Rossano - Rossano

Rossano, Rossano Calabro, byzantine. Greek Rusiànon (Ρυσιανόν)
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Rossano or Rossano Calabro is a city in Calabria, it belongs to the province Cosenza and lies on a rocky promontory above the coast of the Ionian Sea.


Torre del Orologio in Piazza Steri

As Roscianum, the city was on a rocky outcrop, an eastern branch of the mountainous Sila Greca high above the Ionian Sea in the 6th century. first mentioned. In Byzantine times the city developed as Rusiànon (Ρυσιανόν) to an important center of Byzantine culture. Expanded into a fortress and used as the seat of a Byzantine military leader Strategos With its position in protection on a rocky massif, it resisted the onslaught of the Visigoths, Lombards and numerous Saracen attacks and was one of the few Byzantine cities that was never conquered. In 982, the well-fortified Rossano was the starting point of Emperor Otto II of the Holy Roman Empire on his campaign against the Saracens in Calabria, after the defeat in the battle of Capo Colonna It was only with great luck that the emperor could save himself by ship to Rossano and flee into the city.

In 1059 the city came under the rule of the Normans, followed by the Stauffern, and there was intensive building activity as in the rest of southern Italy. This was followed by the rule of the Angioviner, the Aragonese and the city remained like the rest until the annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to the Kingdom of Italy in 1861 Calabria under the rule of the throne in Naples.

To the actual city located on the rock massif Rossano Today also belongs to the modern lower town located on the traffic routes 1 Rossano Scalo with the train station, numerous shops and restaurants and the seaside resort on the coast of the Ionian Sea 2 Lido Sant'Angelo with extensive gently sloping sandy beaches.

The power station with its two red and white marked chimneys on the Ionian coast is visible from afar, as a landmark it facilitates orientation from afar.

Municipio (town hall)

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is that of 1 Lamezia TermeWebsite of this institutionLamezia Terme in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languageLamezia Terme in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLamezia Terme in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLamezia Terme (Q1431860) in the Wikidata database(IATA: SUF).

By train

The station 2 Rossano F.S. is in the lower town of Rossano-Scalo on the Calabrian railway line Sibari - Rossano - Crotone - Catanzaro-Lido.

By bus

Rossano is served by several bus companies, including buses from IAS Autolinee and Simet to Rossano.

In the street

After the end of the toll motorway A30 at Fisciano take the A2 through Campania, which after crossing the mountainous region of the Basilicata (in the winter months from November to March it is compulsory to carry winter equipment) to the level of Sibari leads down.

It is best to cross from the Symbol: ASSibari on the expressway SS534 (Danger: closed in summer 2016 due to expansion work, time-consuming diversion via narrow provincial roads!) to the SS106 to get to the coast of Tarent along the entire coast of the Ionian Sea via Sibari Rossano Scalo and further after Crotone pulls down the whole "toe of the boot".

The access to the town on the mountain is from the SS106 (which runs inland through Rossano Scalo, not from the SS106radd expressway near the coast.) via the SP250which winds up into the old town and along the eastern edge. It was easier to get to the center via the branch of the SP188, which circles the city as a bypass in the northwest in tunnels and leads to a large parking lot and a tunnel in the city center. There is little parking space there and the streets are getting narrow and narrow ...

The direct route through the mountains of the Sila to Rossano may look shorter and more scenic on the map, but is not recommended due to the countless curves of the provincial roads over the Sila mountain range.

By boat

The near of the SS106 from signposted port Porto di Corigliano is a commercial port with no ferry traffic.


Map of Rossano

The city is best visited on foot, wide vehicles (e.g. mobile homes) are best parked in the parking lot 3 Parcheggio in front of the tunnel in the old town in the north of the rocky elevation, you can walk through the tunnel or via a staircase to the upper town in a few minutes to get to the city center.

