Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia nature reserve - Riserva naturale Monte Navegna e Monte Cervia

Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia nature reserve
Monte Cervia
Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia Nature Reserve - Location
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia nature reserve is a protected area located in Lazio.

To know

Geographical notes

Located in the area of ​​the Carseolani Mountains on the border between Sabina is Cicolano, between Lake of the Salto and the Turano Lake, the Reserve covers the territory of the municipalities of Ascrea, Castel di Tora, Collalto Sabino, Collegiove, Marcetelli, Nespolo, Paganico Sabino, Rocca Sinibalda, Varco Sabino.

Flora and fauna


The species present in the Reserve are those characteristic of the central Apennine flora, with some very interesting particularities of naturalistic value, recognized as habitat of priority importance for the European Community: these are the 'Apennine beech forests with Taxus and Ilex', and semi-natural dry grasslands and facies covered by bushes on calcareous substrate (Festuco-Brometalia) (* remarkable flowering of orchids) '[5]. There are also cerrete, which constitute the most widespread type of forest, and mixed woods with a prevalence of black hornbeam; and also the white hornbeam, the sycamore maple, the downy oak, the common willow, the white poplar and the red willow.


In the varied territory of the Reserve there is an incredible variety of animal species, linked to environmental diversity. Some of these species are protected at EU level, under the so-called "Habitat Directive" mammals, at the top of the food chain of the ecosystem of the Reserve, permanently present, there is the wolf; forest environments are populated by predators such as martens, stone martens, polecats, badgers and foxes, and other mammals such as wild boar, roe deer and, occasionally, red deer. In the woods there are numerous species of rodents: the squirrel, the dormouse, the dormouse, the oak mouse, the wild mouse and the porcupine, while the grasslands are inhabited by the European hare. The bats are present with 14 different species of bats, some of which are considered species at very high risk of extinction in Italy: the lesser rhinolophus and the Capaccini's vespertilio.

Among birds living in the rocky environments, there are the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the imperial crow and the wallcreeper; in the woods you can meet the great spotted woodpecker, the green woodpecker, the nuthatch, the tordela, the jay, the common treecreeper, the little wino, and the marsh tit; in the open spaces there are the tottavilla, the calandro, the small shrike and the whitetail; the dipper lives near the streams. Among the birds of prey there are the sparrow hawk, the biancone, the honey buzzard, the buzzard and the kestrel. Among the nocturnal birds of prey the tawny owl, the owl and the barn owl.

Among amphibians there are endemic species of the Apennine chain, such as the Savi salamander, the Apennine frog and the Apennine toad. Among the reptiles there are vulnerable species at a regional level and protected in the community such as the smooth snake and the European pond turtle.

Between fishes there are the brown trout, the vairone, the rovella, the chub, the brook goby, the eel, the Tiberius barbel. In the lakes of Salto and Turano, there are carp, tench, bleak, rutile, perch, sun perch, whitefish, pike, eel and catfish. In the small streams there is the rare crayfish.

Among invertebrates we note the ivy moth, and among the beetles the rosalia of the Alps and the cerambice of the oaks.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

The territory of the Reserve is characterized by a low level of anthropization and by the wide diffusion of woods, present in over 70% of its surface. There are mountain, hill and valley landscapes, numerous streams and waterways. The Reserve is divided into two distinct areas. The largest includes the reliefs of Monte Navegna and Monte Filone; the other area consists of the reliefs that surround the town of Nespolo.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



  • Franciscan sanctuaries in the Rieti plain - A path of nature, faith and art in the Sabina crossed by San Francesco, to visit the four Sanctuaries of the Holy Valley: Greccio, Poggio Bustone, The Forest, Fonte Colombo.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Monte Navegna and Monte Cervia nature reserve
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