South Africa - Sudáfrica


South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa,[1] is a country of Africa located in the extreme south of that continent. It limits the north with Namibia, Botswana Y Zimbabwe, east with Mozambique Y Eswatini, while Lesotho it is an enclave surrounded by the South African territory. South Africa is known for its diversity of cultures, languages ​​and religious beliefs, which is why it is known as the 'rainbow nation'.


If you want to travel around South Africa, South Africa is a good place to start. While you can fly to any South African country, most flights will go through South Africa anyway. South Africa is also a good place to get used to traveling around the region (although some would argue that Namibia is better for that). Of course, South Africa is not just a starting point, it is itself a magnificent destination rich in culture, fauna, flora and history.

Contrary to the beliefs of some outsiders, South Africa is not devastatingly poor with an unstable government. Although some rural areas in South Africa remain among the poorest and least developed areas in the world and poverty in certain areas of municipalities can be dire and squatter camps can grow overnight, progress is being made. The recovery process from apartheid, which lasted almost 46 years, is quite slow. In fact, South Africa's United Nations Human Development Index, which was slowly improving in the last years of apartheid, has declined dramatically since 1996, largely attributed to the AIDS pandemic, but also due to mismanagement and to the waste of state resources that led to an increase in the poverty rate and the widening income disparity between rich and poor. South Africa has a well-developed and privately funded state infrastructure and is kept up-to-date with all modern conveniences and technologies. National standards for quality of construction, roads, technologies, manufacturing of goods, medicine and hospitals, communications and IT, aeronautics, banking, brokerage and investment, beverages and quality of the food chain are on par with the best in the world. The government is stable, although corruption has become prevalent in certain areas, such as obtaining driver's licenses, academic diplomas and certifications, immigration officials at land border posts for a fee, stamping of passports, or home affairs personnel who it deals with visas and permits, traffic officers trying their luck and crime syndicates buying their way out of trouble. Larger companies can bribe high-ranking government officials to improperly approve paperwork or be granted special privileges, and those willing to do so can petition for corruption. The government and primary political parties generally have a high level of respect for democratic institutions and human rights, while the press is free and uncensored and the judicial system and the constitutional court are completely independent.

Despite the structural governance issues facing the country, South Africa remains the strongest and most diversified economy in Africa, and it is the only African country that is a member of the elite G-20 group of major economies.

South Africa's economy is the largest on the African continent and plays an important role in the development of the region. It is a large country, it has eleven official languages, with very varied landscapes as well as an equally diverse population. You can visit the big cities of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban Y Praetorship and also important national parks such as the Kruger or geographical areas such as the Karoo, the Drakensberg mountains, the Cape of Good Hope and the savannah.

In 2010, South Africa organized the first Soccer World Cup to be held on the continent.


South Africa is famous for its wines and fruits. Its agricultural production keeps the nation practically self-sufficient in food, with corn, sugar cane and sunflower oil being the main crops. Fishing and processing at sea are becoming increasingly important. It is the world's largest producer of platinum and its family group of metals and an important producer of gold, iron, coal, diamonds, nickel, chromium, aluminum, stainless steel and uranium, among others. It also manufactures many industrial products and is a pioneer in the production of synthetic fuels. He maintains a considerable armed force and is an influential actor in African politics.

All that said, the economy has more potential than has been imagined, as reflected in an unemployment rate of 27%, which many South Africans and foreign observers agree is due to mismanagement and corruption. However, the new administration, in power since early 2018, campaigned to clean up governance and management and has already taken concrete steps to do so. Another major challenge the state is trying to address is the "brain drain," which has worsened since 2000 and includes all manner of skilled professionals, from doctors and engineers to artisans and teachers.


South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa, with a long coastline that stretches for more than 2,500 km (1,553 mi) and along two oceans (the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean). It is a relatively dry country in the interior and the Kalahari desert proves this, particularly in the North Cape and the Northwest Atlantic region. The two main river systems are the Limpopo, which runs east along the northern border, and the Orange River, which runs roughly from the central regions to the southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. The Drakensberg Range stretches from the lower Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal and Eswatini with elevations exceeding 3,000 meters (Mafadi is 3,450 m). The Highfelt and Platterland regions of the Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Northwest, range between 1,200 and 1,800 meters in elevation and are home to some of the best wildlife conservation reserves in the world. Coastal areas from the southern Cape and farmland region, to the Indian Ocean coast to KwaZulu-Natal and the borders of Eswatini and Mozambique, provide the country with the most dense green regions.


The tip of Africa has been home to the khoikhoi ( collective name of Hottentot (derogatory) ), bushmen (saint) Y Bantu for thousands of years. Khoisan or according to the contemporary spelling of Khoekhoegowab, Khoesān (pronounced: [kxʰoesaːn]), is an artificial generic name for the so-called "non-Bantu" indigenous peoples of southern Africa , that combine the Khoekhoen (formerly "Khoikhoi") and the Saint or Sākhoen (also, in Dutch cooking: Boesmans , or in English: Bushmen).Rock art believed to belong to the Khoisan tribes can still be found in many places in South Africa. It is believed that the Bantu tribes may have started to slowly expand into the areas further north of what is now South Africa more than 2,500 years ago, the different cultural groups as we know them today had established themselves in the areas to the north, east and east center. and southeastern South Africa. The desert and semi-desert areas of the Western and Northern Cape Provinces, as well as the western parts of the Eastern Cape Province, remained unpopulated by the Bantu due to the arid climate, limited seasonal rains, sparse vegetation, scarcity of natural resources and water does not sustain large migrations of people and herds of livestock.

Nguni cattle were the main cattle raised by the Bantu and served numerous cultural and economic functions within tribal society, while an increasing number of Bantu populations settled in fertile green areas. Livestock remains a status symbol to this day and served as a rudimentary currency and basic unit of exchange with mutually acceptable value between the barter parties, thus fulfilling the function of money.

The Karoo, Cape Peninsula, Kalahari, Namaqua, Graqua and Bushmen land gradually become "Khoisan" territory in South Africa. In these mostly dry areas, the already semi-nomadic "Khoisan" are believed not to have settled permanently, as conditions for hunting animals in the desert and dwindling water sources during the winter months they consequently determined their own migration. Until the Boer "Voortrekkers" eager to avoid conflict with the Bantu (see next paragraph) did not reach these areas and establish containment wells and ponds, no permanent settlements could be established in these regions.

In the southeast, the Zulu Kingdom would grow into a powerful kingdom under King Shaka, who ruled between 1816 and 1828, and was also known for being a brilliant warrior and military commander.

Today, with more reliable water sources and modern methods of water conservation, agricultural activity is still mainly limited to sheep and ostrich farming, as these animals adapt better to food shortages and limited water.


Bartolomeo Dias is the first known European to circle the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. Ten years later, Vasco da Gama made his first trip to India, but the Portuguese ignored the Cape of Good Hope as a stopover base; The first permanent European settlement was built in Cape Town by the Dutch East India Company in April 1652. In the late 1700s, the boers ( settled farmers ) began to slowly expand first westward along the coast and then inland. In 1795, Great Britain took control of the Cape, as a result of the Napoleonic wars against the Dutch, and in 1820, a large group of British settlers arrived in the region, altering the lifestyle of the Dutch Boers. In 1835, a large number of boersknown as the "Voortrekkers" (the first to go looking) began in Groot trek (the great migration) north inland after being dissatisfied with British rule. In the interior, they established their own internationally recognized republics of the Transvaal and the Free State of Oranje. Meanwhile, the British would defeat the Zulu kingdom in the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, thus establishing colonial rule over the Zulu people.

Modern history

After the discovery of large deposits of diamonds in the Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal, two wars for control of the region were orchestrated by English investment interests to provoke fighting between the Boer republics and the British in 1880 and 1899, to encourage control of the region. mineral resources from the hands of the "Boers". The second war occurred after British settlers flooded the area around Johannesburg known as the "Witwatersrand" (white water scarp) in response to the discovery of gold in 1886. The Second Boer War (Afrikaans: Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlogor 'Second War of Independence') was particularly brutal, as the British administration held the Boer civilian population in concentration camps, resulting in one of the first recorded genocides. With victory at any cost and the scorched earth policy, most of the Boer farms, livestock, crops, and farms were also largely destroyed. Ironically, this war was the first to be captured on film, and the resulting projections turned public opinion in the UK against the British Army's inhumane treatment of prisoners in the camps.

After peace was restored by the Vereeniging Treaty of 1902, the Union of south africa was formed in 1910, consolidating the various republics Boer and British colonies in a unified state as a member of the British Commonwealth, contributing significantly to the First World War, the World War. II, and the Korean War, with raw materials, weapons and soldiers production. In 1961, the Republic of South Africa was formed under the apartheid regime and SA left the Commonwealth. Non-Europeans were largely excluded from these political changes, as they had been given sovereign lands to live on under self-government, in accordance with their own tribal legal system and hierarchical form of government. Nelson Mandela's prison cell in Robben Island In 1948, the National Party came to power. The NP introduced numerous apartheidlaws to give a sovereign, independent and national / tribal "homeland" to each of the various tribes within South Africa, who frequently participated in raids and border wars with each other. The laws also implemented a system of institutionalized or systematic racial segregation and discrimination, and ensured the continuation of the dominance of the white minority over the black majority and over the Indian and colored minority groups. This movement was welcomed by most of the different tribal kings and chiefs, as most of the tribes sought self-government. But soon, apartheid became practically synonymous with racism and oppression as millions of non-white people were forced from their homes due to housing policies that imposed racial segregation. The African National Congress (ANC) was banned and forced into exile for carrying out and planning terrorist activities. Other political parties that were deemed 'dangerous' and 'subversive' were also banned by the South African government during this time, while unaffiliated free-thinking individuals and anti-apartheid activists of all races were also harassed, ostracized, imprisoned. or killed. Meanwhile, the refinement of the apartheid system became insidious and highly efficient, as victims won small legal battles in court, the regime used its parliamentary majority to pass new laws to close loopholes, creating a vicious cycle of judicial gatehouse that moved to suit your needs. Objectives, therefore, to tie the hands of high officials and sympathetic judges to keep everything "legal."

The Republic, despite experiencing rapid infrastructure development and strong economic growth until the late 1980s, also experienced frequent internal uprisings in response to apartheid laws. During this time, the international community also increased political pressure mechanisms and trade embargoes against South Africa, and prohibited its athletes from competing in the Olympic Games and most other international sporting competitions.

