Rocky Mountain States - Stati delle Montagne Rocciose

Rocky Mountain States
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Rocky Mountain States (Rocky Mountains) is the name of a geographical region of the United States of America.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

  • Aspen - One of the most famous ski resorts in North America. Among the streets of the center, numerous boutiques and fashionable clubs.
  • Billings - On the plain overlooking the mountains, it is the most populated city in Montana.
  • Boise - Capital of the Federated State ofIdaho. Boise deals with public art and its cultural heritage. It has conventions of an urban center, while maintaining the spirit of a small town. In Boise, high-tech companies, including Micron, employ many of the people who work in the area. There are many monuments, a discovery center, an art museum and a lively center. There are also a handful of movie theaters, the Morrison Center Theater, and an ice rink. A local airport and various hotels, locally and nationally owned, will make it easier to plan a trip.
  • Boulder
  • Cheyenne - Capital of the Federated State of Wyoming. Each year hosts the Frontier Days, one of the largest rodeos in theNorth America.
  • Coeur d'Alene - A city in the north ofIdaho immersed in a mountainous area with excellent recreational lakes.
  • Colorado Springs - It is the second most populous city in the Colorado.
  • Denver - Capital of the Federated State of Colorado.
  • Jackson - Surrounded by the Teton Range, Jackson is the gateway to the Grand Teton National Park and some of the best ski resorts in the North America.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Rocky Mountain States
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