Sudovia - Sudovia

Village in the valley of the Nemunas
Sudovia - Location

Sudovia (Sūduva or Suvalkija; in Polish: Suwalszczyzna or Jaćwież) is a region of the Lithuania

To know

Suwalszczyzna it is also used as the name of a small region on the border between the Poland and the Lithuania, roughly corresponding to the Lithuanian ethnographic region. As the city of Suwałki (in Lithuanian: Suvalkai) is located in the Polish part of the region, the latter is sometimes called Suvalkija in Lithuanian: this is because the northern part of the Suwalki Guberniya of theRussian Empire corresponded to the region of Sudovia, therefore the population began to call the people of that land "suvalkiečiai", which literally means "people living in the region around the city of Suwałki and in his homeland, Suvalkija ". Today, however, the historical name Sūduva, on which the Italian name Sudovia is based, is preferred. Sudova etc.

Sesupe River a Marijampolė

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Marijampolė - The unofficial capital of the region, close to the border with Poland.
  • Birštonas - Spa renowned for the festivals that take place there during the summer. The most popular one is dedicated to jazz.
  • Kaunas - A university city and second largest city, Kaunas has a lively and goliardic air. It was the capital of the country on several occasions, the last time dating back to the period between I and II World War, when Vilnius was annexed to the Poland.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sudovia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sudovia
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