In the late 1980s, many white citizens began to recognize that change was inevitable, as international sanctions and infighting began to severely affect South Africa. Thus, moderates within the security services, the military, and the National Party followed the lead of white liberals and began quietly approaching ANC leaders to negotiate how to dismantle apartheid, which began with the liberation of political prisoners in 1990.

Political violence worsened in the early 1990s when extremists of all stripes tried to derail the ANC-NP peace talks in favor of their own visions for the future of South Africa. In 1992, 73% of the eligible white population voted in a referendum to abolish the apartheid . This was quickly followed by a new constitution in 1993 and the nation's first truly inclusive democratic election scheduled for April 1994, in which all South African citizens of voting age could vote regardless of ethnic and cultural origin. Former political prisoner Nelson Mandela was elected the country's first democratically elected president. The ANC obtained a majority of 63% and proceeded to form a Government of National Unity with the NP.

Despite the great hope for a "rainbow nation", as Nelson Mandela envisioned after the end of apartheid, South Africa's economy began to worsen after Mandela resigned in 1999 and Thabo Mbeki succeeded him. Mbeki would invite controversy by questioning the causal relationship between HIV and AIDS, rather than believing that AIDS was caused by poverty. Mbeki banned antiretroviral drugs from South African hospitals, leading to countless premature deaths of HIV-positive patients. Mbeki would be forced to resign in September 2008 and eventually Jacob Zuma would replace him in May 2009. As Zuma grew up in poverty and never received any formal education, the masses of poor black South Africans initially hoped that he could feel empathize with them and enact policies to alleviate poverty. But nevertheless,

While affirmative action policies have led to the formation of an upper-class black elite, much of the black population continues to live in poverty without access to adequate sanitation facilities or good schools. This has sparked significant racial tensions, with some extremists in the black community proposing to deprive the white community of their property without compensation for redistribution to blacks as restitution for atrocities committed under colonialism and apartheid. On the other hand, many right-wing whites blame the black majority for mismanaging the country after power was handed over to them. Indian and colored communities, who were also discriminated against during apartheid but to a lesser extent than the black community, also harbor some degree of resentment for not being eligible for affirmative action policies, often using the moniker of "not white enough then, not black enough now. " Similarly, the Khoisan people, despite having settled in South Africa long before the arrival of the Black Bantu peoples, have largely been left out of post-apartheid affirmative action policies, generating a degree of resentment. against the Bantu-dominated government.


Modern South Africans are highly diverse, with many different ethnicities making up the population. However, in addition to the Xhosa, Venda, Shangane, Sotho, among others, the Zulus constitute the largest group with approximately 20% of the total. There are also two main ethnic groups among white South Africans; Afrikaners, who are descended from Dutch settlers and form the majority of the white community, and British South Africans. This melting pot also includes a considerable number of other African, Asian, and European descendants, with Mozambicans, Zimbabweans, Malawians, Middle Eastern, Indians, Malays, Chinese, Portuguese, Greeks, English, Italians, and many mixed peoples, to name a few. . contributing to a true rainbow nation. The existence and survival in South Africa of the ancient "Khoikhoi" and "San" people, their culture, language and traditions, provides a window into a way of life that has largely remained unchanged for over 10,000 years. In general, the vast majority of its people, regardless of origin, color, or creed, are friendly, helpful, and slightly curious about visitors, while good manners and respect go a long way toward a pleasant relationship.

Retirement destination

South Africa's immigration regulations under a system of temporary residence permit special that after a few years can rise to a permanent residence status, allows elderly or retired foreigners in good health, with a certain level of fixed income or legally obtained pension and in possession of a clean criminal record certificate, to settle and buy property locally in retirement. Such an opportunity may be attractive to Northern Europeans seeking a temperate and sunny climate in a country that offers the best of both worlds by being highly cosmopolitan while keeping African traditions alive and at a much higher cost of living. low, given that advantageous exchange rates are approximately in the same time zone of the country of origin. Such permit holders are treated like all South African citizens from a legal point of view, therefore they are subject to all laws and regulations that govern the nation.

Place names

Many names of regions, cities, streets and buildings in South Africa have been changed after the end of apartheid and some of them are still being changed today. These changes can sometimes be confusing, as many of the new names are not yet well known. This travel guide will use the new official names, but will also mention the old names whenever possible.


Soccer, cricket, rugby, and track and field athletics are the most supported and participated national sports. South African swimming, cycling, and tennis produce some world-class athletes from time to time. In 2010, South Africa hosted the first Association Football World Cup to be held on the African continent. South Africa also hosted the 1995 Rugby Union World Cup, the only edition of that tournament to be held in Africa.


Public holidays in South Africa are:

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Human Rights Day (March 21st)
  • Easter weekend A end 4-day long week in March or April consisting of "Good Friday", "Holy Saturday", "Easter Sunday" and "Easter Monday", the dates are set according to the Western Christian tradition.
  • Freedom day (April 27)
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • Youth day (June 16)
  • Women's Day (August 9)
  • Heritage Day (24th September)
  • Reconciliation Day (December 16) - watch Bloodriver .
  • Christmas day (December 25th)
  • Goodwill Day (December 26)

If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a holiday.

School holidays occur from the beginning of December to the middle of January, the beginning of April, the middle of June to the middle of July and the end of September. Most South Africans go on vacation during these periods and it will be more difficult to find accommodation. Protea is the national flower of South Africa.

Tourism offices

South African Tourism has several offices in other countries. You may want to contact your country office for additional information or assistance.

  • Angola , Travessa Rodrigo de Miranda, R / C N33, Luanda, [222 320261], fax: 244 222 320253. edit
  • Australia , Level 3, 117 York St, Sydney, [2 9261-5000], fax: 61 2 9261-2000, [[1]]. Edit
  • from China , 6 Gong Ti North Road, Suite 2606, Beijing, [10 8523-6881], fax: 86 10 8523-6897, [[2]]. Edit
  • France , 61 Rue La Boetie, Paris, [1 45610197], fax: 33 1 45610196, [[3]]. Edit
  • Germany , Friedensstrasse 6-10, Frankfurt, [69 929-1290], fax: 49 69 28-0950, [[4]]. Edit
  • india , Unit n. 3, ground floor, TGC Financial Center, Mumbai, [22 6158 5100], fax: 91 22 6158 6101, [[5]]. Edit
  • Italy , Via XX Settembre 24, 3F, Milan, [2 4391-1765], fax: 39 02 4391-1158, [[6]]. Edit
  • Japan , Akasaka Lions Bldg, 1-1-2 Moto Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, [33 478-7601], fax: 81 33 478-7605, [[7]]. Edit
  • Netherlands , Jozef Israëlskade 48 A, Amsterdam, [20 471-3181], fax: 31 20 662-9761, [[8]]. Edit
  • United Kingdom , No 1 and 2 Castle Lane, Second Floor, London, [20 8971-9350], fax: 44 20 8944-6705, [[9]]. Edit
  • United States , 500 Fifth Ave, Ste 2200, New York, [1212 730-2929], fax: 1212 764-1980, [[10]]. Edit


The tip of Africa has been home to many human groups such as the Khoikhoi (collective name for Hottentots (derogatory)), Bushmen (San) and Bantu for thousands of years.

Rock art believed to be from non-Bantu tribes and can still be found in many places throughout South Africa. It is believed that the Bantu tribes may have begun to slowly expand into the northernmost areas of what is now South Africa more than 2,500 years ago, displacing them.

Tourist attractions

Bubale caama, Elephant National Park.

South Africa is one of the most popular safari destinations in the world, and seeing the Five Great Beasts and other wildlife is a must for many visitors.

Kruger National Park, in Mpumalanga, is arguably the most famous location for these sightings, but Elephant National Park, in the Eastern Cape, is another popular option.

The vast dry plains of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, with its migratory herds of wildebeest, extend to both South Africa and Botswana. Along the border with MozambiqueSouth Africa, another cross-border park and underwater wildlife has a lot to offer, the Sardine Race is a highlight every year. The coastal town of Hermanus is probably one of the best places in the world for whale watching or snorkeling to spot great white sharks.

Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg Park has a very beautiful landscape.

Near Kruger Park, the Blyde River Canyon is the largest green canyon in the world, and not far from there are the towering peaks of the Drakensberg Range. The Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park is one of eight South African Unesco World Heritage sites, classified for its exceptional natural beauty and the many cave paintings there are.


The climate in South Africa ranges from desert and semi-desert in the northwest of the country to subtropical on the east coast. The rainy season in most of the country is in summer, except in the Western Cape, where the rains come in winter. Rainfall in the Eastern Cape is evenly distributed throughout the year. Winter temperatures hover around zero degrees, summers can be very hot, above 35 ° C (95 ° F) in some places.

The South African Meteorological Service provides up-to-date weather information, forecasts and radar images.

Maximum (° C)303030272524232629293230
Minimum (ºC)2323211712881116182122
Precipitation (mm)16610039359316162449114112

To get

By plane

You have to travel from South America to Europe and Asia. some flights depart from the United States and Canada.

South Africa is a major air transport hub in the southern African region. The country's flag carrier, South Africa Airways (SAA), has an extensive global and pan-African network of connections, some of which are operated by its short-haul subsidiaries SA Airlink and SA Express.

South Africa has 10 international airports. The main intercontinental hub is the OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg; the secondary is Cape Town International. They serve as gateways for foreign tourists and visitors, and as hubs for travel within South Africa and South Africa in general. OR Tambo International Airport, has a convenient but quite expensive (R175 for a single trip to Sandton (including cost of reusable card)) commuter rail link system known as " Gautrain "which connects the airport with Sandton, Johannesburg and Pretoria. Depending on the final destination, two or more people traveling together may be better to use a taxi or a shuttle, but ask at the airport information desk or consult the web on all available options.

Direct flights arrive from major European hubs, including: Amsterdam, Athens, Madrid, London, Paris, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich and Lisbon. There are also direct flights from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, São Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tel Aviv and Perth. You may also want to take a look at discounted airlines in Africa.

All of the largest airports in South Africa used to be state-owned but have been privatized and are now run by the South African Airports Company. Durban International Airport is the third largest airport. Regular flights to and from: Blantyre, Cairo, Gaborone, Dar es Salaam, Harare, Lilongwe, Livingstone, Luanda, Lusaka, Kinshasa, Maputo, Manzini, Maun, Mauritius, Nairobi, Victoria Falls and Windhoek.

