Coastal Territory - Territorio del Litorale

Coastal Territory
Siberian tigers spread widely in this region
Coastal Territory - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Coastal Territory - Coat of arms
Coastal Territory - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Coastal Territory or Primorsky kraj (Приморский край) is a region of the Russia.

To know

The Littoral Territory is one of the most important Russian regions for ecological tourism. Here there are immense parks and reserves, many of which are intended for the protection of the Siberian tiger. This tiger species has its main habitat here and more of them are found than anywhere else on the planet.

The region is also home to major rail and air junctions; in particular the capital city of Vladivostok, the nerve center of all the roads connecting the Southern Russia and terminus of the Trans-Siberian.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Arsen'ev (Арсеньев) - Dating back to 1895, when it was founded by some Ukrainian emigrants, this city was originally called Semënovka; in 1952 the village was renamed with its current name, in honor of Vladimir Arsen'ev, a Russian explorer and scientist who visited these areas at the beginning of the century.
  • Artëm (Артём) - Satellite city of Vladivastok, seat of the regional airport. Founded in 1924 as a mining center, declared a city in October 1938, the town took its name from the famous Soviet revolutionary Fëdor Andreevič Sergeev known as "Comrade Artëm".
  • 1 Dal'negorsk (Дальнегорск) - Soviet city built in the 70s-80s. Its name roughly means "far from the mountains".
  • 2 Dal'nerechensk (Дальнереченск) - Located on the right bank of the Ussuri River near the Chinese border, about 430 km north / northeast of the capital Vladivostok. It is the administrative capital of the district of the same name.
  • 3 Lesozavodsk (Лесозаводск) - City very close to the Chinese border.
  • 4 Nachodka (Находка) - One of the largest ports in the whole of Russia.
  • 5 Partizansk (Партизанск) - The city was founded in 1896 with the name of Sučan (Сучан); in 1932 it obtained the status of a city, and shortly after it was renamed Gamarnik (Гамаярник) after the revolutionary Jan Borisovič Gamarnik. The current name came to it only in 1972. The cities was born as a mining center (coal), and has linked much of its development to coal.
  • 6 Spassk-Dal'nij (Спасск-Дальний) - Located in the Coastal Territory, on the shores of Lake Chanka, very close to the border with China and about 250 km from Vladivostok and the capital of the Spassky district.
  • 7 Ussurijsk (Уссурийск) - Third largest city in the region by extension and importance.
  • 8 Vladivostok (Владивосток) - Capital of the Coastal Territory, near the border with China and North Korea. It is an important transport hub: it has the largest Russian port on the Pacific, home to the Pacific Fleet, and ends the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Other destinations

In addition to a good number of interesting villages, the natural reserves and parks in the Littoral Territory should be visited, habitat of some of the very rare species. The coastal area also hosts the highest concentration of Siberian tigers in the world.

  • 1 Putjanin Island (Остров Путятин) - This island has become a very famous destination for botanists and flower lovers. Here the very rare Komarov lotus grows, on Lake Gusiny (the lake of seals).
  • 2 Zov Tigr National Park (Национальный парк «Зов тигра") - Its name means "the call of the tiger" and as you can imagine, this park is one of those linked to the defenses of this protected species.
  • 3 Lazovsky Reserve (Лазовский заповедник) — [1] Home to many deer, this reserve is located on the Chinese border.
  • 4 Chank Lake Reserve (Ханкайский заповедник) — [2]
  • 5 Sichote-Alin Reserve (Сихотэ-Алинский заповедник) — [3] Created in 1935 to defend Siberian tigers from extinction.
  • 6 Ussurijsk reserve (Уссурийский заповедник)
  • 7 Udegejskaja Nature Reserve Legenda (Национальный парк "Удэгейская легенда") — [4]
  • Marine Biosphere Nature Reserve of the Far East (Дальневосточный морской биосферный заповедник) — [5] Created in 1978 to study and defend seals, among other species.
  • Kedrovaya Nature Reserve Pad (Биосферный заповедник Кедровая Падь) - UNESCO site of world importance, this reserve is the oldest in the region (1916). A whole host of plant species from the taiga ecosystem are found here. Among the plants, the presence of Korean pine stands out.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Coastal Territory
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Coastal Territory
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