Trevignano Romano - Trevignano Romano

Trevignano Romano
Panorama of the city and the lakefront
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Trevignano Romano is a city of Lazio.

To know

Geographical notes

Trevignano Romano, located on the heights of the Sabatini, stands on an inlet of the Bracciano lake northern; the city center - with its municipal seat - is located on the western end of this inlet.

It constitutes the northern vertex of an ideal equilateral triangle to the other two vertices of which the lakeside municipalities of Bracciano (southwest) e Anguillara Sabazia (southeast).


In the coat of arms of the municipality created perhaps in the fourteenth century, three vines appear, but the name of Trevignano seems to have nothing to do with this, rather it is connected to the toponym "Trebonianum", of which, although the origin is not well known, there is sure proof of historical existence. Trebonianum is the name of an ancient estate located in the area, but it is also mentioned by Antonio Nibby, a famous historian, a villa from the time of Augustus, called "triboniana", also in the Umbrian language there is a root that indicates "inhabited place "from which the word Trebonianum could derive (various theories suggest that once the Umbrians were settled in the area of ​​the lake). The origin of the word Trebonianum therefore remains uncertain but it is certain that the current name of the town derives from one of the words mentioned above, rather than, as is popular belief, from the three vines present in the coat of arms. The silver and red banded band that appears in the coat of arms recalls the Orsini family coat of arms, similarly to the rose (rosa ursina) that appears in the coat of arms of the nearby town of Bracciano. In 1874 Trevignano changes its name to Trevignano Romano, to distinguish from the homonym Treviso municipality.

The Treviso area was already inhabited in the Paleolithic age, as evidenced by findings in the locality of Montecchio and Monte dell'Olmo. Trevignano Romano was then an important settlement of the Etruscans, as evidenced by the numerous necropolises that extend for about three kilometers behind today's town, which have yielded interesting finds now preserved in the "Prof. Gregorio Bianchini" Etruscan Civic Museum. In 387 BC with the conquest of Veio and Caere, the Sabatino territory passed under the control of the Romans, who built numerous villas, mostly currently found under the surface of the water and scattered along the entire perimeter of Lake Bracciano. Among the most important works of this period are the construction of the thermal plant in Vicarello and the Traiano aqueduct.

During the Middle Ages, it became the territory first of the Prefects of Vico and then of the Orsini, it was equipped with a defensive fortress. Finished within the power clashes between the Orsini and the Borgias, the fortress was stormed by the troops of Cesare Borgia led by the leader Guidobaldo da Montefeltro. After the death of Pope Alexander VI and the ascension to the papal throne of Pope Julius II, Gian Giordano Orsini once again obtained the properties of Bracciano and Trevignano. The unfortunate events of the family, towards the end of the seventeenth century, finally led to the sale of the Trevignano territory to Prince Livio I Odescalchi. Cybo Malaspina, to end up with Prince Cosimo Conti, who started great works of reclamation and socio-working innovation. He was succeeded by the Torlonia, the Ginori Conti and the Del Drago families. Despite the unification of the Kingdom of Italy and the subsequent establishment of the Italian Republic, the latter family continued to have large landholdings and to manage the Treviso area as in the past feudal, applying the onerous law of the "fourth direction". Gradually, under the pressure of the Opera Nazionale Combattenti, the work of expropriation of those lands was started to assign them as property to the war veterans.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are that of Fiumicino is that of Ciampino.

By car

The city can be reached via the SP4 del Lago (or Girolago) and SP12 / d roads.

On boat

Trevignano is connected to Anguillara Sabazia is Bracciano also by means of the motor ship Sabazia II, managed by Lake Bracciano Consortium, with mooring from the pier of Piazzale del Molo.

On the train

The city has no railway stations; the connection to the closest one of Trenitalia, that of Anguillara, is allowed thanks to racing specifications of local public transport.

By bus

The town is connected with Rome and with cities such as Anguillara Sabazia and Bracciano through the bus lines of the Cotral.