Baggage theft at airports is common, especially at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, so avoid putting valuables like jewelry and expensive gadgets in your main luggage if you can and put them in your carry-on luggage. Since these thieves only have a window of a few seconds to steal, you can make it more difficult for them by using quick-attach plastic straps on all zippers, even if there are already metal locks and they have cloth or leather luggage. solid box, wrapped in many layers of adherent plastic membrane. The cling wrap can be made at the airport for R80 per item or you can buy a large roll from any supermarket and DIY for a fraction of the cost.

A real adventure is flying with an old classic plane. There are some tour operators that offer these types of flights, mainly in the Gauteng region. An example is Rovos Air, a division of Rovos Rail.

Some popular services include:

  • Cape Town to Gaborone - SA Express on Mondays and Fridays
  • Cape Town to Maun: Direct on Mondays and Fridays
  • Cape Town to Mauritius: Thursday and Saturday by Air Mauritius
  • Cape Town to Walvis Bay: Sunday to Friday by SA Express
  • Cape Town to Windhoek: Every Day by SA Airlink and Air Namibia
  • Dar es Salaam to Johannesburg: every day on SAA and Air Tanzania
  • Eswatini to Johannesburg - Every day at SA Airlink
  • Johannesburg to Dar es Salaam: every day on SAA and Air Tanzania
  • De Johannesburgo a Eswatini - Todos los días en SA Airlink
  • Johannesburgo a Gaborone : vuelos diarios en SA Express
  • De Johannesburgo a Kilimanjaro : martes, miércoles, viernes, sábado y domingo en Air Tanzania
  • De Johannesburgo a Lusaka - Todos los días en SAA
  • Johannesburgo a Maputo : vuelos diarios en las aerolíneas SAA o Mozambique.
  • De Johannesburgo a Mauricio : todos los días en SAA o Air Mautirius
  • Johannesburgo a Maun - Vuelos diarios
  • Johannesburgo a Maseru : vuelos diarios en SAA Airlink
  • De Johannesburgo a Nairobi : todos los días en SAA o Kenya Airways
  • De Johannesburgo a Seychelles : martes y sábado en Air Seychelles
  • Johannesburgo a las Cataratas Victoria : todos los días en SAA y BA
  • De Johannesburgo a Walvis Bay : de domingo a viernes en SA Express
  • De Johannesburgo a Windhoek : todos los días en SAA, BA, Comair y Air Namibia
  • De Johannesburgo a Zanzíbar : martes y domingo en SAA. Vuelo de conexión diario a través de Dar es Salaam .
  • Gaborone a Ciudad del Cabo - SA Express los lunes y viernes
  • Gaborone a Johannesburgo : vuelos diarios en SA Express
  • Kilimanjaro a Johannesburgo : lunes, miércoles, jueves, sábado y domingo en Air Tanzania
  • De Lusaka a Johannesburgo - Todos los días en SAA
  • Maputo a Johannesburgo : vuelos diarios en las aerolíneas SAA o Mozambique.
  • Maseru a Johannesburgo - Vuelos diarios en SAA Airlink
  • Maun a Ciudad del Cabo : directo los jueves y domingos
  • Maun a Johannesburgo - Vuelos diarios
  • De Mauricio a Johannesburgo : todos los días en SAA o Air Mautirius
  • De Mauricio a Ciudad del Cabo : jueves y sábado por Air Mauritius
  • De Nairobi a Johannesburgo : todos los días en SAA o Kenya Airways
  • De Seychelles a Johannesburgo : martes y domingo por Air Seychelles
  • Cataratas Victoria a Johannesburgo : todos los días en SAA y BA
  • De Walvis Bay a Johannesburgo : de domingo a viernes en SA Express
  • De Walvis Bay a Ciudad del Cabo : de domingo a viernes en SA Express
  • De Windhoek a Johannesburgo : todos los días en SAA, BA, Comair y Air Namibia
  • Windhoek a Ciudad del Cabo - Todos los días en SA Airlink y Air Namibia
  • De Zanzíbar a Johannesburgo : martes y domingo en SAA. Vuelo de conexión diario a través de Dar es Salaam .

By car

Si ingresa desde uno de los otros países del sur de África, es posible que desee hacerlo en automóvil. Sudáfrica opera varios puestos fronterizos terrestres entre ella y los países inmediatamente vecinos. Los más utilizados son:

Frontera de Botswana

  • Skilpadsnek (Por la N4, 54 km / 34 mi de Zeerust), [18 366-1469]. 6 a. M. A 10 p. M.. editar

Frontera de Lesotho

  • Puente Maseru (A 15 km de Ladybrand por la N8 hacia Maseru), [51924-4004]. Open 24 hours. Edit
  • Puente de Ficksburg (Justo en las afueras de Ficksburg), [51933-2760]. Open 24 hours. Edit
  • Paso Sani (En el parque KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg), [51430-3664]. 8 a. M. At 4 p. M.. editar

Frontera de mozambique

  • Lebombo (En la N4 entre Mbombela y Maputo), [13 790-7203]. 6 a. M. A 10 p. M.. editar
  • Bahía de Kosi (R22 entre Hluhluwe y Ponta do Ouro), [35 592-0251]. 8 a. M. At 4 p. M.. editar

Frontera de Namibia

  • Nakop (132 km desde Upington por la N10 hacia Ariamsvlei), [54 571-0008]. Open 24 hours. Edit
  • Vioolsdrift (En la N7 N de Springbok), [27 761-8760]. Open 24 hours. Edit

Frontera de Eswatini

  • Oshoek (120 km / 75 mi de Ermelo por la N17 hacia Mbabane), [17 882-0138]. 7 a. M. A 10 p. M.. editar

Frontera de Zimbabwe

  • Puente de Beit (En N1 aproximadamente 16 km (10 millas) N de Messina), [15 530-0070]. Open 24 hours. Edit

Los horarios abiertos a menudo se amplían durante las vacaciones en Sudáfrica. Para obtener una lista completa de los puertos de entrada o cualquier información adicional, consulte el Servicio de Información Fronteriza de Sudáfrica o comuníquese con ellos al 27 086 026-7337.

By bus

Hay autobuses regulares que circulan varias veces al día entre las principales ciudades y las provincias vecinas. Los mochileros también pueden viajar de forma económica con el BazBus de albergue en albergue.



La mayoría de las líneas de cruceros más grandes, como Princess Cruises, ofrecen Ciudad del Cabo como uno de sus destinos, pero también puedes probar algo diferente.

Cómo desplazarse

By plane

Sudáfrica tiene una infraestructura de transporte aéreo nacional bien establecida con enlaces entre los principales centros. Hay varios vuelos diarios a los principales aeropuertos del país. Comuníquese con cualquiera de las aerolíneas para obtener más detalles. Las aerolíneas de bajo coste ( Kulula , Mango ) suelen ser las más baratas y los precios se pueden comparar online. También vale la pena compararlo con las tarifas de SAA , ya que generalmente tienen ofertas especiales en línea que pueden ser más baratas que las aerolíneas de "bajo costo" en algunos casos.

By train

Tenga cuidado con los robos que a menudo ocurren en compartimentos de tren y evite viajar de noche.

The Agencia de Ferrocarriles de Pasajeros de Sudáfrica (PRASA) es el operador ferroviario nacional. Hay servicios de pasajeros económicos entre las principales ciudades sudafricanas (conocidas como Shosholoza Meyl ) y servicios de lujo (conocidos como Premier Classe ) entre Johannesburgo, Ciudad del Cabo y Durban.

Central de reservas (para Shosholoza Meyl y Premier Classe) puede contactarse de la siguiente manera:

  • Desde Sudáfrica, teléfono 086000 8888 (llamada compartida)
  • Desde fuera de Sudáfrica, teléfono 27 11774 4555
  • Al usar el prefijo 0027 en lugar de 27, las llamadas pueden costar menos, lo mismo se aplica al llamar a SA desde el exterior.
  • Envíe [[11]] correo electrónico a [[12]] o [[13]]

Para reservar boletos, llame a la Central de Reservas a uno de los números indicados anteriormente y haga su reserva. Puede recoger y pagar los billetes más tarde en cualquier estación de tren.

También hay trenes de cercanías en ciudades más grandes (Johannesburgo, Pretoria, Ciudad del Cabo, Durban, Port Elizabeth y East London ); estos son administrados por MetroRail . La mayoría de los servicios son perfectamente seguros, pero ciertas rutas están abarrotadas y no siempre son seguras.

Middle range

  • Shongololo Express , [11 781-4616], [[14]] .Safaris en tren por Sudáfrica editar


  • Tren azul , [12 334-8459], [[15]] .Este tren de lujo de fama mundial opera entre Pretoria y Ciudad del Cabo, con escala en Kimberley . Se anuncian como un "hotel de cinco estrellas sobre ruedas" y cobran en consecuencia: los precios comienzan desde R15.500 por persona en el uso compartido doble "Deluxe" de temporada baja. Puede pagar hasta R34,925 (individual "de lujo" en temporada alta) (precios de 2017) El viaje dura 27 horas y sus tarifas incluyen una suite privada con baño adjunto y todas las comidas y bebidas (excepto champán y caviar) . (Updated January 2017 | edit)
  • Rovos Rail , [12315-8242]. Ofrece viajes en tren de lujo por todo el sur de África. Los destinos incluyen Ciudad del Cabo, Pretoria, Durban, George , Swakopmund en Namibia, Vic Falls en Zimbabwe y Dar es Salaam en Tanzania .

By car

Muchas agencias ofrecen vehículos autónomos 4x4 para dormir allí, la mayoría de las veces con una carpa en el techo. Conducir puede ser una forma práctica de moverse por Sudáfrica; por ejemplo, los parques nacionales son algunas de las principales atracciones del país, pero rara vez cuentan con transporte público. Los visitantes que alquilan o compran un automóvil es bastante común.

Las carreteras principales están en general en buenas condiciones, aunque Sudáfrica todavía tiene una alta tasa de accidentes de tráfico. Las normas de tráfico, incluidos los límites de velocidad, no siempre se respetan, y en el campo los animales (salvajes y domésticos) al lado o en la carretera no son un espectáculo infrecuente.

