San Fili - San Fili

San Fili
Historic center San Fili.jpg
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San Fili
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San Fili is a municipality of the Calabria, in the province of Cosenza.

To know

The village of San Fili has been included in the guide "The most beautiful villages in the Mediterranean”Together with five other Calabrian municipalities.

Geographical notes

The historic center of San Fili is located on the highest hill, and also has a hamlet and two districts of some importance: the Bucita hamlet and the Frassino and Cozzi districts.


The town once called Felum later became Terra Sancti Felicis, in honor of San Felice, to whom the population was devoted in the parish church of that time. The name San Fili came later and in the 15th century the town became part of the county of Rende belonging to the Doges Adorno of Genoa from 1445 to 1529. From 1532 It makes (and therefore San Fili) was raised to a marquisate and given a fief to Ferrente de Alarcone.

Statue of Our Lady of the Angels

How to orient yourself

Statue of San Francesco di Paola
War Memorial

How to get

By plane

L' Lamezia Terme International Airport is the closest one.

By car

The state road 107 Silana Crotonese connects the territory of San Fili in less than twenty km: to Cosenza, to the University of Calabria, to the A2 motorway It makes - Cosenza north, and a PaolaThe main street is via XX Settembre, which branches off at one of its final points: on the right in the provincial road that reaches Montalto Uffugo, continuing for about 300 meters, take the SS107, while continuing straight ahead you go up towards the Crocetta.

On the train

The stations closest are that of Paola and that of Castiglione Cosentino (It makes).

By bus


How to get around

By public transport

Ferrovie della Calabria bus lines

Preite Autoservizi

What see

Mother Church Santissima Annunziata
Church of the Retreat or Santa Maria degli Angeli
Church of San Francesco da Paola or of the Holy Spirit
Church of Santa Lucia
Church of the Madonna del Carmelo
Church of the Immaculate Conception
  • Mother Church Santissima Annunziata. There are documents that attest to its presence as early as 1304. Don Saverio Ricciulli of Rogliano through a project of reconstruction and advancement of the church between 1748 and 1802 improved the structure. The church is composed of a Latin cross plan with three naves and a baroque facade. The interior is made up of a carved wooden choir and excellent works of the late eighteenth century. Noteworthy are a Frangipane crucifix of excellent workmanship and the works on four paintings by the Evangelists by Antonio Granata from Sanfil. The bell tower on the side of the church, damaged over time by earthquakes, consists of a large clock built in the early nineteenth century by the Blasi brothers.
  • Church of the Retreat (ex Santa Maria degli Angeli). 17th century building. Used in the 19th century by the Retreating Fraticelli and used as a church with an adjacent cemetery towards the end of the 19th century. Inside the most important works are the statue of the Madonna degli Angeli made by a pupil of Gagini, and a wooden processional crucifix from the 1600s. The church reopened in 1996 after being restored due to damage due to the earthquake over the years. '80.
  • Church of the Holy Spirit. It is located in the homonymous district, the structure of the same has a single nave from the early seventeenth century, with a bell tower and a tufaceous baroque portal. Above the portal there is a painting of San Francesco di Paola from 1854 produced after having escaped unscathed from the earthquake. The most important works inside are a wooden bust of San Francesco di Paola, the canvas by Antonio Granata and some frescoes by Raffaele Rinaldi.
  • Church of Sant'Antonio Abate. Built in the 16th century, it was used over the centuries for various uses, of artistic importance above all for the ceiling in exposed wooden beams and the remarkable painting by Raffaele Rinaldi.
  • Church of the Carmine. Built between 1919 and 1920 by the will of Don Salvatore Apuzzo, who undertook to collect offers from the Sanfilese population and the surrounding villages for its construction and for the subsequent arrival of the statue of the Madonna currently present.
  • Church of Santa Lucia. Built towards the end of the 19th century on what remained of an ancient chapel, in the area where Abbot Joachim of Fiore preached in the 12th century.

Spiral staircase in the Mother Church of Santissima Annunziata

Events and parties

  • Nights of the Magare. Simple icon time.svgIn August. Event aimed at making known and valuing the culture and popular tradition of the territory of San Fili, which revolves around an element of great depth, namely the "Magare", figures around which traditions and ancient legends revolve. It takes place in the historic center of the village, and is characterized by literary prizes, artistic performances, artisans, and culinary festivals with the preparation of typical products.
  • Feast of San Francesco di Paola. Simple icon time.svg12 October.

What to do

Way of St. Francis of Paola
  • The path of San Francesco di Paola. San Fili is one of the two intermediate stages (the other is Cerisano) on the journey from Paterno Calabro to the Sanctuary of San Francesco di Paola.


How to have fun


  • Gambaro Theater.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • SPQR, Via Piano Ghiande, 4. Bar, pizzeria, restaurant.
  • The farmhouse, Via A. Gramsci.

Where stay

Moderate prices


How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning San Fili
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on San Fili
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