Kayah state - Stato Kayah

Kayah state
Kayah State - Location
Kayah State - Flag

Kayah state is an administrative division ofUnion of Myanmar.

To know

Formerly known as Karenni State. Tourism is not allowed there


In August 1948, U Bee Htu Re, leader of the Karenni people was assassinated by order of the Yangon military for his secessionist tendencies. As a result, an armed uprising was still ongoing. On October 5, 1951, the state of Karenni changed its official name to the Kayah state.

In 1957, pro-independence groups formed the KNPP (Karenni National Progressive Party), flanked by an armed organization, the Karenni Army (KA). Apart from the armistice of 1995, the KA has never stopped fighting against the military junta in power in Burma since that year, while other insurrectional groups present on the territory of this state have come to terms with the central government.

In 1976 the Yangon government began a deportation of the village population with the intent of depriving the rebels of their support bases. Nonetheless, the rebels are still active in the Kayah.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Loikaw - The state capital can only be visited upon release of permits issued by the ministry of tourism and approved by the ministry of defense.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


The advice is to give up visiting the Kayah State.

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