Stichtse Vecht - Stichtse Vecht

Stichtse Vecht is a municipality in the Dutch province Utrecht.




Stichtse Vecht does not have a station. The nearest station to Tienhoven is Maarssen, which is more than 7 km away. Trains to Amsterdam run every half hour from Maarssen, and trains to Breukelen and Utrecht every 15 minutes.


Bus 122 runs on Monday-Saturday between Utrecht and Nieuw Loosdrecht via Tienhoven. There is no bus connection on Sundays.

on foot

This place is on the European walking route E11, on the spot too pedlar path called. The E11 runs from the Hague to the east, at this time to the border Poland/Lithuania. The route can be found at internet, comes via Fort Tienhoven and the Loosdrechtse Plassen from breakage and continues via a quay through the Tienhovense Plassen to Hollandsche Rading in the municipality De Bilt.

Travel around

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