British Indian Ocean Territory - Territorio Británico del Océano Índico


The British Indian Ocean Territory (in English: British Indian Ocean Territory, BIOT) comprises some sixty tropical islands of the Chagos archipelago, in the Indian Ocean, south of the Maldives and halfway between Kenya and Indonesia. It's a british overseas territory, whose territory the governments of Mauricio and the Seychelles. Much of the territory is a military base, so access is restricted.


History [

Established as a territory of the United Kingdom in 1965, several islands of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) were transferred to the Seychelles when it achieved independence in 1976, leaving only the six main island groups that comprise the 2,300-island Chagos archipelago. The largest and southernmost of the 58 islands, Diego Garcia, contains a joint United Kingdom and United States naval support facility. All the remaining islands are uninhabited. Approximately 3,000 former agricultural workers, first indigenous residents of the islands (often referred to as Chagossians or Ilois), were relocated mainly to Mauritius, but also to the Seychelles, between 1967 and 1973. In 2000, a British Supreme Court ruling overturned the order of local immigration that had excluded them from the archipelago, but maintained the special military status of Diego García. Subsequently, in June 2017, the matter was sent to the International Court of Justice. No timetable has been set for Ilois' return, but when they do, they plan to re-establish copra production and fishing.


Flat and low (most areas do not exceed two meters in elevation).

Flora and fauna

The BIOT Marine Protected Area protects a variety of wildlife, including 1% of the world's coral reefs. You may see endangered species such as green turtles, hawksbill turtles, sharks and rays, and the territory also includes species that do not exist anywhere else in the world: the Chagos brain coral and the Chagos anemone fish. Other wildlife include tunas, billfishes, and eighteen species of seabirds, including red and brown-footed boobies and black terns. Fish in the territory can thrive due to the ban on commercial fishing; the reefs here have more fish than anywhere else in the Indian Ocean.

Unfortunately, the ban on diving means that your chances of experiencing coral reefs and thriving fish populations will be limited. However, you can enjoy everything you see from the surface, as well as the seabirds and flora of the islands. The islands are also abundant in coconut crabs, the largest terrestrial arthropods in the world, which can grow up to a meter long.

Native trees include the Indian mulberry, the sea trumpet, and the tropical almond. The coconut trees left over from the islands' plantation years are also abundant.

Many of the territory's rules, including fishing and mooring limits, exist to help protect wildlife.

The territory is vulnerable to invasive species; rats introduced to some of the islands in the 1700s have already damaged native birds and plants. Don't threaten wildlife by bringing non-native species. Before you hit the territory, scrub your helmet, wash fruits and vegetables, and inspect everything closely to make sure there are no stowaway insects or spiders. Do not bring live plants into the territory, and when you go ashore, look everywhere for hidden seeds, insects, spiders, or other small animals.


Tropical marine; hot, humid, tempered by the trade winds. December through February is the monsoon season; June to September is the driest winter season with slightly cooler temperatures.


To get

Outer islands

If you need to make a stop in the territory as part of a longer boat trip across the Indian Ocean, there are a few designated spots on the outer islands to tie. Can be obtained mooring permits for yachts valid for up to 28 days at the British Indian Ocean Territory Administration, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, for a fee of £ 50 per week.Details here.Mooring permits allow you to moor only at designated anchorages; some of the other islands are strict nature reserves and cannot be entered. Apply at least six weeks before you plan to arrive in the territory. To obtain a permit, your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry into the territory, and must demonstrate that it is necessary to moor there for safe passage through the Indian Ocean and show proof of travel insurance suitable. and yacht insurance.

Your permit is only valid for the specified dates. If the weather or other circumstances force you to change your travel dates, you should contact the territory administration before the date of the permit and ask them to change it. Do not dock in the territory outside the dates for which you have permission.

The designated anchorages are five specific areas, two on islands in the Solomon Islands Atoll and three on islands in the Peros Banhos Atoll. BIOT administration will provide the exact details with your permission.

  • 1 Ile Boddam (Salomon) . Edit
  • 2 Ile Fouquet and Ile Takamaka (Salomon) . Edit
  • 3 Ile Diamante (Peros Banhos) . Edit
  • 4 Ile du Coin (Peros Banhos) . Edit
  • 5 Ile Fouquet (Peros Banhos) . EditThe shady part of the Peros Banhos Atoll is a strict nature reserve and is therefore off-limits to travelers, as are several other islands in the territory.

Several of the other islands are strict nature reserves. Do not can anchor, land or approach within three nautical miles of these islands: Cow Island, Danger Island and the dry coral reef, Eagle Island, Nelson's Island and Three Brothers and Resurgent Island. Furthermore, the eastern part of the Peros Banhos atoll is also off limits. All wildlife on and around these islands is protected. Anyone who violates these rules by approaching the islands can be fined £ 1,000 on the spot, with increasing fines if they fail to pay.

Diego Garcia

  • Diego Garcia It is a military installation with a large American and British military presence. Entry is restricted to visiting military personnel and other British government affiliates on official duty. The island has a military airport and port, but unauthorized ships have strictly prohibited to approach within three nautical miles.


There is a paved road between the airport and the port of Diego García.

To buy

Commercial activity of any kind is strictly prohibited.

Eat and drink

Fishing is allowed for self-sufficiency, but you should always bring enough supplies from the mainland. Also think about water, although there are still some freshwater wells on the islands, you should not depend on them for work and also for transporting water.

To eat

Independent boaters need to be self-sufficient, so bring whatever food you need. You can catch fish for your own consumption within three days. Use only a rod or line; Spearfishing is strictly prohibited. Keep a log of your catch in case the British government asks to see it.

Do not bring any fresh food ashore, for fear of accidentally spreading non-native seeds or small animals.

To drink

Most of the islands have old freshwater wells, such as Ile Boddam, Ile Takamaka, and Ile du Coin. The water is not drinkable, but it can be used for washing, and it can be filtered and purified.

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