Tourist Attractions

Cattedrale Maria Santissima Achiropita
Oratorio San Marco
Rossano: Chiesa di San Barnardino
The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
  • The 1 Cattedrale di Maria Santissima Achiropita Basically comes from the 11th century. and was renewed in the 18th / 19th century. It is a three-aisled basilica with three apses, the bell tower and the baptismal font date from the 14th century. The icon of the Madonna and Child, which was set up on the left in the central nave at one age, caused the most sensation; the picture probably dates from the 8th century, even if it is according to tradition achiropita, i.e. not created by human hands.
  • 2 Museum of the Diocese and the Code : the most famous gem in the Diocesan Museum of Rossano is the Codex Pupureus Rossanensis, the purple code of Rossano. The ancient manuscript dates from the 6th century. and was probably in the 7th century. Brought to Calabria by a monk from Syria. The book with purple-colored pages includes the text of the Gospel of Matthew and part of the Gospel of Mark in Greek, richly decorated with Byzantine miniatures. The original, housed in an air-conditioned showcase, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is turned over once a year. It is easier to leaf through a facsimile edition available electronically. The Diocesan Museum further illustrates the history of Rossano from Byzantine times through the Middle Ages to modern times.
  • the 3 Chiesa Panaghia or Chiesa Maria la Tutta Santa is a Byzantine church from the 10./11. Century
  • the 4 Chiesa San Marco or Oratorio San Marco is a Byzantine church from the 10th century, of which the east-facing apses give an impressive picture from below. The church in the form of a Greek cross with five domes and strong pillars in between is considered to be one of the oldest surviving Byzantine buildings in the region, its foundation is said to go back to St. Nilus of Rossano and to have served the hermit monks of the surrounding cave hermitages as a meeting room. A fresco of the Madonna and Child has been preserved, unfortunately the picturesque palm trees on the forecourt had to be felled. Today mass is celebrated once a month (usually on the last Sunday at 6 p.m.) according to the Byzantine liturgy.
  • the 5 Oratorio della Madonna del Pilerio lies on a ledge below the Byzantium. Church of San Marco, as from the 10./11. Century
  • 6 Chiesa di San Nilo, the single-nave small church was built in the Baroque style in the 16th century. built.
  • 7 Chiesa di San Bernardino was the first church in which the Roman Catholic liturgy was celebrated, built in 1428/62 in the late Gothic style. The tomb of Oliverio di Somma can be found in it.
  • on the central Piazza Steri stands the Torre del Orologio, the clock tower.
  • the town hall 8 Municipio is at the beginning of Corso Garibaldi, at the exit of the access tunnel.


Santa Maria del Patire Abbey
  • Visit of the city, the Byzantine church of San Marco is located on the southern edge of the city above the rocky abyss, there is another chapel used by hermit monks.
  • Visit to the Diocesan Museum with the Codex purpureus
  • For friends of Byzantine architecture, a trip up to the abbey is recommended Santa Maria del Patire (by car, the mountain route is also conquered by cyclists as a sporting challenge.


  • There are only a few small shops in the old town, the large supermarkets and shopping streets are in the lower town Rossano Scalo.
  • on the 1st and 3rd Friday mornings at the parking lot at the access tunnel market held.


  • 1  La Bizantina, Corso Garibaldi 246, 87067 Rossano. Tel.: 39 0983 525340. Open: 20-24h.
  • 2  Ristorante Agora, Via Toscano Mandatoriccio 5, 87067 Rossano. Tel.: 39 339 443 1817.

A large number of restaurants and bars can be found below in the new town and in the Lido Sant'Angelo beach district.





  • The 1 Ospedale Civile Nicola Giannettasio is in Rossano Scalo

Practical advice

  • The 2 Post office can be found in the old town in the central Piazza Steri


  • to 9 Santa Maria del Patire up a winding provincial road, which cyclists like to conquer for training. The area around the former abbey is popular with families for picnics.
  • in the Sila Greca, the chestnut giants of the Sila stand nearby in the reserve Giganti di Cozzo del Pesco, huge, centuries-old, partly hollow chestnut trees. A short walk leads to the protected area. (n.b. the better known Giganti della Sila with gigantic pines are at Camigliatello Silano).


Web links

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