Bosa - Bosa

Aragonese tower of Isola Rossa in Bosa Marina.
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Bosa is a city of Sardinia.

To know

It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

Bosa seen from the Malaspina Castle

Bosa is located in the Temo river valley, in the area that corresponds to the historical sub-region of Planargia. In the province of Nuoro until 2005, it passed on that date to the province of Oristano.

Bosa borders on Magomadas, Modolo, Montresta, Padria (Sassari), Pozzomaggiore (Sassari), Suni is Villanova Monteleone (Sassari).


The old town and the Malaspina castle

A Spanish manuscript from the early seventeenth century, preserved in the university library of Cagliari, entitled Relacion de la antigua ciudad de Calmedia y varias antique (da) des del mundo, mythically tells the origins of the city, saying it was founded by the wife of the Libyan hero Sardus pater, one of the first colonizers of the island: arrived in the Temo valley, admired for the fertility and amenity of the place, Calmedia would have founded on the left bank of the river a colony of Africans, which would have taken its name from her and who it would soon spread, becoming rich and populous especially in the Phoenician-Punic and Roman times.

Stripped of myth, the history of the city is equally rich and interesting. The site was already inhabited in prehistoric times, as evidenced by the numerous domus de janas, artificial caves carved into the rock, often with a complex plan and entrance to dromos, of Silattari, Ispilluncas, Coronedu, Tentizzos, Monte Furru, Sorighes, scattered throughout the municipal area. Less numerous are the nuragic villages (Sa Lumenera) and the nuraghi, generally very simple: Monte Nieddu, Tiria, Monte Furru (on the beach of Turas), Santu lò (a country church was built on the ruins). The discovery of two Phoenician inscriptions of very ancient age, perhaps even referring to the 9th century BC. Cr., Has made it possible to ascertain that the ancient center has always been called Bosa, a toponym of uncertain classification but comparable with other African locations. From the Phoenician-Punic period only a few pieces of pottery remain, however very significant. The city stood about two kilometers from the present, on the left Temo, in the locality of Messerchimbe (near the church of S. Pietro), where statues, coins, inscriptions, fine ceramic materials or for kitchen use, in general of age, are found. Roman. The Red Island, then detached from the mainland, was located in the center of the river mouth; the southernmost arm, which flowed into Pedras Nieddas, was artificially blocked in the sixteenth century. The city soon had to obtain the rank of municipium. With the burial of the alluvial valley, Bosa moved significantly away from the sea; the Bosani, harassed by the Arabs who began to land on the coast at the beginning of the eighth century (a beach just N of the Temo estuary is still called Cala 'e moros today), over time abandoned the ancient town, which decayed progressively. In 1016, with the expulsion of the Arabs, there was a religious revival due in particular to the monks from the abbeys of Monte Cassino and San Vittore in Marseille. Between 1062 and 1073 the new cathedral of the diocese of Bosa was also built, dedicated to St. Peter.

After the construction of the castle, the city, now enclosed within solid walls, experienced considerable prosperity, thanks to its happy position on the river, the port that allowed a direct connection with the Iberian peninsula, the vast hinterland of Planargia and Montiferru, now gravitating towards Bosa. Thus began to develop that late medieval center of "Sa Costa" which still today maintains a remarkable historical suggestion, with the singular paths that follow the elevation curves of the hill, with the stairways that asymmetrically interrupt the horizontal path, with the archaic and surprising urban structures .

Passed into Aragonese hands, the city was confirmed with the ancient statutes; its singular condition of royal villa, therefore free, but controlled by a feudal lord, determined a series of contrasts of interest and a meticulous will of the Bosani to preserve their privileges and their autonomy with respect to the Aragonese castellan and the occupying troops .

