 1st and every Monday. Set up in the Rocca Albornoz
  • 23 Etruscan tagliata from Strada Signorino, Strada Signorino. It is the longest and deepest Etruscan cut existing in Tuscia. It is crossed by the Via Francigena (Leg 41 Viterbo-Vetralla) and on the vertical tuff walls there are still ex voto left by the pilgrims. Before the asphalting and widening of the roadway carried out in 2010 by the Municipal Administration, the Etruscan cut had a width reduced to less than two meters and the roadbed was made of tufaceous stone with still the furrows of the wagons that had traveled through it in thousands of years.
  • 24 Sanctuary of the Madonna della Quercia, Sanctuary Square La Quercia locality. It is located about two kilometers from Viterbo in the locality of La Quercia. It is one of the most notable examples of Italian Renaissance art.
  • 25 Villa Lante (In Bagnaia, 3km from the city). Garden of the sixteenth century considered among the most beautiful inItaly, created in the mannerist style of the architect Vignola. Villa Lante (Bagnaia) on Wikipedia Villa Lante (Q2165810) on Wikidata
  • 26 Abbey of San Martino al Cimino. It is located about 7 km from Viterbo, in the hamlet of San Martino nel Cimino. The Gothic-style abbey is located on the path of the via Francigena di monte. Erected by Benedictine monks before 838 in 1145 Pope Eugene III entrusted it to the Cistercian monks. Abbey of San Martino al Cimino on Wikipedia abbey of San Martino al Cimino (Q1775903) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • 1 San Pellegrino in Bloom, Via San Pellegrino (Last week of April).
  • Caffeine Festival (June), @. Festival that presents cultural events with national and international writers, journalists, actors, performers, musicians and artists.
  • 2 Ludika 1243, San Pellegrino neighborhood (July), @. Ecb copyright.svgFree. The event will rediscover the historical and cultural dimension of the medieval district of San Pellegrino through the playful re-enactment of a historical episode that affected the city of Viterbo in the year 1243: the siege of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia.
  • Historical parade of Santa Rosa, Old Town (2 September). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgafternoon. About 300 figures wearing sumptuous medieval and Renaissance clothes typical of the most important civil, military and ecclesiastical offices in the life of the Municipality; mayor, captain of the people, governor, notary, commander of the militias, soldier and 130 little girls called "Buds of S. Rosa".
  • Transport of the Santa Rosa car, Old Town (September 3). Ecb copyright.svgFree if followed in the streets, tickets for seats in the stands in the squares. Simple icon time.svg21 hours. It is a religious rite that carries in procession a "tower" about 30 meters high at the top of which is the statue of the Saint. The transport of the car through the streets of the historic center, from the church of San Sito to the church of Santa Rosa, is carried out on the shoulders of about 100 porters. In 2013 the machine was inserted byUNESCO among the Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
  • Baroque Festival, Church of Santa Maria Nuova, Church of S. Silvestro, Church of the Gonfalone (September), @. Ecb copyright.svgTicket. Baroque music festival among the most popular internationally which in more than forty years of history has hosted artists of high international level and favored the production and dissemination of unpublished works
  • 3 Science Festival, Santa Maria in Gradi complex (Last week of September). Ecb copyright.svgFree.
  • 4 Cinema & Spa, Strafa Bagni, 12 (Last week of September). Ecb copyright.svgTicket. Film festival dedicated each year to an author, with meetings and interviews before the screening of the film
  • WalkinTuscia, Strafa Bagni, 12 (First week of October). Ecb copyright.svgTicket for insurance coverage. A route in stages retracing the Via Francigena from Viterbo to Rome with the assistance of tourist guides and supported for the path aspects by the presence of the CAI-Italian Alpine Club

What to do

The thermal baths of Viterbo are a renowned tourist destination in central Italy. Well-known sources, such as the San Valentino spring, gush out to form thermal paths with regenerating and beneficial properties.

The thermal areas of Bullicame and Bagnaccio have been a tourist destination since the Middle Ages, a time when traders passing through the via Francigenastopping casually, they discovered the typical local natural and gastronomic wonders.

Although many centuries have passed, many of the wonders of that time are not only even more coveted and appreciated, but have given life to a tourist circuit of high thickness.

The area west of Viterbo, where the Bullicame thermal springs are born, has seen the erection and growth of important accommodation facilities that day after day not only increase their services, but also favor the development of the real riches of the territory: unique culinary products and genuine.


Viterbo has grown a lot from a commercial point of view in the last decade. Until a few years ago, the Viterbo area had to continually refer to Rome for many of its needs, but today there is no lack of shopping centers and shops capable of satisfying any need. We can say that social development has gone hand in hand with commercial development in a fairly orderly manner.

How to have fun

Theaters and auditoriums


  • 5 Metropolitan Cinema, Via del Pavone, 72.
  • 6 Cinema Lux, Viale Trento, 1.

Night clubs

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 The Grottino, Via della Cava, 7, 39 0761 290 088. Italian, Mediterranean, vegetarian cuisine.
  • 2 Tre Re restaurant in Viterbo, Via Macel Gattesco, 39 0761 304619. Viterbo cuisine.
  • 3 Etruscan tavern, Via Annio, 10, 39 0761 226694. Creative pizzeria and home cooking.
  • 4 Ancient Tavern, Via S. Agostino, 12, 39 0761 305502.
  • Osteria del Vecchio Orologio, Via Orologio Vecchio, 25, 39 335 337 754. Revisited Viterbo cuisine, pizza and wines from Lazio.
  • La Pentolaccia Restaurant, Via delle Fabbriche, 20-22, 39 377 977 9169.
  • 5 The Monastery, Via Fattungheri, 8, 39 0761 324346. Italian cuisine, Pizza, Mediterranean, Vegetarian Friendly, Vegan Options

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Tuscia hotel, Via Cairoli, 41, 39 0761 344400, fax: 39 0761 345976, @. Located in the historic center of Viterbo, this welcoming hotel is ideally located near the main monuments and museums and typical restaurants of the city. It has 39 rooms all with bathroom, direct telephone, satellite TV. 25 rooms with air conditioning and SKY TV. Large air-conditioned common areas for living and reading, art library, TV room, American bar, free internet point, meeting room and private garage. Roof garden where you can enjoy a splendid view of the historic center.
  • 2 Convent of the Capuchins, Via San Crispino, 6, 39 0761 220 761, 39 347 59 00 953, @. Ecb copyright.svg10 €. The religious structure has 30 beds, a kitchen and a coin-operated washing machine available for pilgrims on the Via Francigena who stop over in Viterbo.
  • 3 B&B La Suite del Borgo, The Borgo Suite, 3, 39 347 59 00 953, 39 340 56 48 943, @. The structure has 10 beds available, a kitchen for the pilgrims of the Via Francigena who make a stop in Viterbo.

Average prices


No particular problems are reported. The old common sense rule always applies: avoid driving alone in dark and uncrowded areas, do not leave valuables in sight inside the car.

In case of emergency, you can contact:

How to keep in touch


Viterbo is in an excellent position to discover the surrounding area and visit Tarquinia, Orvieto, the area of Bomarzo, Farnese, Sutri is Civita di Bagnoregio.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Viterbo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Viterbo
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Viterbo
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