Khabarovsk Territory - Territorio di Chabarovsk

Khabarovsk Territory
Khabarovsk in winter
Khabarovsk Territory - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Khabarovsk Territory - Coat of Arms
Khabarovsk Territory - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Khabarovsk Territory is a region of the Russia.

To know

Geographical notes

The Khabarovsk Territory extends a large territory in the Russian Far East, along the coasts of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk; its size (almost 800,000 square kilometers, approximately 1,600 kilometers of maximum extension in the latitudinal sense and up to 800 kilometers in the east-west direction) make it one of the largest administrative units in the Russian Federation.

The territory includes the island Bolshoi Ussurijskij, the western part of which was sold in 2008 to China (together with the Tarabarov island).

The Khabarovsk Territory extends into the Russian Far East region, in a geologically very lively region. Most of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges; the flat areas, of alluvial origin, occupy a negligible percentage of the territory and are in practice limited to some areas of the catchment areas of the major rivers.

The extreme southeastern section is occupied by the northern part of the Sichote-Alin 'chain, located for the most part in the neighboring Coastal Territory; this chain, which slightly exceeds 2,000 meters of altitude, slopes down to the north and west on the valley of the lower Amur while to the east it drops rapidly towards the coast of the Tartar Strait, which separates the continent from the island of Sakhalin.

The Amur, which flows along its entire lower course in the Khabarovsk Territory, gives rise to the only flat area of ​​significant size, extending from the Chinese border approximately to Komsomolsk, which is called the Low Amur lowland and is the eastward continuation of the alluvial plain that occupies the eastern end of Chinese Manchuria. To the north of the Amur valley the territory is rugged by numerous mountain ranges, among which the most important are the Džagdy mountains, the Jam-Alin 'mountains, the Turana mountains and the Bureja mountains.

In the central section the chain of the Džugdžur mountains stretches, which joins the Stanovoj mountain range to the south; the Džugdžur mountains, looming over the coast of the Okhotsk Sea to the east, slope more slowly towards the west towards the plain of the Lena, in Yakut territory; it is a relevant mountain range, which stretches for several hundreds of kilometers; it culminates just over 2,200 meters.

When to go

The climates of the Khabarovsk Territory fall almost exclusively (with the exception of the high altitudes in the mountainous areas) within the cold temperate domain, albeit with considerable variations due to the geographical vastness and the presence of numerous and high mountain ranges. A large part of the territory does not know the extreme winter harshness that can be observed further west, in central and eastern Siberia, due to the mitigating effect of the sea waters. However, the average temperatures remain very low throughout the territory, much below the average of the other regions of the Earth with the same latitude; this negative thermal anomaly is due to the astronomical and geographical position of the territory, located at the eastern end of the largest continental mass of the planet, continuously exposed in winter to air masses of continental origin.

In the southern lowlands the climate is similar to that of Manchuria, characterized by extremely cold winters that alternate with rather hot and very humid summers, conditioned by the air masses brought by the Asian monsoon. The city of Khabarovsk, located near the Chinese border, has an average annual temperature of about 1 ° C, ranging from -22 ° C in January to 21 ° C in July;


Institutionally, the Khabarovsk Territory was created on October 20, 1938, with part of the Far East Territory, an administrative unit belonging to the Russian Empire which at the time extended over almost the entire area of ​​the Far East under imperial rule, including the current administrative divisions of Coastal Territory and of Magadan Oblast.

Territories and tourist destinations

Khabarovsk-krai (en) .png

Urban centers

  • Khabarovsk (Хабаровск) —
    Khabarovsk center
    Capital of the region and after Vladivostok, the most important cultural and industrial center of European Russia, Khabarovsk is a city that has a lot to offer visitors. The city is served by the Novyj International Airport with numerous international and domestic scheduled passenger and cargo flights connecting the capital of Khabarovsk Krai with Siberia, European Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. .
  • Amursk (Амурск) - Amursk is a very recent city, as it was founded after the war. The first buildings in Amursk were built on the left bank of the Russian Amur River in 1958. Little by little, over the years, the city developed in number of inhabitants and the first industries of the city arose.
  • Bikin (Бикин) - Small town on the river of the same name, small but charming. It is the capital of the Bikin district.
  • Komsomol'sk-na-Amure (Комсомольск-на-Амуре) - Founded in 1932 by members of the Komsomol organization, the city has since developed into an important industrial center.
  • Nikolaevsk-na-Amure (Николаевск-на-Амуре) - It is a city in Russia, located a short distance from the coast of the Okhotsk Sea on the banks of the Amur River; is the capital of the Nikolaevsk district.
  • Ochotsk (Охотск) - It rises at the mouth of the Ochota river, which gives it its name and is the capital of the Okhotsky district.
  • Sovetskaya Gavan ' (Советская Гавань) - Although small, this city owes its beauty to its location: it enjoys a beautiful view of the Strait of Tartars.
  • Vyazemsky (Вяземский) - The city is located a few kilometers from the Chinese border, an excellent opportunity for an immersion in two exotic but beautiful cultures.

Other destinations

The large Khabarovsk Territory also offers many possibilities for tourists in search of protected areas and nature reserves. In fact, many of these areas are scattered throughout its territory. Among the major ones we mention:

  • Bastak Reserve (Заповедник Бастак)
  • Bolon'sky Reserve (Заповедник Болоньский)
  • Botčinsky Reserve (Заповедник Ботчинский)
  • Komsomolsky Reserve (Заповедник Комсомольский)

How to get

By plane

TO Khabarovsk there is an international airport (IATA: KHV) with connections to Japan, China and European Russia. Regular connections to Moscow, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ochotsk and other important Russian centers are in service here.Also other cities, such as Komosmol'sk-na-Amure or Amursk have small airports that allow a better connection with the various areas of the region.

By car

Two major federal roads pass through the Khabarovsk Territory: the M60-RUS.svg, for Vladivostok and the M58-RUS.svg which runs parallel to the Amur up to Birobidžan.

On the train

Also in the Khabarovsk Territory there are stops on the Trans-Siberian as well as many connections between the cities of Eastern Russia. Important stations are Khabarovsk, Vyazemskij, Bikin, Komsomol'sk-na-Amure, Urgal and Čegdomyn.

How to get around

By car

Road infrastructures are much more developed in the southern part of the region where the M60 national road leading to Vladivostok runs, while other important roads are not lacking, such as the R454 which leads to Komsomol'sk-na-Amure.

On boat

From Khabarovsk to Nikolaevsk-na-Amure you can also go with the "Meteor" motor ship. From Khabarovsk to the Chinese border of Fujuan 'you can use the Poles'e motor ship. private and public transport by ship.

On the train

From Khabarovsk the line to Komsomol'sk-na-Amure leaves, which continues to other centers such as Sovetskaya Gavan 'and connects to the Baikalo-Amursky railway line. Besides these there are many other small local connections that it would be impossible to list. Contact Khabarovsk Station for more info.

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Khabarovsk Territory
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Khabarovsk Territory
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