Tuniberg - Tuniberg

The Tuniberg is a ridge in the Breisgau.

Southern part of the Tuniberg with the Erentrudiskapelle (foreground), the grounds of the Tuniber e.V. Golf Club (left edge of the picture) and the smoking chimneys of the gravel and concrete works west of Oberrimsingen


Halfway between Breisach and Freiburg he rises Tuniberg from the Upper Rhine Plain. It measures just under 10 km from north to south, and the east-west extension is even more modest at around 3 km. He is considered little brother of the north-west Kaiserstuhls, its highest point at 312 m at the southern tip of the ridge towers over the plain by a little more than 100 m.


  • 1 GottenheimWebsite of this institutionGottenheim in the encyclopedia WikipediaGottenheim in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsGottenheim (Q519267) in the Wikidata database , a wine growing community, is located on the northern tip

The towns belonging to Freiburg are on the eastern flank 2 WaltershofenWaltershofen in the encyclopedia WikipediaWaltershofen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWaltershofen (Q2547034) in the Wikidata database ', 3 St. Nicholas, 4 OpfingenOpfingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaOpfingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOpfingen (Q885089) in the Wikidata database , 5 TiengenTiengen in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTiengen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTiengen (Q1307671) in the Wikidata databaseTiengen and 6 MunzingenMunzingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaMunzingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMunzingen (Q259852) in the Wikidata database

  • On the south side are the Breisacher Districts 7 OberrimsingenOberrimsingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaOberrimsingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOberrimsingen (Q2010754) in the Wikidata database and 8 NiederrimsingenNiederrimsingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaNiederrimsingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNiederrimsingen (Q1988395) in the Wikidata database .
  • the independent community 9 MerdingenWebsite of this institutionMerdingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaMerdingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMerdingen (Q142169) in the Wikidata database lies in the west.


The Tuniberg differs from the nearby Kaiserstuhl mainly in the nature of the soil. While the Kaiserstuhl is of volcanic origin, the Tuniberg consists of limestone with layers of clay and loess. The Breisgau and thus also the Tuniberg are among the warmest regions in Germany, the area is a well-known wine-growing area, asparagus is also to be mentioned as a special culture.


In addition to standard German, Alemannic is also spoken here.

getting there

  • The Tuniberg is easily accessible via the connection points Symbol: AS 62 Freiburg-center, Symbol: AS 63 Freiburg-Süd and Symbol: AS 64 Bad Krozingen the Autobahn A5.


Map of Tuniberg

Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Erentrudiskapelle The steep path to this landmark of the Tuniberg is arduous, but it is worth every effort, because from here you have a wonderful view over the Rhine plain to the peaks of the Black Forest and the Vosges. Once a field chapel and since around 1000 pilgrimage site of St. Erentrudis, abbess and patron saint of Salzburg. Already abandoned to decay after being damaged in various wars, it was restored by 14 men from nearby Munzingen and inaugurated again in 1879. The light-flooded small interior is covered by a faceted ceiling and contains the figure of the patroness who holds a model of the chapel in her hand.



  • 2 St. Anne's Chapel between Wasenweiler and Ihringen
  • 3 St. Vitus ChapelSt. Vitus Chapel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSt. Vitus Chapel in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySt. Vitus Chapel (Q16857163) in the Wikidata database between Wasenweiler and Ihringen: Built in the 14th century, restored in 2010. For details see St. Vitus at Wikipedia.
  • 4 St Pantaleon pilgrimage church within Niederrotweil: for details see St. Pantaleon at Wikipedia
  • 5 Catherine's Chapel on the Katharinenberg: the 493 m high mountain above Endingen and Amoltern is the fourth highest elevation of the Kaiserstuhl. Here is a small excursion restaurant. The 22 m high observation tower can be climbed and rewards the ascent with a wonderful view of the Vosges, the Black Forest and the Rhine plain. 1402 first documented mention, destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 19th century with funds from the Endingen residents. Inside the ceiling painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria, made by the Endingen church painters Max and Alexander Stertz.






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