How to get around

What see

  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta. The church building is in a prominent position with respect to the historic center, and there is a wonderful panorama. The church was built around 1500 and dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption into heaven, on the foundations of an ancient sacred building in the Gothic style, it was then completely renovated in the years from 1780 to 1794 by the architect Giuseppe Pellucchi. The bell tower was obtained from one of the towers along the walls of the fortress and contained 4 bells, today only two remain; one completely restored due to a crack. The interior of the church has a single nave, ending with a majestic apse. It preserves works of a certain interest from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, but certainly the most important is the fresco in the apse which has as its subject the dormition, or death, of the Madonna and her assumption and coronation in heaven. The work was completed in 1517 by Pellegrino da Modena, a painter of the Raphael school. Certain details indicate that the master, if he did not collaborate directly in the execution of the work, at least drew the sketch.
  • Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria. The Church was built extra moenia on the remains of a Roman building whose walls in opus reticolatum are very evident. The plan is a cross with two small side chapels; Abbot Tommaso Silvestri, the first educator of the Deaf in Italy, is buried in the chapel on the left. In the apsidal fresco, Santa Caterina d'Alessandria is depicted between San Sebastiano and San Rocco. In 1843 the Church went from being a parish to being a granary first and then a carpenter's shop; it was only in 1928, on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of Tommaso Silvestri, that the building was restored and reopened for worship, precisely to house the abbot's remains.
  • Church of San Bernardino da Siena. The small church stands about one kilometer from the town center in the place where San Bernardino of Siena is said to have stopped to preach to the population. It was built in 1452 in honor of the Saint, who a few years earlier had been elected Patron Saint of the Treviso community. The building is very simple, with a single nave, and inside it preserves the boulder from which the Saint addressed his speech to the Treviso population (in the apse there is a painting that represents this scene) as well as numerous ex-votos .
  • The fortress. Built around 1200 by order of Pope Innocent III, the castle was later made more powerful under the Orsini. There were three walls that defended the village from the lake to the top of the hill. On the north side the fortress was defended by a trench that separated it from the plateau in front, while on the south the natural defense was the lake. The destruction caused by the Borgia soldiers in 1497, the neglect to which it was left for centuries, the offense of the weather and some small earthquakes, have today reduced this mighty fortress to a heap of ruins. Recently the surrounding area has been rearranged and today it is possible to access the ruins through a path with access from the churchyard of the Church of S. Maria Assunta.
  • Regional natural park of the Bracciano-Martignano lake complex. Even before the establishment of the Regional Natural Park of Bracciano-Martignano, in 1997 the Region Lazio he established the Natural Monument Le Pantane and Lagusiello, including the marshy area of ​​the Pantane and the small crater of Lagusiello. The shallow waters and the luxuriant vegetation of this area favor the stop and reproduction of numerous water birds, especially migratory birds. Within the municipal area there is one path network accessible on foot, on horseback or by mountain bike.
  • The falcons of Rocca Romana. Center for environmental education and flight of prey, located on the slopes of Monte Rocca Romana.
  • Civic Etruscan Roman Museum "Prof. Gregorio Bianchini". Trevignano is believed to have been the site of the Etruscan city of Sabate, of which no trace has been found, except for an extensive necropolis to the east and west of the country. Some of the furnishings of the chamber tombs of the VII - VI century BC are visible in the Civic Museum located on the ground floor of the Palazzo del Comune. Among the exhibits, vascular finds in bucchero and bronze, studs, fibulae and gold and amber ornaments. From the rich Annesi-Piacentini and Flabelli tombs discovered intact in 1965, a large bronze flabellum, finely decorated and two elegantly painted amphorons of orientalizing tradition. Other Etruscan finds of great value are the intact burial of a warrior from the eighth century BC, still equipped with his weaponry and the remains of two chariots.
  • Municipal Library. The Municipal Library is located in the "Giovanni Paolo II" Multipurpose Center. Its position (above the Elderly Center and inside the Municipal Playground) highlights the intergenerational character of the cultural activities that come to life in it. Its collections are particularly rich in the children's section for the acquisition of the "La stanza delle parole bareza" Fund (intended for the 0-6 year old group and in particular for the Born to Read project) and in the adult section for the acquisition of the Prof. Louis Godart (especially art books). The Library adheres to the Ceretano Sabatino Library System.
  • Giuliano Nencini Cultural Center "La Fontana". Set up after the recovery of an old wash house on the lakefront, the cultural center is named after Giuliano Nencini, who held the position of city councilor in the early nineties. The Center, managed directly by the Municipality of Trevignano Romano, hosts cultural activities and small events.
  • Historical Archive. The Municipal Historical Archive carries out the functions of conservation, ordering, inventorying of the documentary heritage; ensures the consultation and enhancement of the assets. The oldest document preserved in it dates back to 1525. The consultation of the goods contained in it is only by appointment.

Events and parties

  • Marathon of Lake Bracciano. Simple icon time.svgApril. Mountain bike cycling event.
  • Market of crafts and antiques (Piazza del Molo, Lakeside). Simple icon time.svgFirst and third Sunday of the month.
  • Bird of prey flight demonstration. Simple icon time.svgEvery weekend. Eagles, buzzards, hawks and owls in free flight.
  • Festival of marinated fish. Simple icon time.svgMay, 20th. Born to celebrate its patron saint, San Bernardino da Siena.
  • Night procession on the lake. Simple icon time.svgAugust 15. Part of the celebrations in honor of Maria SS. Taken up into heaven.

What to do

Thanks to the favorable weather conditions present throughout the year, many water sports are practiced on Lake Bracciano on the side of Trevignano Romano, such as sailing, canoeing, scuba diving and windsurfing. There are consequently many sailing clubs.

The side of Trevignano Romano, especially in the late spring and summer period, benefits from good ventilation from the west-north west, or from the south west, often directly from the sea which is a few kilometers away as the crow flies.

Other land sports such as trekking, mountain biking and paragliding are appreciated thanks to the favorable conformation of the territory.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Useful information

The city is twinned with Cittareale and among the orange flag municipalities of the TCI since 2004; since 2018 it has also been recognized Blue flag by FEE - Foundation for Environmental Education Italy.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Trevignano Romano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Trevignano Romano
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