Sucre - Sucre

Sucre, Chuquisaca
Panoramic view of the city of Sucre
Coat of arms and flag
Sucre - Coat of arms
Sucre - Flag
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Bolivia
Institutional website

Sucre is the legal capital of the Bolivia as the seat of the judiciary.

To know

Sucre is a city in the region of Chuquisaca. It rises in a valley ofBolivian plateau about 2,750 meters above sea level. It is known as "White Sucre" due to its colonial architecture almost entirely preserved in the historic center. Thanks to its colonial architecture, fortunately well preserved, Sucre was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1991, becoming an appreciated destination for international tourism directed to South America.

When to go

The dry season (April to September) is generally considered the best time for a visit considering above all the fact that in the rainy season (October to March) sometimes disastrous storms can occur.

The climate of Sucre is determined by its altitude with the highest average temperatures reported in November and lowest in July. The daytime excursions are considerable, more accentuated in the period June-August (austral winter) when they can drop by several degrees below 0 ° C. Even if you travel in periods other than the austral winter, it is important to check that the room the hotel is equipped with a functioning heating system.

Precipitation amounts to an average of 679 mm per year and is concentrated between December and March. The other months see only a few drops of rain (none at all between May and August).


Traces of human settlements dating back to 10,000 BC have been found in the area around today's Sucre. In Christian times the territory was inhabited by the Charcas tribe, subjected by the Incas around the middle of the fourteenth century. The Charcas adopted the customs and language of the Incas, Quechua, still spoken today in much of the Andean plateau.

The city of Sucre was founded in 1538. Its origins are closely connected with those of the nearby mining town of Potosí, at the time the most important city in the New World for the extraction of silver (plata) from the mines of Cerro Rico.

When the Spanish colonizers began mining silver in the neighboring area Potosí, it became necessary to protect the nascent mining industry from the growing hostility of the natives. To this end, Pedro de Anzúrez was commissioned to establish a military garrison and a colony in the territory of the Charcas.

Anzúrez chose a site at the base of the Sica Sica and Churuquella mountains and on 29 September 1538 or 16 April 1540 (the exact date is still discussed today), he founded the city of La Plata. Today's Pedro de Anzúrez square marks the point of the foundation. The noble families of Spain who presided over the silver mining of Cerro Rico chose to reside in Sucre rather than in Potosí due to the less inclement climate.

Thanks to the silver veins, La Plata prospered and in 1555 was declared a city by royal decree. In order to better protect the Spanish interests in South America, the King of Spain Felipe II established in September 1559 the Real Audiencia de Charcas, an administrative authority based in La Plata, whose territory included most of the modern states of Bolivia is Paraguay, in addition to portions of the Peru, Chile is Argentina. In turn, Real Audiencia was divided into several Intendencias including that of Chuquisaca of which La Plata was the capital. The term Chuquisaca is an error in the transcription of the name of the Choquechaca indigenous present in the territory at the beginning of the colonial era.

In the following century, La Plata continued to thrive. In 1601 the Recoleta Monastery was founded and in 1609 the archbishopric of La Plata was established. In 1624, the San Francesco Xavier University of Chuquisaca was established, one of the oldest in Latin America.

With the exhaustion of the silver veins of the Cerro Rico, La Plata declined. Following the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, the colonies of the New World declared their independence. There Bolivia it was the last of the South American countries to free themselves from Spanish rule. On August 6, 1825, the Republic of Bolivar was proclaimed in the house of La Libertad, so named in honor of its most famous libertador.

Simon Bolivar was offered the presidency of the new nation, but the proposal was rejected and the first president of the Republic was the Venezuelan Antonio José de Sucre, a friend of Bolivar and a key figure in the wars of independence.

On July 12, 1839, the city of La Plata officially became the capital of Bolivia and was renamed Sucre. The seat of the Bolivian government was moved to La Paz in 1898. Discontent ensued that resulted in a brief civil war, which ended with a compromise: Sucre shared the title of capital of the Bolivia and remained the seat of the Supreme Court.

