Jump - Springe

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Jump is a city in Lower Saxony.


The city of Springe is located west of Hanover at the so-called Deisterpforte, between the southern foothills of the Deister and the Kleiner Deister. Historically, it goes back, among other things, to a castle of the Counts of Hallermund, who administered the county from here.

Springe achieved economic importance, among other things, because it was on the trade route between Hameln and Hanover - and later on the Hanover - Altenbeken railway line, which was opened in 1872.

In addition to the historic, 900-year-old city center with numerous half-timbered buildings, the Springe hunting lodge in the surrounding area in the former royal Saupark hunting area with the Wisentgehege wildlife park is particularly interesting for travelers.

getting there

By plane

There is a direct connection to Hanover Airport via the S5 S-Bahn line.

By train

Jump is over the train station Jump in the core city and the breakpoints Völksen / Eldagsen and Bennigsen connected to the Hanover-Altenbeken railway line. These are served by S-Bahn lines 5 (PaderbornHamelin Hanover Central Station - Hannover Airport), which runs every 30 minutes, and 51 (Hamelin - Hanover Central Station - Seelze), which as an express line only stops in Springe and runs every 60 minutes during peak hours.

By bus

In the core town of Springe, the city bus route 301 runs every 30 minutes.

There are also other overland connections from the Springe / ZOB stop, mostly every 60 minutes, on line numbers 320 (Jump - Völksen - Gestorf - Hüpede - Pattensen), 381 (Altenhagen I - Dahle - Jump), 382 (Jump - Alvesrode - Völksen - Bredenbaeck - Wennigsen), 383 (Lüdersen - Bennigsen - Steinkrug - Jump) and 385 (Alferde - Eldagsen - Jump).

There are other travel options outside the bus times using the collective call taxi.

In the street

Springe is on the B217 federal road from Hanover to Hameln.


Map of Jump

Tourist Attractions

  • Hunting lodge Springe. The building, originally erected between 1836 and 1842 by the Hanoverian master builder Georg Laves, was only given its current two-storey form in 1912 and today houses the Museum of Nature, Hunting and Culture.
  • Saupark Jump. The park is a 14 km² forest area southeast of Springe, which was established as a hunting area for the Kings of Hanover. After the royal family had been sentenced by a court order to compensate for game damage, King Wilhelm IV began to fence an existing hunting ground south of the Kleiner Deister with a 16 km long limestone wall. This wall is still in place today and must be crossed by stairs for hikers who do not want to enter the park via the main entrance or one of the eight side entrances that are closed at night.




  • 2  Pizzeria Uno (Italian kitchen), In the courtyard 2. Tel.: 49(0)5041 3677, Fax: 49(0)5041 3677, Email: .
  • 3  Saloniki restaurant (Greek kitchen), To the Niederntor 29. Tel.: 49(0)5041 776484, Fax: 49(0)5041 801868, Email: .
  • 4  Fast food at Jochen (Greek kitchen), To the Niederntor 18. Tel.: 49(0)5041 62993.

Springe has two in-house breweries with their own beers, including constantly changing special beers such as India Pale Ale or Stout:

  • Robens dungeon brew in the district of Eldagsen, Mittelroder Str. 25, open Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm, Saturdays from 10am to 12pm. Groups can book a brewery tour. http://www.robens-kerkerbraeu.de/
  • Bennexer brewery in the Bennigsen district, Hauptstrasse 23, with a restaurant.




1  HVHS Springe education and conference center, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 5, 31832 Jump. Tel.: 49(0) 50 41 94 040, Fax: 49(0) 50 41 94 04 50, Email: .




Practical advice

  • 1  Tourist information jump, In the castle courtyard 1. Tel.: 49(0)5041 73-273, Email: . Open: Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.



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