Shimoda - Shimoda

下田 市
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Shimoda is a city in the south of the Izu Peninsula on the Japanese Main island Honshu.


The local tourism industry lives, apart from the onsen operation, from the memory of the visit to the American "black ships" (黒 船, kurofune), who conducted imperialist gunboat diplomacy here in 1854 - not overly welcome at the time.

getting there

See the relevant section in the article Izu Peninsula.

Shimoda is 1 final destination the IzukyuLine (伊豆 急 下田). The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on their routes. The normal price from / to Atami is ¥ 2170.

Buses run over Matzusaki to Dōgashima in just over an hour (¥ 1360).

By boat

  • Tōkai Kisen (About 20 minutes walk from the train station (Ri. Chōraku-ji). A taxi shouldn't cost more than ¥ 1000). Ōshima is served, among other things. The ships to Kōzushima, Shikinejima, and Niijima all cost the same, just over ¥ 4000.Open: summer season, counter hours at the port: 7.40-17.00.


City bus from Tōkai in Shimoda (2009).
The “black excursion boat”, on which one cannot do “round trips” in the harbor that are completely overpriced.
Map of Shimoda
  • Shimoda Tourist Association, 1-1 Sotogaoka (外 ヶ 岡 1-1. Office at the port museum. The branch on the station forecourt is more centrally located.Open: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.).

The city center is compact enough to be able to walk. About a hundred meters from the train station, past the roundabout, is the valley station of the cable car, which is 200 m high

1  Nesugatayama (寝 姿 山 山頂). Open: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.Price: ¥ 1000.

moves. The good view over the bay at the photography museum Renjōshashinkinenkan (蓮 杖 写真 記念 館) can be shared with some rusty cannons.

Tourist Attractions

The "Schlachterdenkmal" im
2  Gyokusen-ji, 31-6 Kakisaki (柿 31‐6).
. The inscription reads: “This is the first time a cow was slaughtered for human consumption on Japanese soil.” The monument was paid for by the Tokyo butcher's guild in 1931. Harris is also commemorated in the temple (ハ リ ス 記念 館).
Another memorial is dedicated to the first drinking of cow's milk!
Chōraku-ji (2007).

In the tourist center along a canal from the port one has the well-kept Perry Road created. It is said to have been the first route that he walked on Japanese soil. It ends with

3  Ryōsenji (了 仙 寺, 12-12 3-chome. Open: 8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.Price: Treasury ¥ 500).

1854 Place of conclusion of Japan's first “unequal treaty” with a foreign power.[1] From May 11th to 31st, when the jasmine is in bloom, a “Fragrance Festival” is held. During which there is also a costume party on the third weekend in May.

In the near 4  Chōraku-ji (長 楽 寺) they negotiated with the Russians and a few months later a similar contract was signed there.[2] The temple, belonging to the Shingon sect, is also because of it KannonStatue worth seeing.

Also in the immediate vicinity of Ryōsenji, by the church, is the Museum of Local History (¥ 1000, 8.30am-5pm) with a section for folklore.

in the

5  Hōfuku-ji (宝 福寺, 18-26 itchomes. Price: Memorial Hall ¥ 300).

is the grave of Okichi (お 吉; actually Saitō Kichi) [3] The shogunate had assigned the then 15-year-old to the consul, whether the needs (of any kind) of the "honorable guests" were considered. Euphemist historiography speaks of Harris having “adopted” a 17-year-old girl (according to Japanese counting). She was despised by her fellow men as “foreign slut” when she returned to America in Shimoda. In 1892 she was driven to suicide.


6  Ebisujima (恵 比 須 島) is accessible via a pedestrian bridge.

The Shimoda International Club (SIC; [email protected]) organizes guided tours in foreign languages ​​(including German and Spanish) for groups at a nominal price of ¥ 200 p.p. The members want to practice their language skills.

Every May the "Black Ships Festival" (黒 船 祭; kurofune matsuri) instead of. During the summer festival of the Hachiman Shrine, there is a lot of drumming in mid-August.