By bus

Hay servicios de autobús programados entre Ciudad del Cabo, Johannesburgo, Durban y otras ciudades (con paradas intermedias), así como conexiones con los países vecinos. Las principales empresas de autobuses son:

La reserva para lo anterior también se puede hacer a través de Computicket .

Los servicios más pequeños incluyen City Bug Y Lowveld Link .

Una alternativa es el Baz Bus . Ofrece un servicio regular de subir y bajar en algunas de las rutas más interesantes para el turista (Ciudad del Cabo a Durban a través de la Garden Route; Durban a Johannesburgo a través de Drakensberg). Baz Bus lo recoge y lo deja en muchos albergues a lo largo de la ruta, para que no tenga que quedarse en una parada de autobús del centro por la noche.

Si está realmente en un apuro, puede utilizar taxis minibús . Están en mal estado y rara vez cumplen con las normas de seguridad. También requieren paciencia ya que hacen muchos desvíos y cambios en la parada de taxis (centro) donde el conductor esperará a que los pasajeros llenen el autobús. Pero cubren muchas rutas no cubiertas por el servicio principal de autobuses y son bastante baratas (25 centavos por kilómetro por persona en las rutas principales).

Advertencia: Muchos autobuses son retirados del servicio por la policía debido a la falta de aptitud legal para circular. Busque asesoramiento actualizado sobre qué empresas tienen más reputación. De vez en cuando, la conducción puede ser bastante salvaje, y si es propenso a marearse, esté preparado.

By thumb

Hacer autostop en Sudáfrica no es tan difícil, pero la mayoría de la gente pensará que estás tomando un viaje con los taxis locales y, por lo tanto, esperará que pagues. Es posible que desee decirles que está buscando un viaje gratis antes de subir a bordo. El problema principal es el crimen: algunos conductores pueden secuestrarlo a usted y sus pertenencias. Hacer autostop es generalmente mal visto y considerado inseguro. Los conductores también desconfían de los autostopistas potencialmente criminales. Nunca haga autostop por la noche. No es aconsejable estar afuera por la noche, si se encuentra en un área considerada insegura. Recuerde, la mayoría de las casas de clase media están protegidas con muros y guardias armados; tienen esto por una razón.


El ciclismo es probablemente la mejor manera de experimentar el país, ya que realmente puedes admirar las vistas y tener la oportunidad de mezclarte con los lugareños. Podría considerarse inseguro circular por las ciudades debido a la delincuencia y los conductores imprudentes. Sin embargo, Ciudad del Cabo es algo amigable con las bicicletas con varios carriles para bicicletas. Hay muchas granjas / caminos de tierra en Sudáfrica. Los lugareños y los agricultores generalmente están dispuestos a brindarle comida y un lugar para dormir, siempre que usted esté dispuesto a hablar.


Los dos idiomas oficiales más hablados son el afrikaans (derivado del holandés) y el inglés, entendido en todo el país. Los otros idiomas oficiales son siNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, sotho norteño (Sepedi), sesotho, setswana, siSwati, tshivenda y xitsonga.

Sudáfrica tiene 11 idiomas oficiales, a saber, afrikáans , ndebele del sur , xhosa , zulú , swazi , sotho del norte , sotho del sur , tswana , tsonga , venda e inglés. El afrikáans es la lengua materna de la mayoría de la población blanca y de color. A menudo, los extranjeros llaman incorrectamente al afrikan 'afrikan' o 'africano'. Esto es muy incorrecto ya que 'africano' para un sudafricano se corresponde con los idiomas nativos africanos: zulú , xhosa, Pedi, etc. (y, por supuesto, hay miles de idiomas en África, por lo que ningún idioma puede llamarse 'africano') El afrikaans tiene sus raíces en los dialectos holandeses del siglo XVII, por lo que puede ser entendido por los hablantes de holandés y, a veces, descifrado por Hablantes de alemán. Otros idiomas ampliamente hablados son el zulú (principalmente en KwaZulu-Natal , el grupo lingüístico más grande de Sudáfrica) y el xhosa (principalmente en el Cabo Occidental y el Cabo Oriental ), Sotho y Venda. Esto cambia, según la región en la que se encuentre.

El inglés es la lingua franca y es hablado como segundo idioma por la mayoría de los sudafricanos urbanos, pero como primer idioma solo por una minoría de la comunidad blanca. Sin embargo, el dominio del inglés puede ser limitado en algunas comunidades negras rurales. El inglés sudafricano sigue principalmente las opciones de ortografía y vocabulario británicas, pero también está muy influenciado por el afrikáans y, en menor medida, por otros idiomas sudafricanos.

Algunas palabras que puede encontrar son:

  • eish - como en, "eish, hace calor hoy", "eish, eso es caro" o "eish, está demasiado lejos para conducir"
  • lekker - agradable, agradable
  • howzit - ¿cómo es? (generalmente una pregunta retórica)
  • yebo - sí
  • boet , bru , china or ou - hermano u hombre (equivalente a amigo or hermano )
  • koppie - una pequeña colina (también puede significar una taza)
  • Madiba - Nelson Mandela
  • Molo - Hola (en Xhosa)
  • robot - semáforo
  • tannie - (tía) término respetuoso para una mujer mayor
  • oom - (tío) término respetuoso para un hombre mayor
  • tinkle - llamada telefónica
  • ahora mismo , pronto (del afrikáans "net-nou")
  • ahora ahora - ¡antes que ahora! (del afrikáans "nou-nou", pronunciado no-no)
  • braai - barbacoa.
  • aplausos : se usa para despedirse, así como para agradecer y para brindar ocasionalmente.
  • heita - hola
  • agudo - (generalmente se pronuncia rápidamente) OK
  • seguro-seguro más pronunciado como sho-sho - Correcto, acuerdo, gracias
  • ayoba - algo genial
  • paso de cebra - un paso de peatones. llamado así por las rayas blancas y negras que generalmente se pintan en los cruces peatonales.
  • bakkie - camioneta pick-up (del afrikáans)

What to buy


Tipos de cambio del rand sudafricano

Al 25 de octubre de 2020:

  • Nosotros $ 1 ≈ R14
  • € 1 ≈ R15.7
  • Reino Unido £ 1 ≈ R18.5

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on

Billetes y monedas de Sudáfrica (serie antigua)La moneda es el rand , denoted by the symbol " R "(ISO code: ZAR ). Se divide en 100 centavos (c). Los billetes están en denominaciones de R200, R100, R50, R20 y R10. Las notas de mayor valor son ligeramente más grandes en tamaño físico que las notas de pequeño valor. Todos los billetes tienen una tira de seguridad metálica y una marca de agua. En 2012 se introdujo una nueva serie de billetes, y tanto la serie antigua como la nueva están circulando y son de curso legal.

Las monedas están en denominaciones de R5, R2, R1, 50c, 20c, 10c y 5c. La producción de monedas de 2 centavos y 1 centavo se suspendió en 2002, aunque las que aún están en circulación siguen siendo de curso legal. Todas las transacciones se redondean al 5c inferior más cercano, para no requerir el uso de monedas 2c y 1c. Hay dos tipos de monedas R5 en circulación: una es una moneda de color plateado mientras que la otra es de color plateado con un inserto de cobre. Ambos son moneda de curso legal.

Sudáfrica es parte del Área Monetaria Común de África Austral y el rand se puede usar en Namibia (donde es una moneda oficial junto con el dólar de Namibia), y en Lesotho y Eswatini (donde es ampliamente aceptado, pero no es una moneda oficial ). Las monedas de cada país están ligadas al rand a una tasa de 1: 1.

Los cheques de viaje son una forma segura de transportar dinero. Puedes cambiarlos en todos los bancos (que se encuentran en todo el país incluso en las zonas rurales) y obtendrás un reembolso en caso de robo. La desventaja es que no puede pagar con ellos y necesitará un cambio cuando los cambie a rand. Utilice cajeros automáticos en su lugar si es posible.

Los cajeros automáticos (ATM), vinculados a las principales redes internacionales, están disponibles en todo el país y generalmente dispensan dinero en una mezcla de denominaciones entre R200 y R10, con aproximadamente el 80% del valor solicitado en billetes de alto valor y el resto en denominaciones más pequeñas. Puede utilizar cualquier tarjeta Cirrus o Maestro y todas las principales tarjetas de crédito y débito en los cajeros automáticos. Los cajeros automáticos de los bancos sudafricanos no cobran tarifas superiores a las que cobra su propia institución financiera.

Es mejor usar solo los cajeros automáticos que se encuentran dentro de un centro comercial u otro edificio. Siempre tenga cuidado de asegurarse de que nadie lo esté viendo ingresar su PIN y esté atento a las estafas (por ejemplo, máquinas que parecen comerse su tarjeta y no la devuelven después de ingresar el PIN). No acepte ayuda de extraños al retirar dinero en un cajero automático. Si se le acerca y le ofrece ayuda no deseada, cancele la transacción inmediatamente y vaya a un cajero automático diferente.

Los puntos de caja en algunas de las principales tiendas minoristas (como Pick 'n Pay) también actúan como cajeros automáticos; simplemente dígale al cajero de la caja que le gustaría retirar dinero. Los costos de transacción serán menores que en los cajeros automáticos.

Visa y MasterCard se aceptan en casi todas partes. También se aceptan American Express y Diners Club, pero no tanto.

La mayoría de las tiendas minoristas aceptan tarjetas de crédito y tarjetas de débito con PIN como forma de pago. Sudáfrica se ha movido hacia un sistema de tarjetas de crédito con chip y PIN como Europa. Por lo tanto, los usuarios de tarjetas de crédito de países que también están en ese sistema (como Estados Unidos) no tendrán problemas para usar sus tarjetas de crédito en Sudáfrica, siempre que hayan notificado a su banco con anticipación sobre sus planes de viaje.

El IVA (impuesto al valor agregado) se aplica al 15% en casi todos los productos en Sudáfrica. El pan legislado por el gobierno (barra rectangular) y los alimentos básicos como carnes crudas, leche fresca, frutas y verduras crudas y sin procesar, están todos exentos de impuestos. Por ley, los precios anunciados deben incluir el IVA excepto cuando se indique explícitamente lo contrario. Los titulares de pasaportes extranjeros pueden reclamar la devolución del IVA solo sobre los productos materiales que se compraron en Sudáfrica y se están sacando del país, siempre que el valor total de los bienes supere los R250, pero no para cosas como alojamiento y gastos de comida o alquiler de coches. . Los detalles completos del procedimiento a seguir están disponibles en el Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores y en su nuevo sitio de Reembolso de Impuestos para Turistas . Devolución del IVALas oficinas del administrador están disponibles en los aeropuertos internacionales de Johannesburgo (OR Tambo) y Ciudad del Cabo. Los reembolsos se acreditarán a una tarjeta Visa Travelex que se le entregará, denominada en dólares estadounidenses o euros, las tarifas de conversión asociadas con esta tarjeta pueden dejarle hasta un 10% menos de lo que pensaba que estaba obteniendo. Las tarjetas solo se pueden usar fuera de Sudáfrica.


