Sinis Peninsula - Sinis-Halbinsel

Sinis Peninsula is a national park in Sardinia.

Location map of Sardinia in Italy
Sinis Peninsula
Sinis Peninsula


Archaeolog. Map of the Sinis Peninsula


The first decree for the Marina Protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre area was drawn up in Italy in 1982 and was last finalized in 2011. The sea and coast of the peninsula are divided into different zones with different regulations, the most stringent are the requirements around the island Maluentu (Mal di Ventre).


Sinis is characterized on the one hand by wide, agriculturally used plains, on the other hand by wide sandy beaches, lagoons and steep cliffs.

Flora and fauna

Pink flamingos populate the numerous lagoons from autumn to early summer.

The real hawksbill turtle (caretta caretta) stays - like some other species of turtles - often in Sardinian waters during the warm months, even if it only very rarely lays its eggs on local beaches. There are always accidents with fishing nets or boat engines. Wounded animals are cared for by the Centro di Recupero del Sinis (CReS) in Oristano and released back into the sea after they have recovered (which actually includes a kind of physiotherapy).

The last vultures of Sardinia can be seen in the vicinity Bosa, a little north of the peninsula.


getting there

Coming from the north take the expressway SS131 (it is best to leave them at the exit Symbol: ASOristano North - Siamaggiore) the SS292 and later the SP1 and the SP6 and drives around the town Convertibles.

From the north over Cuglieri coming here one follows the SS292 and then he can SP10 to Putzu Idu and to Capo Manno or the SP66 follow southwest to across the SP59 the beach of Is Arutas to reach.

Fees / permits

Currently (1/2013) no fees are charged.


To get to the different places and beaches, a private vehicle (or bicycle, in the not-too-hot season) is required.

Tourist Attractions

Quartz sand beach of Is Aruttas
  • The Sinis Peninsula is best known because of the beach of 1 Is Arutaswhich is actually a "fine gravel beach". The "sand" here consists of white quartz sand grains the size of rice grains, which have been ground round in the surf, which gives a strange feeling when walking and gives the beach a wonderful turquoise-blue color of the water. Extensive parking spaces and camper van parking spaces, which are chargeable in summer, and a beach bar.
  • A little further north is the beach of 2 Mari Ermi, also a fine gravel beach where the "grains of rice" have a whitish-pink color of their own.
  • in the north of the peninsula are the sandy beaches of Putzu Idu.
  • One of the most worthwhile excursion destinations is certainly the small island Maluentu (Italian Mal di Ventre), which lies a few nautical miles west-southwest of Putzu Idu and, in addition to its beautiful beaches, is characterized above all by its rich underwater life. If you want to go there, you should register one day in advance in Putzu Idu at one of the kiosks, if you want to go there yourself, you have to inquire in the Capitaneria about the current prohibitions (e.g. anchoring). At Mistral, visiting the island is not recommended because of the extremely treacherous surf and ocean currents.
The Italian name means stomach ache and is probably a corruption of the Sardinian Maluentu, which means something like "bad wind", with which the frequently encountered northwest wind Mistral is meant.
  • In the south of the peninsula is the Capo San Marco with the archaeological complex of the Punic - Roman city Tharros.
  • On the west side of the Stagno di Cabras is the archaeological site of Mont'e Pramawhere nuragic warrior statues were found. Visits are not possible on site, the statues are in the archaeological museum of Convertibles and in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.


  • In addition to all forms of water sports, fishing and diving, the peninsula offers many opportunities to go on horseback.
  • Mountain bikers and hikers are able to enjoy oceanfront trails along the entire west coast of the Peninsula San Giovanni di Sinis open to Su Pallosu.
  • golfhe found in the Pineta of Is Arenas north of Putzu Idu an 18-hole course, with exclusive accommodation if required. However, operations have ceased a few years. The vilettas are for sale.


Shops can practically only be found in ConvertiblesHowever, in addition to drinks, snacks are also available in the beach bars.


Fish dishes

The mullet (sard. muggine, ital. cefalo), which - caught in the morning - does not contain any digestive residues and is therefore placed with all its offal directly on the charcoal grill, is one of the specialties of the region. It is often placed in water after grilling. The best mullets come from the lagoon (stagno) of Convertibles; there (and in some other places like San Giovanni di SinisThe Sagra del Muggine is also celebrated, and the mullet roe is called bottarga. Dried and pressed, it keeps for a long time and is rubbed on pasta dishes.

sea ​​urchin May be collected from November to May and come on pasta dishes (and occasionally on pizza), but they are also gladly spooned raw straight from the prickly bowl; on the weekends they are offered for sale on the roadside in places near the coast.


Vernaccia is the name of the most famous white wine in the region, light and relatively bitter. In addition to the Cannonau (in France: Grenache grapes), Monica is also grown.


Hotels and hostels


  • RVs can be parked at the Is Arutas beach car park
  • 1  Camping Is Arutas, Località Marina Is Aruttas, I-09072 Cabras (OR). Tel.: 39 0783 1925461, Email: . Campsite in the hinterland of the quartz sand beach of Is Arutas.


The west coast of Sardinia is dangerous even for good swimmers in strong winds or strong surf, as extremely strong currents can occur even near the shore. These currents are directed towards the sea, especially near capes and promontories protruding into the sea. Red flags should always be observed. If swimmers or other water sports enthusiasts are missing, the coast guard (tel. 1530) should be notified immediately. The measures introduced should in any case be checked for their suitability; the immediate use of a helicopter is often essential, but is not always approved without further discussion.


The local diving schools offer guided excursions to underwater reefs and wrecks a few nautical miles offshore.

Day trips to the island Maluentu start in Putzu Idu. Bring your own equipment and food. Start around 8.30 a.m., return usually around 5 p.m.

The two riding stables offer excursions on horseback Putzu Idu and Su Pallosu.


Web links

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