Seal and dolphin shows also take place in the

7  Shimoda Aquarium (海 中 水族館), at the port. Open: 9 a.m.-4.30 p.m.Price: ¥ 2000.

The five-kilometer panoramic hiking trail Tsumekisaki to the southern tip of the Suzaki Peninsula is well developed.


The closest beach to town is Nabetahama so protected that waves rarely occur.

At the Japan Sea, a few kilometers outside, there are the beaches, from north to south Shirahama,Sotoura and Kujuppama. Numerous accommodations near the beach.

South of the city, in the direction of Cape Irozaki 1  Tatadohama (多 々 戸 浜) and 2  Iritahama (入 田 浜) directly adjoining each other. Numerous accommodations near the beach.

The 400 m long 3  Tatado Beach also has light sand.

There is also the lake water outdoor pool Itado as well as the heated indoor pool Shikine.


Fish drying.

Dried fish, Himono, which is half-dried in the sun, then grilled in a net, in the alley of the same name.


One institution is the noodle soup shop founded in 1916, with very unusual combinations,

1  Musashi, (1-13-1 Shimoda. Open: only 11.30 a.m.-2.00 p.m., closed on Tuesdays.Price: ¥ 650-1000).

Easily recognizable by the almost two meter high statue of one Tanuki (mythological badger[4]) in front of the door; the one in the Port Museum building (¥ 500; 9.00-17.00) by the tourist office

2  Ra Maru, (外 ヶ 岡 1-1. Tel.: (0)558-27-2510. Open: 10.00-16.30.Price: around ¥ 1000-2000).

specializes in burgers. This shows which flavor combinations are possible if the chef is not bound by the conventions of western or local cuisine. On offer are, for example, "Shrimp burgers on avocado" or "Fish burgers with camenbert" (although the latter cheese is actually not available in Japan in an edible form).
There are conventional restaurants in the house: one on the 1st floor Kaiten-Sushi as well as the lunch only Sakana-ya applies here noun est omen: "Sakana" means "fish" and "ya" means restaurant.



See also the introductory remarks Accommodation on the Izu Peninsula. A tourist tax of ¥ 150 is usually included in the room rate.

  • The pricing of the
    Sakura Pension, (2584-20 Shirahama,. Price: P.P .: ¥ 5000 (Oct-May), 8000-9000 June, Sept., 9500--13500 July / August; plus weekend surcharges).
    at Shirahama it is very seasonal, illegally you do not show the value added tax!
  • 1  Kurhaus Ishibashi Ryokan, (185-1 Rendaiji (蓮台 寺 185-1), 〶 415-0031. Tel.: (0)558-22-2222. Open: Check-in: 3 p.m.-11 p.m., check-out: 10 a.m.Price: from ¥ 14040 p.p .; Meals extra).

Practical advice

  • 1  Main post, 4-30 Nichôme, 〶 415-0022.


Along the southern tip of the peninsula to the rugged Irozaki coast (石 廊 崎).

Usable articleThis is a useful article. There are still some places where information is missing. If you have something to add be brave and complete them.
  1. Known as Treaty of Kanagawa (神奈川 条約). Initially, only the opening of Shimoda and Hakodate as trading ports was planned, which is why Townsend Harris first set up the first foreign consulate on site in 1856. Only in the following Treaty of Amity and Commerce ("Harris Treaty") 1858/60 saw the opening and rapid growth of the area closer to the capital Yokohama.
  2. The Treaty of Shimoda (日 露 和 親 条約), signed by Evfimi Vasilyevich Putyatin on Feb. 7, 1855.
  3. Her life has been under the title since the 1930s Tōjin Okichi Filmed at least four times. The film too Barbarian and the Geisha 1958 with John Wayne illuminates the story.
  4. Continuing (zggr. 2015-09-10). Considered to be significantly more intelligent, but also more cunning Kitsune (Foxes): Continuing.