Gasolina y diesel

Los precios de los combustibles líquidos en Sudáfrica están regulados y se fijan mensualmente por región. En general, la gasolina es más barata cerca de los puertos (Durban, Ciudad del Cabo, Port Elizabeth). Un litro de gasolina costará alrededor de R17 (2018).

  • Los pinchazos de neumáticos y las reparaciones de vehículos pequeños se pueden realizar en los garajes casi en cualquier lugar. Las tiendas de llantas privadas o de cadena / franquicia se encuentran fácilmente y cobran alrededor de R90 / 120, incluido el kit de reparación de pinchazos, la nueva válvula de aire y el reequilibrio de las ruedas. Aunque los precios de cosas como mangueras de radiador nuevas o filtros de aire y aceite, baterías nuevas, recargas de gas de aire acondicionado, etc., pueden ser acertadas al buscar mejores precios, estos servicios también se llevan a cabo mientras espera.
  • El astillado del parabrisas a menudo puede ocurrir tanto en el asfalto sudafricano como en caminos de tierra. Los principales centros urbanos cuentan con especialistas en reparación de parabrisas capaces de reparar de forma invisible y permanente pequeñas astillas y grietas mientras esperas unos R500. Si no lo encuentra en línea, cualquier agente de garaje o parabrisas adecuado podrá recomendarle a alguien cerca de usted. Si se produce una grieta en el vehículo de otra persona y usted está asegurado, registre la fecha, la hora y el lugar, además del número de la placa de matrícula del otro vehículo, el color y la marca para proporcionar a su aseguradora.

Carreteras de peaje

La puerta de peaje más cara de Sudáfrica es la plaza de peaje de Swartruggens en la N4 entre Swartruggens y Zeerust , el costo es de R71 para un automóvil normal. En total, los peajes entre Pretoria y Mbombela o entre Johannesburgo y Ciudad del Cabo le costarán poco menos de R100. Si viaja de Beitbridge a Ciudad del Cabo, por la N1, espere pagar hasta R270.


  • Puedes comprar un Big Mac de McDonald's por alrededor de R39,90 (2020)
  • Un almuerzo sentado en un restaurante promedio le costará alrededor de R120 por persona (2018).
  • Una cena en un restaurante en un área elegante o elegante puede costar R200 R500 p / persona (sin bebidas).
  • Una pizza básica de 30 cm costará alrededor de R85 (2018), sin embargo, las cadenas conocidas ofrecen ofertas especiales de compra a granel.
  • Las bebidas de todo tipo en la mayoría de los restaurantes tienden a ser demasiado caras. Los establecimientos sin licencia pueden cobrar una tarifa de "taponamiento", que varía de barata a cuestionablemente alta.


Los precios en las tiendas son fijos, pero los precios en los mercados abiertos o en los vendedores ambulantes están abiertos al trueque.

Sudáfrica puede no ser el mejor lugar para encontrar gangas para la mayoría de los bienes, por ejemplo, la mayoría de los bienes de consumo ordinarios, electrónicos y electrodomésticos se fabrican en general en China hoy en día, mientras que la mayoría de los artículos de lujo se fabrican en Europa. En cualquier caso, por ley, todo tiene que especificar lugar de origen / fabricación además, en el caso de prendas, accesorios y zapatos, los distintos tipos de materiales utilizados y los respectivos porcentajes. Sin embargo, la industria de la confección y el calzado de Sudáfrica ha comenzado un nuevo capítulo al revivir algunas fábricas inactivas y en asociación con nuevos diseñadores de moda locales brillantes, combinándose para producir zapatos y prendas de vestir asequibles de alta calidad muy atractivos hechos de materias primas de primera calidad de origen nacional. como el cuero, la lana y el mohair, el Foro de Jóvenes Diseñadoreslabel es un ejemplo de este desarrollo y Ciudad del Cabo lidera el camino, mientras que otros se pueden encontrar en la web. En el mercado de productos electrónicos, los precios necesitan una doble verificación, un simple navegador GPS para su automóvil costará alrededor de R2000, ¡más del doble del costo en los EE. UU. O Europa! No obstante, en los principales centros urbanos como Johannesburgo y Ciudad del Cabo, los parques comerciales con puntos de venta directos al público ofrecen precios muy reducidos en marcas mundiales de renombre en ropa, calzado y equipos deportivos, accesorios, entretenimiento para el hogar y electrónica.

Sin embargo, Sudáfrica es un destino superior para comprar arte africano, curiosidades y recuerdos que son mucho más difíciles de obtener fuera de África. En Johannesburgo, en particular, el Consejo de Joyería de SA y la Junta de Diamantes de SA y los comerciantes y joyeros certificados de diamantes y piedras preciosas de colores fabrican joyas en oro o platino, disponibles de fabricantes de renombre a precios mucho mejores que en la calle principal. Gran parte de estos negocios se concentran en Jewel City, Main St., Jhb. or The Hamlet , Ridge Rd., Parktown, Jhb. Todas estas empresas proporcionan la documentación necesaria para un reembolso total del IVA al salir del país.


Las propinas son la norma en los restaurantes. De hecho, la mayoría de estas empresas pagan a su personal el salario mínimo legal, confiando en las propinas de los clientes para elevar los ingresos del personal a niveles de vida. Las propinas de alrededor del 10% de la factura se consideran la norma, pero puede negarse a dar propina si la comida y / o el servicio estaban por debajo de la media. Tenga en cuenta que la administración de algunos restaurantes comparte todos los consejos "oficiales", es posible que desee dar una propina en efectivo real al camarero involucrado, en lugar de agregarla a la cuenta que se paga con cr / tarjeta.

Se entrega una pequeña cantidad, generalmente alrededor de R5 o más, a los empleados de las estaciones de servicio para servicios adicionales, como la limpieza del parabrisas. Los limpiadores de inodoros en las estaciones de servicio a lo largo de las principales rutas de carreteras a veces reciben propina cuando brindan un buen servicio y mantienen limpias las instalaciones. Los "guardias de automóviles", que afirman "cuidar" el automóvil estacionado, a menudo reciben una pequeña propina si llevan uniforme y están autorizados; sin embargo, los que no tienen uniforme se suelen considerar una molestia y no es obligatorio dar propina, a pesar de que a menudo acosan a los automovilistas en busca de pago.

La regla del 10% de propina también se aplica al tomar un taxi. Como la mayoría de los taxis funcionan solo con efectivo, es mejor preguntar cuánto se espera que pague por su viaje antes de subir. Esto asegurará que siempre tenga suficiente para darle al conductor como propina.

Por último, al registrarse en su hotel, también es costumbre dar propina al portero. La regla generalmente aceptada es darles R5 por bolsa que manejen.

Que comer

The boerewors son un tipo de salchicha popular en la gastronomía de Sudáfrica.

Amarla. Es un licor tradicional realizado en base a la fruta que le da el nombre.


La cocina sudafricana es tan diversa como sus culturas, con influencias británicas , holandesas, alemanas, indias, malayas, portuguesas, griegas, italianas y, por supuesto, las influencias africanas nativas.

  • Braaivleis, carne asada sobre un fuego de leña o carbón, es muy popular y generalmente se hace en eventos sociales de fin de semana. El acto de asar la carne, así como el evento social, se conoce como braai .
  • Pap, una papilla hecha con harina de maíz. Slappap (papilla líquida), es suave y a menudo se come como papilla de desayuno, Stywepap (papilla dura) tiene una consistencia pastosa y más grumosa y se usa a menudo como reemplazo del arroz u otros almidones. La papilla "Krummel" también llamada umphokoqo (papilla crumby) es más seca, se asemeja al cuscús y a menudo se sirve en un braai cubierto con una salsa de tomate picante y cebolla llamada sous .
  • Potjiekos, un guiso de carne y verduras elaborado en una olla de hierro fundido a fuego abierto. Un favorito en braais .
  • Boerewors, una salchicha picante. Boerewors Rolls son bollos de perritos calientes con boerewors en lugar de perritos calientes, tradicionalmente adornados con una salsa de cebolla y tomate.
  • Biltong y Droëwors, carne sazonada o salchicha que se ha secado. Se suele utilizar carne de vacuno, caza y avestruz. Un favorito en eventos deportivos y mientras viaja.
  • Bunny chows, media barra de pan con el interior reemplazado por cordero o ternera al curry, una especialidad de la comunidad india de Durban .
  • Bobotie, pastel de carne con influencia de Cape Malay, sazonado con curry y especias, cubierto con una sabrosa crema pastelera.
  • Morogo, una espinaca silvestre sola o con patata. A veces se sirve con papilla .
  • Waterblommetjiebredie, estofado de cordero y nenúfar autóctono.
  • Masonja, para el aventurero culinario, frió gusanos Mopanie.
  • Melktert , "tarta de leche", postre a base de leche.
  • Koeksisters, un postre pegajoso frito.
  • Vetkoek, bola de masa frita hecha de harina, servida con carne picada de curry o mermelada de albaricoque.

Fast food

Encontrará la variedad habitual de establecimientos internacionales de comida rápida. McDonald's, KFC, Domino's Pizza Y Wimpy se encuentran en todo el país.

Las franquicias locales que vale la pena mencionar son Black Steer, Spur and Steers para las mejores hamburguesas y the pollo peri-peri de Nando. Chicken Licken también es una opción muy popular entre los lugareños, especialmente por sus alitas picantes.

La entrega de pizzas está disponible en la mayoría de las áreas urbanas, donde la comida se puede pedir en línea en lugares como Domino's Pizza y Debonairs.

Si desea ajustarse a un presupuesto y no molestarse en cocinar, en todas partes todas las cadenas de supermercados tienen secciones de delicatessen, panadería y cocina que ofrecen una amplia gama de comidas listas para comer y sándwiches o puede elegir usted mismo del buffet caliente o barra de ensaladas. Estos artículos se venden por peso a precios razonables.