In 1415 the castellan Pietro de Sant Johan had arrived to bomb the villa from above. The Bosanis obtained that the feudal lord lost the fief, which was re-united for a few years to the crown, but was then re-enacted.The castle, enlarged in the Spanish age, became the terminal point to which a whole complex coastal defensive system was finalized, which in N it reached as far as Torre Argentina, while to the south it was founded on the watchtowers of Columbargia, Ischia Ruggia, Foghe and, even further, Santa Caterina, Su Puttu and Capo Mannu. Access to the city was possible through three gates; the castle instead had two entrances. In 1528, in order to resist a threatened landing by the French fleet commanded by Andrea Doria, the Bosans, lined up with Charles V, had decided to obstruct the mouth of the river, thus provoking, however, the talk of port activities and the aggravation of the phenomenon of floods. . The impoverishment of Bosa came to the advantage of the neighbor Alghero, which inherited the primacy in the connections with the Spain.

As for the river, only at the end of the nineteenth century the mouth could be partially reclaimed, but the work was carried out among many difficulties; even today the port-canal project has not been fully realized. With the end of the Spanish domination the city experienced an effective revival, especially with the development of coral fishing. Carlo Emanuele III in 1750 authorized the colonization of a part of the territory of Bosa: a group of Greek colonists from Morea through Corsica therefore founded the town of Montresta, which developed mainly thanks to the demographic contribution of indigenous shepherds. The real economic and cultural awakening, however, took place in the nineteenth century, with the erection of the provincial capital (1807-1821) and with the relaunch of artisanal and artistic activities (especially hair tanning, filet, gold processing and silver, boat building). The ancient walls were demolished and the building development towards the sea began.

In the twentieth century, after the establishment of the province of Nuoro, Bosa soon found itself on the margins of development and was cut off from its traditional hinterland, finding itself being supplanted by other nearby centers, the last of which Macomer. It suffered acute unemployment and heavy emigration (it is estimated that, for each generation, 15% of the inhabitants emigrated abroad). The vast municipal area, with numerous important monuments and remarkable landscape beauties, has recently been subjected to environmental restrictions; the modern city focuses entirely on tourism and is starting to become, through an enhancement and qualification of the accommodation facilities, a bit of a holiday city, in a strongly characterized and very hospitable environment.

How to orient yourself


  • Bosa Marina
  • Turas

How to get

By plane

The airport is connected to Bosa by the ARST line 9312 Sassari-Bosa Bosa-Sassari. Moreover, from the airport, thanks to the presence of several car rental companies, it is possible to rent a car to come here. Alghero-Fertilia Airport on Wikipedia Alghero-Fertilia Airport (Q1321390) on Wikidata

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice up to the "Macomer-Bosa" exit, from here take the SS 129 bis Trasversale Sarda up to Bosa.

On boat

From the port of Porto Torres or from the ports of Olbia-Isola Bianca and Golfo Aranci.

On the train

The Bosa Marina railway station
  • 2 Bosa Marina railway station. The station is located along the Macomer-Bosa railway, the latter used since 1995 exclusively for tourist services linked to the Trenino Verde. Bosa Marina station on Wikipedia Bosa Marina station (Q23666993) on Wikidata

By bus

From Sassari, Alghero, Macomer, Nuoro is Oristano ARST suburban buses allow you to reach Bosa.

