Tharros - Tharros

View of the ancient ruined city on the west coast
Tharros - Localization
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Tharros is an archaeological site of the Sardinia.

To know

Roman columns in Tharros

Ancient Phoenician-Roman city, Tharros today is an open-air museum and excavations are continuing bringing to light more information about the past of this city. What is possible to see dates back mainly to the period of Roman domination or early Christianity. Among the most interesting structures are the tophet, the baths, the foundations of the temple and a part of the area with houses and artisan shops.

Geographical notes

Tharros, reachable from San Giovanni di Sinis, is located in the southern part of the peninsula of Sinis, which ends in the mountainous ledge of Capo San Marco.


The name of the place, of Proto-Sardinian origin, is connected to the Mediterranean root * tarr-. The same basis is found, for example, in the names Tarrài (Galtellì) or, outside the island, Tarracina (Lazio) or Tarraco (Hispania Citerior).

The city was founded by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC. close to a pre-existing Bronze Age Nuragic village. The proto-Sardinian village of Su Muru Mannu, above which a Phoenician religious building was created, was peacefully abandoned by its inhabitants who, according to archaeological information, helped the Phoenicians in the construction of the new city.

Subsequently, under the government of Carthage, the city was fortified, enlarged and experienced a period of economic wealth with the increase in trade with Africa, the Iberian peninsula and Massalia. Tharros in Carthaginian times was perhaps the provincial capital.

Conquered by Rome in 238 BC, in the aftermath of the First Punic War, a few decades later (215 BC) it was one of the birthplaces of the anti-Roman revolt led by Ampsicora. In the imperial age there was a strong renewal of the city with the construction of the baths, the aqueduct and the arrangement of the road network with basalt slabs paving. The city obtained the status of a community of Roman citizens.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Tharros, governed first by the Vandals and then by the Byzantines and tormented by the incursions of the Muslims, gradually entered a profound crisis that led to the abandonment of the area around 1050.

Before its abandonment Tharros was also the capital of the Giudicato of Arborea; Queen Nibata or the king (called "Judge") Orzocco I de Lacon-Zori transferred the bishopric and the entire Tarrense population to Oristano. Famous is the saying (reported for the first time by Mattei) "e sa citta'e Tharros, portant sa perda a carros", literally "from the city of Tharros they carry the stones in carts (in large quantities, ed)", demonstrating of the fact that Oristano was founded with the material remains of the ancient Phoenician colony.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Tharros.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and exit at "Oristano nord", then, arrived at a roundabout, continue following the signs for Torregrande is Cabras. At a roundabout, turn right and follow the signs for San Giovanni di Sinis. Once here, park and walk to enter the site.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia- White Island, Golfo Aranci is Tortolì-Arbatax.

By bus

From 1 July to 31 August the ARST line 430 Oristano-San Giovanni di Sinis-Is Aruttas for San Giovanni di Sinis. Once here, continue on foot from San Giovanni di Sinis to the site entrance.

Permits / Rates

  • Here the list of entrance fees.
  • The opening hours of the site are as follows: From November to March: Mon-Sun 9: 00-17: 00; April, May and October: Mon-Sun 9: 00-18: 00; June, July and September: Mon-Sun 9: 00-19: 00; August: Mon-Sun 9: 00-20: 00.

How to get around

Park your car in the special parking lots a San Giovanni di Sinis, then continue on foot to the entrance of the site.

Ruins of Tharros

What see

  • 1 Archeological area.

What to do


Where to eat

  • 1 Tharros ristobar (Located at the entrance to the archaeological site), 39 0783 370019. Bar-restaurant.
  • If you want to choose another place nearby, see which ones are restaurants nearby.

Where stay

For accommodation facilities, refer to the article on San Giovanni di Sinis.


How to keep in touch

Useful information


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tharros
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tharros
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