  • The franquicias de seafood What Ocean Basket Y Fishaways se especializan en mariscos, ya sea para comer o para llevar. En el interior, debido a las distancias de la costa, los platos de pescado fresco no son fáciles de encontrar. Sin embargo, cerca de los ríos, algunos establecimientos ofrecen lo que está disponible regionalmente. En las ciudades y pueblos costeros, la situación se invierte, ya que Ciudad del Cabo y Durban son particularmente buenos al tener una variedad de excelentes establecimientos de mariscos en sus respectivos frentes de agua.

Dietas especiales

  • The comida rápida vegetariana y vegana y los establecimientos o restaurantes son bastante populares en las zonas urbanas de Sudáfrica, la franquicia de Kauai generalmente presente en centros comerciales y centros comerciales, entre otros lugares, lidera el camino en variedad, calidad y precios entusiastas. Otra fuente de comidas preparadas asequibles de este tipo se puede encontrar en cadenas de supermercados como Fruit & Veg, Woolworths, Pick & Pay, Spar or Checkers, mientras que un número creciente de restaurantes habituales también se ocuparán de estas dietas.
  • The requisitos dietéticos kosher y halal son bien conocidos en Sudáfrica. En áreas con una concentración razonable o alta de población judía y musulmana, es bastante fácil encontrar restaurantes, carnicerías y supermercados que satisfagan estas necesidades. En otras áreas, puede requerir una búsqueda para determinar su existencia o una persona judía o musulmana siempre puede comunicarse con su respectivo lugar de culto u organización religiosa más cercana para consultas.


La mayoría de los restaurantes e incluso los pubs han sido declarados zonas "libres de humo". Sin embargo, esto a menudo se ignora. En algunos restaurantes encontrará una zona exclusiva para fumadores donde no se permiten niños. La regla general es buscar un cenicero en su mesa. Sin embargo, lo más probable es que lo reciban en la puerta del establecimiento con un "fumador o no fumador". Verifique que no se permite fumar en áreas no designadas y se encontrará con algunos gestos groseros.

To drink

Note: Como resultado de una sequía prolongada, hay una crisis de agua en curso en Ciudad del Cabo . La ciudad está abierta para los visitantes de negocios y la bienvenida. Hay agua adecuada para las necesidades diarias como lavarse, beber, ir al baño y la higiene diaria.

El agua del grifo municipal suele ser potable. En algunas áreas, como la presa Hartebeespoort, es aconsejable hervir el agua antes de beberla.

La leche está ampliamente disponible en la mayoría de los supermercados, pero el jugo de naranja embotellado sin concentrado es mucho, mucho más difícil de encontrar que en América del Norte. La mayoría de los minoristas sudafricanos venden únicamente jugo de naranja reconstituido a partir de concentrado o jugo de naranja mezclado con otros jugos o leche. Sin embargo, los refrescos como Coca-Cola y Pepsi están ampliamente disponibles.

La edad legal para comprar y beber alcohol en Sudáfrica es de 18 años. Casi todos los restaurantes tienen licencia para servir licor.

Witblits o Mampoer se destilan localmente bajo los auspicios del Departamento de Agricultura y se les asigna una licencia de fabricante. Son seguros y agradables de consumir y no se parecen a los nombres de licor of luna or agua de fuego . El contenido de alcohol lo controla el Departamento, al igual que la calidad.


Diferentes cervezas en un festival de la cerveza.La producción local de cerveza está dominada por SABMiller, siendo las marcas más populares Castle, Hansa, Black Label y Castle Milk Stout. También hay microcervecerías en toda Sudáfrica. Las cervezas importadas como Stella Artois y Grolsch o Laurentina también están ampliamente disponibles. Las cervezas de la marca Namibia Windhoek también son populares y están disponibles en general.

Los precios pueden variar mucho según el establecimiento. Espere pagar R25 por una cerveza de 0.5 L (julio de 2017).


Sudáfrica tiene una industria vitivinícola bien establecida y la mayor parte del vino producido se concentra en Cape Winelands en Western Cape y a lo largo del río Orange en Northern Cape . El vino es abundante en todo el país y los precios siguen siendo asequibles, con botellas de 750 ml de un tinto realmente bueno a partir de R100 y Chardonnay desde R90. Los vinos de buena calidad a granel también están disponibles en cajas de 5 y 3 litros. Un 3L de buen rojo costará alrededor de R110 y un Chardonnay de 3L, alrededor de R95. Los precios no son fijos, vale la pena darse una vuelta por las buenas ofertas.


La Crema Amarula se elabora con la fruta de marula. La fruta de marula es una delicia favorita de los elefantes africanos, los babuinos y los monos y, en forma de licor, definitivamente no es algo que los humanos puedan pasar por alto. Vierta sobre hielo picado y disfrute. El sabor, el color y la textura son muy similares a la crema irlandesa Baileys. Cape Velvet es uno de los favoritos en Ciudad del Cabo y sus alrededores.

Té y café

El té local Rooibos, elaborado con una hierba de las montañas Cederberg, es el favorito de muchos sudafricanos. Encontrarás cafeterías en la mayoría de los centros comerciales, como Mugg & Bean y House of Coffees . Las cafeterías similares en concepto a Starbucks, como Seattle Coffee Company y Vida e Caffe (de temática portuguesa), se están convirtiendo en algo común.

Donde dormir

Los establecimientos en Sudáfrica pueden ser calificados por el Tourism Grading Council of South Africa sobre una base de 5 estrellas. Muchos establecimientos hacen uso de este servicio y verá la clasificación de estrellas en la mayoría del material publicitario. Se debe tener en cuenta un sistema de precios inconsistente que ve a muchos establecimientos ofreciendo un precio "por persona" en lugar de una tarifa "por habitación". Además, no todo el mundo deja muy claro si el desayuno está incluido o no y si no, cuánto extra será. Si eres sensible al presupuesto, en los últimos años, los costos de alojamiento en muchos establecimientos codiciosos, tanto en ciudades grandes como pequeñas, han aumentado mucho con la inflación real, por lo que no es aconsejable reservar con anticipación sin hacer una búsqueda exhaustiva. . En ciertos casos, una marca global o un hotel comparable costará mucho menos en Europa o América que en Sudáfrica. Una de las excusas para esto es el tipo de cambio, así que compare precios. Otra anomalía, es la inconsistencia dentro de la clasificación por estrellas. Una casa de huéspedes, un B&B u hotel de tres o cuatro estrellas, tal vez mejor equipada, más espaciosa, mejor mantenida y administrada que un establecimiento de cinco estrellas en la misma área, por lo tanto, el sistema se convierte en un indicador aproximado de una guía y no en un sistema confiable. conjunto de estándares. De manera similar, en las áreas de reserva de caza, por ejemplo, no es raro ver un establecimiento ligeramente superior al promedio que cobra una tarifa ligeramente más barata que el albergue de juegos ultra lujoso cercano, pero que no ofrece nada comparable en calidad o variedad a su contraparte de siete estrellas, así que tenga cuidado. . Para el turista promedio y consciente del precio, la experiencia de la reserva de caza se realiza mejor dentro de los campamentos de caza bajo el control de las Autoridades de Parques Provinciales o la Junta de Parques Nacionales. Allí, precios de alojamiento,

  • 1 estrella - Limpio, cómodo y funcional.
  • 2 estrellas - Bueno: Mobiliario de calidad, servicio y atención al huésped.
  • 3 estrellas - Muy bueno: Mejor mobiliario, servicio y atención al huésped.
  • 4 estrellas - Superior: excelente confort y mobiliario, servicio y atención al huésped de muy alto nivel.
  • 5 estrellas - Excepcional: calidad de primera línea y alojamiento de lujo para cumplir con los mejores estándares internacionales. Servicio impecable y atención al huésped.

Alojamientos para mochileros

Los albergues o albergues para mochileros están muy extendidos por todo el país. La mayoría de los establecimientos ofrecen tours y actividades de gran valor en las áreas. Existe una gran red de transporte en todo el país que la hace adecuada para viajeros solteros y jóvenes. Algunos albergues ofrecen comidas, especialmente en las zonas más remotas. La mayoría tiene instalaciones de cocina y baños compartidos, aunque los baños en suite también son comunes.


Los establecimientos de alojamiento y desayuno se están volviendo muy populares. El alojamiento generalmente se proporciona en una casa familiar (privada) y el propietario / administrador vive en la casa o en la propiedad. Normalmente se sirve el desayuno. Los baños pueden ser privados. En general, el huésped comparte las áreas públicas con la familia anfitriona.


A house, cabin, chalet, bungalow, apartment, studio, apartment, villa, houseboat, tents or similar accommodation where facilities and equipment are provided so that guests can attend to their needs. (This can include a refrigerator, oven, stove, and microwave.) The facilities must be adequate to serve the advertised maximum number of residents that the facility can accommodate.


A guest house is a renovated house or mansion adapted to accommodate overnight guests or it can be a purpose built facility. A guesthouse is run like a business operation and is often owner-managed. A guest house has areas that are for the exclusive use of the guest. The owner / manager lives off-site or in a separate area within the property.

Camping and caravanning

RV parks can be found in most cities that are vacation destinations. Most trailer parks also offer camping sites where you can pitch a tent (double check because sometimes tents are excluded).

Parks generally have central sanitary facilities.

See also the sections By motorhome and By ATV for additional camping options.

Shared time

There are many timeshare resorts in South Africa, most of them participate in international exchange agreements. Many timeshare owners also rent their time when they can't use it.


Many real estate agents in South Africa also offer rental services. Rental properties are mostly available on unfurnished long-term leases, but you will also find furnished properties on sale with 1-12 month leases.

Your local branch of an international real estate agent with a presence in South Africa could also help.

Some hotel chains that operate nationwide:

  • Best western. 27 (0)21 461-0727, : .
  • City Lodge. 27 (0)11 557-2600, : .
  • Formula 1. 27 (0)11 807-0750, : .
  • Protea Hotels. 27 (0)21 430-5000, : .
  • Southern sun. 27 (0)11 461-9744, : .
  • Accommodation Direct. (0) 861 - SA - TRIP, : .
  • Mashovhela Lodge. 27129916930, : .