How to get around

What see


  • 1 Co-cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Built on a pre-existing building dating back to the 12th century, remodeled several times in the following period, it is dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin. It was built starting from 1803, when the Episcopal Chapter entrusted the rebuilding to the local master builder Salvatore Are who, later on, will be joined by the Sassari Ramelli. The new building was solemnly consecrated - a construction site still open - by Bishop Monsignor Murro in July 1809, while the completion of the works had to wait the following year. The building consists of a large barrel vaulted nave in which there are four chapels on the left side and three on the right. The large raised presbytery is covered by a dome set on an octagonal drum. At the entrance, on the right, the so-called Cappellone opens up, which looks like an independent building with altars and a raised presbytery covered by a dome. Under the aegis of Bishop Eugenio Cano, in the 1870s, the cathedral was the subject of embellishment interventions, ranging from the pictorial decorations, made by Emilio Scherer from Parma, to the reconstruction of the organ - originally built by Giuseppe Crudeli from Lucca in 1810 and of which the neoclassical case is preserved - made in 1875 by the Modenese manufacturers Tommaso Piacentini and Antonio Battani of Frassinoro (Modena); Co-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Wikipedia Co-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Q2942594) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of Our Lady de Sos Regnos Altos. ancient palatine chapel of the castle of Bosa, it has inside a cycle of frescoes of the fourteenth century. Church of Our Lady de Sos Regnos Altos on Wikipedia church of Our Lady of Sos Regnos Altos (Q3669385) on Wikidata
  • 3 Church of San Pietro extra muros. ancient Romanesque church along the banks of the Temo river, a short distance from the town Church of San Pietro (Bosa) on Wikipedia church of San Pietro (Q3671621) on Wikidata
  • 4 Church of Sant'Antonio extra muros. Church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Bosa) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Antonio Abate (Q28343725) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of Santa Maria del Mare.
  • 6 Church of the Holy Cross.
  • 7 Convent of the Capuchins.
  • 8 Church of the Rosary. Church of the Rosario (Bosa) on Wikipedia church of the Rosary (Q3668580) on Wikidata
  • 9 Church and convent of the Carmine. Chiesa del Carmine (Bosa) on Wikipedia Chiesa del Carmine (Q3668501) on Wikidata
  • 10 Country church of Santa Giusta.
  • 11 Church of San Giorgio. Country church. Church of San Giorgio (Bosa) on Wikipedia church of San Giorgio (Q30248738) on Wikidata

Military architectures

Events and parties

  • Feasts of Sant'Antonio. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 17. inauguration of the Bosano carnival with a large bonfire at the bridge over the Temo.
  • Bosano Carnival. Great and popular event, characterized by licentious songs and continuous references to the sexual sphere. To remember the days of Thursday (with a collection of typical products), of Shrove Thursday (with masquerades for pupils of all schools), of Carnival Sunday and Monday (parades of allegorical floats), of Tuesday morning (s' attittidu, with masks dressed in black that go out in search of milk to feed the puppets with singular attributes) and evening (Giolzi, with the frantic search for the dying carnival; masks in white, with street lamps and torches, harass the girls).
  • Holy Week. characteristic Sardinian songs for Easter; procession of the mysteries or of the via cucis, on Friday night
  • S. Giorgio. Simple icon time.svgApril 24-25. cultural events and country fair.
  • Saints Emilio and Priam. Simple icon time.svgMay 28. Sardinian songs, folkloristic and musical events in honor of the patrons of the city.
  • St. John Baptist. Simple icon time.svgJune 24. horse race, dialectal poetic competition.
  • Saints Peter and Paul. Simple icon time.svgJune 29. regatta along the river, up to the Romanesque church of S. Pietro; fair with typical products.
  • S. Maria of the sea. Simple icon time.svgfirst Sunday of August. the statue of the Madonna del Mare is carried in a unique procession of boats from the Marina to Bosa and then (in the afternoon) back to Bosa Marina, where mass is celebrated outdoors. Swimming and fishing competitions; fireworks displays.
  • Our Lady of Regnos Altos. Simple icon time.svgsecond Sunday of September. It is the most colorful party.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

There are numerous restaurants both in the center and in Bosa Marina.

Where stay

There are also numerous hotels of modest category, both in Bosa, in the Marina and in Turas. The youth hostel (for a hundred beds) has recently been expanded. There are also numerous typical restaurants, pizzerias and snack bars. Other hotel complexes will soon be open, for a thousand beds, on the main beach and in the pleasant valley of Laccos. Other tourist interventions are foreseen by the municipal plan for zones F along the road to Alghero, where one of the two planned campsites will be built. The second campsite is under construction at the expense of the municipal administration behind the beach of Turas.


Useful numbers

How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bosa
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bosa
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