In 1991 Sucre was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In May 2008, racial violence broke out in the city, with several dozen indigenous residents assaulted and humiliated in Plaza 25 de Mayo.The violence was renewed even more widely in 2019.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Alcantarí Airport. The airlines that operated at the Alcantarí airport in 2019 were the following:
Flight cancellations occur frequently due to bad weather. Alcantari Airport (Q24239376) on Wikidata

By bus

How to get around

What see

Civil architectures

Castillo de la Glorieta
  • 1 Castillo de la Glorieta (Along the way to Potosí - Carretera n ° 5). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-17: 30. Built by Don Francisco Argandoña Revilla, a Spaniard who made his fortune in Sucre with mining and later created a bank. He obtained a noble title in 1897 from Pope Leo XIII. The castle has a strongly eclectic style, from Moorish to Gothic. One of its towers is a miniature copy of London's Big Ben. (Q42799889) on Wikidata
  • 2 Palacio Nacional. Palacio de la Prefectura de Chuquisaca (Q16615136) on Wikidata

Religious architectures

  • 3 Iglesia de San Lázaro, Bald 449.
  • 4 Basílica de San Francisco de Charcas. Basílica de San Francisco, Sucre, Bolivia (Q5722005) on Wikidata
  • 5 Iglesia la Merced. (Q9006893) on Wikidata
  • 6 Catedral basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sucre) on Wikipedia Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Q7633160) on Wikidata
  • 7 Convent of San Felipe Neri, Nicholas Ortiz 165. (Q5785714) on Wikidata


  • 8 Casa de la Libertad Museum, Plaza 25 de Mayo. The old Jesuit chapel was the place where freedom fighters gathered on 6 August 1825 to declare independence from Spain. The portraits of the three hang on the wall of the apse libertadores framed in gold leaves.
  • 9 La Recoleta Convent Museum, Calle Pantaleón Dalence (Plaza Anzures). 17th-century convent transformed into a museum with interesting colonial-era art collections, among which those of the painter Melchor Pérez de Holguín (1660–1732) whose works are also exhibited at the Casa de la Moneda in Potosí and at the Museo de América in Madrid.
The cloister offers beautiful views over the city. Also beautiful is the orange garden where an orange plant is kept which is believed to be more than 1,000 years old. The orange tree was a totem for the pre-Columbian populations.
The remaining spaces of the former convent can also be visited, including the refectory and the monks' cells. The crooked walls were made to prevent damage caused by possible earthquakes.
  • 10 Charcas University Museum, Bolivar 698. Housed in a 17th century building, the museum is managed by the San Francisco Xavier University. The collections are divided into 3 sections: anthropological, colonial art and contemporary art.

Events and parties

What to do

Parque Cretácico
  • 1 Parque Cretácico, Carretera Cochabamba km 5, 591 4 6457392. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 09: 00-17: 00. The park, just 5 km from the city center, is home to over 5000 dinosaur footprints discovered on the ground of the Fancesa cement factory, Following the discovery, the area has been transformed into a Jurassic theme park, with a dedicated museum and collection of sculptures depicting life-size dinosaurs including the huge titanosaurus.
The visit to the Parque Cretácico it has become a must for passing tourists and takes a minimum of a couple of hours.
There is a shuttle bus service from Plaza 25 de Mayo, in front of the Cathedral, called sauromovil which leaves from Tuesday to Sunday at 11 and 15. and leaves only if it collects at least 4 passengers. : Alternatively you can take bus n. 4 from the bus terminal or Arenales Street at the corner of Junin Street, one block from Plaza 25 de Mayo. : If you opt for a taxi, it is necessary to agree in advance the price of the ride and the eventual return


How to have fun


  • 1 Patria Olympic Stadium. The football stadium, inaugurated in 1992 and with a maximum capacity of 32,000 people. Stadio Olimpico Patria on Wikipedia estadio Olímpico Patria (Q747644) on Wikidata

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Kultur Berlin, Calle Eduardo Avaroa 326, 591 4 6466854. It also functions as a restaurant and nightclub.
  • 2 Hotel de Su Merced, Azurduy 16, 591 4 6451355. Family-run boutique hotel, housed in an old mansion. It has 23 rooms in all and a central patio. Classified with 4 stars.


How to keep in touch


Tarabuco market
  • 3 Tarabuco (64 km / 1h via the Ruta 6 state road) - Traditional town, known for its markets where it is possible to find local handicrafts and hand-made fabrics.
  • 4 Icla (100 km continuing after Tarabuco on Ruta 6. Two hours from Sucre) - Location in a valley that narrows to form gorges with steep walls, suitable for climbing with rope but for safety reasons it is better to rely on local guides available in Icla or the nearby village of 5 Candelaria even for simple excursions in the canyon.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sucre
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sucre
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