Non-South African citizens must be in possession of a Excuse me study to study within the country. You should apply for one at a South African High Commission, Embassy, ​​Consulate or Trade Mission in your home country, or in the nearest country, in case there is no South African representation available in your country. Government Form BI-1738 must be completed for the application.

You will need to do some preparations to get a study permit . At a minimum, you will need to be accepted by a South African University, repatriation guarantees, return airfare, and proof that you can cover living expenses while in South Africa, including coverage or insurance for the eventuality of medical necessity, before a permit is issued. Having an SA relative or friend in good social standing makes these matters easier to deal with. The cost to obtain a study permit is R425 and applications take around 6 weeks to process.

Expect to spend at least R6,000 per month on general living expenses (accommodation, food, travel, etc.) in addition to tuition fees.

There are many secondary and tertiary education centers in South Africa. The University of Cape Town is the highest ranked university in Africa, ranking 198th in the world, according to the 2007 Times Higher Education ranking. The universities of the Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch, Pretoria and KwaZulu-Natal also appear regularly in the Top 500 ranking of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

PPL and Boat Skipper: South Africa is also an excellent place to learn new skills such as flying, sailing and diving, as the costs are generally much lower than in more developed countries, while the quality of the training will be the same or better.

Commercial diving: South Africa is quite popular for commercial diver training as the qualification is internationally recognized by the International Forum for Diver Recognition and the Labout Department is a member of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). A certification from the South African Department of Labor as a Class I or Class II diver is acceptable for offshore work in many other parts of the world, including the North Sea and the offshore oil fields of Nigeria.


Due to the high levels of unemployment in South Africa, job opportunities for foreigners are limited.

Non-citizens can only work in South Africa if they are in possession of a work permit . Students in Canada can apply for a work visa through SWAP, although the costs are high, the service is helpful and well organized.

The process of applying for a work permit is similar to applying for a study permit, contact a South African High Commissioner, Embassy, ​​Consulate or Trade Mission in your home country, or the nearest country, in case there is no South African representation. available in your country. Government Form B1-159 (A&C) must be completed for the application. Application processing will take 8-12 weeks.

Work permit fees and scarce skills

There are some skills that are in short supply in the country and the Department of the Interior has a program of Quota Work Permit destined to obtain these skills from abroad. A list of in-demand skills and quotas established for each of those skills is published annually. Applicants with formal qualifications and work experience in the required fields can apply for a quota work permit. This permit costs around R1600 and applications will take 6-8 weeks to process. If the application is approved, one will have a period of 90 days ( from the moment of entering the country ) to find employment in the field for which the permit was issued. Once employed, the permit will remain valid as long as one is employed in the same field of work ( it is allowed to change employers). More information, as well as the list of skills and fees for the current year, can be found on the Home Page of the Department of the Interior.

Stay safe

  • Bath at sea it can be dangerous. It is advisable to consult the local official notices.
  • Durban. The Center's police station is one of the highest crime reports in South Africa. The general precautions are similar to those in Cape Town. Slums, visits to townships, the beach at night should be avoided; Be especially careful around the Moses Mabida Stadium. Avoid private car services at the airport and unauthorized tourist services. It has the Tourist Police (Tel .: 27 31 368 4453/27 31 368 2207).
  • Cape Town It is the capital with the highest absolute and relative levels of crime reporting in South Africa and one of the highest in the world. The highest concentration of crime is in marginal neighborhoods, due to drug trafficking, but these neighborhoods increasingly tend not to report crimes. As general precautions, it is necessary to be very vigilant, especially in the most touristy areas and in the matter of car thefts, robberies with the car stopped, thefts in the streets and deceptions when withdrawing money from ATMs; It is advisable to leave the original documentation in a safe place and only carry copies on hand, especially the passport. Travel through rural trails only in a group, also on Table Mountain. In the last year there have been some violent incidents in some universities.
  • In JohannesburgDespite the ambitious plan developed by the authorities, the center (including the CBD, “Central Business District”) remains a dangerous place, especially at night. The Rotunda bus terminal should be avoided. It is recommended not to visit the neighborhoods of Hillbrow, Yeoville, Berea and to exercise caution in Bruma.
  • In recent years there has been an increase in tourism in urban areas such as Soweto or Alexandra. It is recommended to be very vigilant and not enter any township without a tour guide.
  • In Praetorship, the areas of Central Pretoria, Arcadia, Sunnyside and Marabstad are the most unsafe in the city of Pretoria, so it is advisable to avoid them, especially at night. In case of visiting them, it is recommended to be vigilant and adopt the minimum measures of personal security. It is also advisable to avoid rail transport, except the Gautrain that connects the cities of Pretoria, Johannesburg and the O.R. Tambo and that has an optimal level of security.
  • Nelson Mandela Bay, which includes Port Elizabeth is, according to some indices, one of the 50 cities in the world with the highest levels of crime. Avoid the beach at night.


Information about COVID-19: Travel to and within South Africa is severely restricted during the current lockdown (scheduled to end on April 30, 2020) (add official links here).

Medical and emergency assistance

There are a number of independent emergency assistance companies in South Africa

  • Netcare 911, 49 New Rd, Midrand, [11 254-1927]. Some travel agencies offer Netcare911 coverage as an option, but you can also deal with them through travel insurance providers. It's worth checking if your existing cover has an association with them. Edit
  • Travel insurance, [11 780-3300]. Contracted with Netcare and offers Comprehensive EMS coverage for the inbound traveler to South Africa . Edit
  • ER24 , Manor 1, Cambridge Manor Office Park, corner of Witkoppen and Stonehaven, Paulshof, Sandton, 084 124 (national). A large and well represented emergency assistance company incorporating the Medi-Clinic hospital chain. Edit


It is best to avoid public hospitals whenever possible. Private hospitals are world class.


The main pharmacy chains found in shopping malls that cater to tourists (eg Sandton City, V&A Waterfront) are Clicks and Dischem. Some supermarket chains like Checkers have pharmacies in stores.

South African pharmacies are generally comparable to their counterparts in Europe and North America. However, the retail shelves of South African pharmacies tend to have a smaller selection of drugs than their North American counterparts and more dietary supplements. South African pharmacies have a lot of over-the-counter medications, but if you don't see them on the shelf, you'll have to order them at the counter when the pharmacist is inside.


The tap water municipal is usually potable in all the country. In the mountains of the Western Cape the water is safe, even if it has been stained brown due to vegetation. There is a great risk of bilharzia for still standing water.

Sun burns

Many activities in South Africa take place outdoors, see the travel topic on sunburn and sun protection for tips on how to protect yourself.


South Africa has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world. 5.4 million people out of a population of 48 million are HIV positive.

The HIV infection rate in the total population over 2 years of age ranges from around 2% in the Western Cape to more than 17% in KwaZulu-Natal ( Avert and altogether 18.8% of South Africans over the age of 15 are HIV positive. One in four women and one in five men ages 20 to 40 is estimated to be infected.


The northeastern areas of the country (including the Kruger National Park and Saint Lucia and its surroundings) are zones of seasonal malaria, from approximately November to May. The time of greatest danger is just after the rainy season from March to May. Consult a doctor about proper precautions, depending on the time of year you will be traveling. The most important defenses against malaria are:

  • using a DEET-based mosquito repellent
  • cover your skin with long-sleeved clothing, especially in the evening; Y
  • use mosquito nets while sleeping.

Tabbard Y Peaceful Sleep They are commonly used mosquito repellants and can be purchased almost anywhere.

Also read the travel topics on malaria and mosquitoes.


Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public spaces, including airports, pubs, shopping malls, and theaters. However, this is largely ignored.

Most restaurants have smoking sections, either in ventilated indoor areas or open outdoor areas.

I respect

South Africans are generally polite, friendly, and accommodating to tourists. Talking aloud a bit outside is quite normal, as South Africans tend to be an exuberant, free-thinking group of people, and such behavior is fine with friends and acquaintances. Strangers should observe general courtesy protocols at first and, if accepted, "when in Rome, do what the Romans do." Smiling and acknowledging strangers is normal behavior, and a slight nod of the head or a wave of the hand is common practice. It can also happen on a regular basis to strike up an occasional conversation with complete strangers in places like bus stops, supermarkets, bars, government buildings, public transport, gas stations, shops, etc.

Public behavior is very similar to what you can find in Europe. Heterosexual displays of affection in public are not frowned upon unless overdone. Gay displays of affection can generate unwanted attention, but will be tolerated and respected in the more cosmopolitan and gay-friendly areas of Johannesburg (Sandton, Rosebank and Parkhurst), Cape Town (Greenpoint, Clifton and De Waterkant) and Durban . South Africa is the first and only African nation where the government recognizes same-sex relationships and gay marriages are recognized by law.

Men generally greet with a firm handshake, while women give the continental kiss on the cheek.

Except for designated beaches, nude sunbathing is illegal, although women can sunbathe topless on the beaches of Durban and Umhlanga, and on Cape Town's Clifton and Camps Bay beaches. Thong bikinis for ladies or swimwear for men (speedos if you really have to) and regular bathing suits are the norm, otherwise you might be gazed at openly.

Food is usually done British-style with the fork in the left hand and the tines pointing downward. Burgers, pizzas, bunny chows, and any other fast food are eaten by hand. In general, it is also acceptable to steal a piece of boerewors of the braai with the hands. Depending on the cultural group you come across, these rules may change. Indians often eat dishes of breyani with their hands, a white person of British descent may insist on eating their pizza with a knife and fork, or a black person may eat porridge and stew with a spoon. Be flexible, but don't be afraid to do your own thing; if it's really unacceptable, people will generally tell you rather than take offense.

South Africans are proud of their country and of what they have accomplished. Although they are quick to point out and complain to each other about problems and shortcomings that still exist, they will defend themselves harshly against any outsider who does.

One thing you must understand is that South Africans are very straightforward. If you do or say something that offends a South African, they will tell you in a very simple way. Therefore, you should not be offended if this happens, just apologize and change the way you do things so as not to offend other people. Another thing to keep in mind is that, due to the lack of sufficient public sanitary services, you may sometimes come across men reviving themselves on the side of the road. Just ignore it.


Those who are more used to American racial terminology should understand that familiar words have different meanings in South Africa, and the rules about what terms are polite or not are different. There are many South Africans who think that classification based on skin color or overall appearance, whether for political or social reasons, is inappropriate and would prefer to be called simply South Africans, regardless of how you think they look.

  • If you want to refer to South Africans of exclusively African descent, some still find it appropriate " black "(the term used during apartheid). It might be helpful to practice thinking to identify particular language groups: Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, etc. Most urban blacks can also speak English in addition to their mother tongue, although proficiency in English can be limited in rural areas.
  • The term "colored" refers to a mixed-race cultural group with white and African ancestors from the early colonial period, and who typically speak Afrikaans and live primarily in the Western Cape, although some of these people object to the term and they just call themselves black. In general, the term does not have as much negative connotation as in the United States or Great Britain. "Color" can be used incorrectly to describe people who would be considered black or white and therefore should be used with caution. Not all people with an ostensibly "mixed" heritage will necessarily be considered "colored" in the cultural sense and may not identify as such; a well-known example is that of comedian Trevor Noah, the son of a white Swiss and a black Xhosa woman born during apartheid.
  • White South Africans can be called simply " whites "or" white South Africans. "The native language of white South Africans is Afrikaans (derived from Dutch) or English, so there are English-speaking Afrikaners and South Africans. Almost all white South Africans can speak English, even if their language The mother tongue is Afrikaans, as commerce and entertainment are predominantly English. Since the fall of Apartheid, it is also increasingly common for white South Africans to be able to speak a native African language. Typical white South Africans consider themselves to be "Africans" such as those born in the US are considered "American"; most have relatives who have lived in South Africa for centuries, and the only continent they can call home is Africa. Avoid calling Afrikaners "Dutch" or "Boers", both considered pejorative and offensive, or "Dutch cooking" to Afrikaans, as they are fiercely independent and proud of their language, and do not consider themselves Dutch. Although used primarily to refer to people of European descent, during apartheid the term "white" also included Japanese.
  • The fourth remaining racial category of the apartheid system is " Indian " ( from india ), which refers to people whose ancestors came from India during the British colonial period. The largest Indian populations are found in KwaZulu-Natal, particularly around Durban.
  • There is also a small community of Malaysian of the cape , based primarily in the Bo Kaap area of ​​Cape Town, they are descendants of slaves who were brought in from what is now Malaysia and Indonesia during the colonial period. Although most of them are still Muslim, they no longer speak the Malay language and speak mainly Afrikaans or English.

In summary:

  • Black, most of South Africans, of Bantu origin. The three most populated groups are Xhosa (Eastern & Western Cape), Zulu (KwaZulu-Natal) and Sotho (Free State).
  • White: can be subdivided into Afrikaans speakers (the majority) and English speakers.
  • Colored, mixed heritage, Afrikaans speaking, and concentrated in the Western Cape.
  • Indio - concentrated around Durban.
  • Malay - Muslims in the Bo Kaap area of ​​Cape Town

It is advisable to avoid racial or political comments while in South Africa if you do not have a good knowledge of South African history because the very diverse cultural disposition of the country means that "setting foot in it" is easy. However, you will meet many South Africans who lived through the apartheid period and who are willing to talk about their experiences at the time. It can be very interesting to talk to them about their experiences, and if you are open-minded and willing to listen, you can avoid offense. New criminal laws have been enacted to punish people who insist on publicly using racist language.

South Africa is now in its third decade since the end of the apartheid ( a very delicate topic for everyone) in 1990, but it's always easier to change laws than people. Occasionally, you will still hear overtly racist comments, which can come from any racial group in South Africa, not just white South Africans. This is more common in older generations than younger ones. The best thing to do is just ignore it; leave the responsibility of enlightening lectures to other South Africans, who know the subject better than any foreign traveler as they have experienced it. South Africans of different races are generally treated with courtesy on a personal level. Generally speaking, non-white South Africans have shown a high degree of mental toughness, resilience, intelligence, tolerance and forgiveness towards their former oppressors. with younger generations of all races mingling and socializing with one another and finding more common ground and a sense of national identity, while some older generations of all races may long for "the good old days" when time seemed to have stopped and strict law and order enforcement ruled the day. Political movements are another matter, and political parties have aligned themselves along the racial dividing lines of society, although there is beginning to be a movement towards better integration. Although politically there is increasing racial integration and overlap, the majority of black South Africans vote for the African National Congress (ANC), and the majority of white and black South Africans vote for the liberal center Democratic Alliance (DA). The third major party, supported by a minority of black South Africans, is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a far-left nationalist party that advocates for the expropriation of white property without compensation and for material compensation to blacks for the losses and suffering suffered under colonialism and apartheid. He also wants criminal prosecution to be restored against the surviving perpetrators of the apartheid regime for crimes against humanity. Politics in South Africa can be a sensitive subject and it is best to talk about it with care and empathy. It also wants criminal prosecution to be restored against the surviving perpetrators of the apartheid regime for crimes against humanity. Politics in South Africa can be a sensitive subject and it is best to talk about it with care and empathy. He also wants criminal prosecution to be restored against the surviving perpetrators of the apartheid regime for crimes against humanity. Politics in South Africa can be a sensitive subject and it is best to talk about it with care and empathy.

Interracial marriages are becoming quite common, and with the exception of possibly some of the older generations, people are no longer offended if you and your partner are not the same color.



The country code for South Africa is 27.

Telephone numbers within South Africa are in the format 0XX YYY ZZZZ.

Large cities have 0XX area codes (Johannesburg is 011, Pretoria 012, Cape Town 021, Durban 031, Port Elizabeth 041, East London 043, Kimberley 053, Bloemfontein 051) while smaller cities may have more area codes long (0XX Y, for example) with shorter local numbers.

When dialing a South African number from outside the country, you must dial 27 XX YYY ZZZZ.

To dial within the country one must use the 10 digits, 0XX YYY ZZZZ.

To dial outside of South Africa, dial 00 followed by the country code and the rest of the number you are trying to reach.

Public telephones are available at airports, shopping centers, and some service stations. The number of pay phones in open public areas has been reduced, but you should still be able to find one when you need it. Public telephones use coins or prepaid cards that are available in most stores and service stations; The phones of coins are generally blue, while that the phones with card they are usually green.

Generally, mobile network and data costs are not very cheap. However, consumer lobbies are trying to influence the government to act in this regard, firstly by removing paid but unused data expiration dates or airtime, and secondly , in view of the very high profit margins consistently shown by mobile network operators. to substantially reduce consumption costs and enable wider use by all, as it can help reduce poverty, create new small business opportunities, and enhance learning on a much larger scale.MTN Tower in Jeffrey's Bay


South Africa has an extensive GSM network, which works on the same frequency as the rest of Africa and Europe. There are five cell phone providers in South Africa: Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Virgin Mobile and Telkom.

Networks support GPRS nationwide and LTE, 3G, EDGE, and HSDPA support is available in larger urban areas.

Don't assume you won't have network coverage just because you can't see a GSM tower. Many of the towers have been built to look like trees ( Vodacom ) or other structure ( MTN ) in order to blend in better with the environment and not be an eyesore. In some rural areas, GSM towers still look like towers due to problems with animals damaging them when they look like trees.

Prepaid SIM card starter kits are available for around R1. You will need a passport and proof of residential address and must be registered before you can call or receive calls. If you call a Vodacom or MTN store with a passport and driver's license, you can be connected on the spot. You can buy credit for prepaid phones almost everywhere, remembering that you will generally need cash to do so at gas stations.


There are many internet cafes and the access fees are cheap.

Even cheaper and more mobile would be to buy a prepaid cell phone starter package (less than R10) and access the Internet with GPRS or 3G. Generally R2 per MB for data outside of the package from most providers (50c for Virgin Mobile), but it gets much cheaper if you buy a data package. Vodacom prices range from 38 cents per MB for a 500 MB package to 19 cents per MB for a 1 GB package. MTN prices range from R1 per MB in a 10 MB package to 39 cents per MB in a 1 GB package. Mobile data connections are always charged per MB rather than per second (as is popular on many European networks). Telkom Mobile, run by the state, offers very advantageous and competitive contracts and "pay as you need" packages, but the lack of enough customer service centers can be an obstacle, however, once the initial process is complete.

Neotel offers CDMA coverage in the largest metropolitan areas with prepaid packages starting at R800 for 24GB ( USB device included and data valid for 12 months ) or R400 for the device and R0.20 per MB with the purchase of recharge vouchers. Coverage is still limited, so be sure to check the coverage map first.

ADSL1 is popular for residential use and is available at speeds of 384 kbit / s, 1 Mbit / s, and 10 Mbit / s. Due to Telkom's monopoly on last mile infrastructure, operators can get away with labeling 384kbit / s "broadband internet" simply because there are almost no viable alternatives, and users are generally limited to 1GB to 3GB per month. on an account. The average cost of ADSL data is R70 / GB.


AlwaysOn appears to be leading the way in prepaid Wi-Fi access. Their access points can now be found at Cape Town, Durban and OR Tambo airports, City Lodge Hotels, Sun International Hotels, some Southern Sun Hotels, Mugg & Bean restaurants, and various other locations.

Simply connect to the access point and you will be given the opportunity to pay for access by credit card. Pricing starts around R15 for 10 minutes or R60 for 100MB. You can contact your support desk at the 27 011 759-7300.


  1. The name of the Republic of South Africa in the languages ​​considered official:
    AfrikaansRepubliek van Suid-Afrika
    English: Republic of South Africa
    Southern ndebele: iRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika.
    Xhosa: iRiphabliki yomZantsi Afrika.
    Zulu: iRiphabhuliki yaseNingizimu Afrika.
    Swazi: iRiphabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika.
    Sesotho: Rephaboliki and Afrika Borwa.
    Northern Sesotho: Repabliki and Afrika-Borwa.
    Tswana: Rephaboliki and Aforika Borwa.
    Tsonga: Riphabliki ra Afrika Dzonga.
    Band: Riphabuḽiki ya Afurika Tshipembe.
  2. Praetorship es la capital administrativa y ejecutiva del país. Cape Town es la capital legislativa y Bloemfontein la capital judicial. En tanto, Johannesburg es la ciudad más grande del país.
  3. Sudáfrica tiene declaradas 11 lenguas oficiales: afrikáans (Afrikaans), inglés (English), ndebele (isiNdebele), sotho del norte (Sesotho sa Leboa), sotho (Sesotho), suazi (siSwati), tsonga (Xitsonga), tswana (Setswana), venda (Tshivenda), xhosa (isiXhosa) Y zulú (isiZulu).

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