Upper Rhine Plain - Oberrheinische Tiefebene

The Upper Rhine Plain (also called Rheinebene or Oberrheingraben) is a rift valley system and reached Germany (Swimming, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse), France (Alsace), Switzerland (BaselThis article is intended to provide a rough guide to the area. More detailed information should be placed on the articles of the subregions.

View of the Upper Rhine Plain at Oppenheim


Area-wide sub-regions

Autumn view of the Upper Rhine Plain from the Mountain road at Heppenheim. A walk along the mountain road is worthwhile, both when the trees are in bloom in spring and in autumn, when the leaves of the vines change color. Via the webcams on Wine and stone adventure trail at Heppenheim you can then see how far the leaf coloration has progressed.

further sub-regions

Melibokus on the Bergstrasse: View to the northwest into the Upper Rhine Plain.


Landmarks of Mannheim - the water tower
Karlsruhe Castle

"Tourist locations and cities" with supra-regional importance (ordered by North to south):

Other goals


The Upper Rhine Plain is a rift valley system. It is characterized by viticulture and fruit growing at the transition to the low mountain ranges, and of course by the Rhine, which is supplemented in France by the Rhine Lateral Canal and with this forms a floodplain landscape, in the Palatinate, Rheinhessen, North Baden and Hesse was straightened and with the "Altrheinarmen" forms a differently designed floodplain landscape.

Culturally, the region has been characterized by relatively dense settlement since pre-Roman times, combined with urban centers and traffic routes of all kinds.

Nevertheless, there are larger forest areas not only in the Rhine lowlands themselves, but also at greater distances, which are ideal for cycling and hiking.

Neighboring regions are:

Above Basel one speaks of Upper Rhine, below the mouth of the Middle Rhine


  • German, among others, in the forms of Palatinate, Baden, Alsatian and Basel German
  • French

getting there

By plane

The most important airports are: Frankfurt am Main, Strasbourg and Basel

By train

Frankfurt am Main, Mannheim, Strasbourg and Basel are important hubs for rail traffic and are accordingly well connected to national and international lines. There are also many other train stations for ICE, IC and regional traffic.

By bicycle

By boat

The Rhine is navigable. The arms of the Old Rhine are also navigable for sport boats; there are many mooring options for amateur boaters.

Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
The view of the country from the Rhine cycle route between Mannheim and Lampertheim extends far: on the left is the Rhine, on the right the Odenwald can be seen in the distance
Image: Rheinradweg_suedlich_lampertheim_04_2009.jpg
The view of the country extends far from the Rhine cycle route between Mannheim and Lampertheim: on the left is the Rhine, on the right is the in the distance Odenwald to see


Tourist Attractions

A selection of nationally important sights:


  • Shopping in Frankfurt am Main, Mannheim, Neustadt, Speyer, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Basel
  • Wine tasting and buying in the wine-growing regions Rheingau, Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Bergstrasse, North Alsace, Baden, Alsace
  • Water sports: Swimming in many quarry ponds, boating on the Rhine and the arms of the Old Rhine
  • bike tours



In the Rhine lowlands, mosquito plagues are to be expected, especially after floods in the warm season.


Spring awakening in Ried in southern Hesse Bensheim. By the way, in the background is the Melibokus to see.

The climate is warmer and less rainfall than in most regions of Germany. This is especially true for the Kaiserstuhl.

Spring is the first to arrive in the Rhine lowlands in Germany. On average, in Breisgau near Freiburg, for example, the crocus blooms as early as March 1st. Statistically speaking, spring then advances 30 km north-east from Breisgau every day. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, about 1000 km away, the crocuses do not usually bloom until the end of March.

Due to the location of the ditch, however, inversion weather patterns are to be expected, especially in winter. In summer there is an increased tendency to thunderstorms in the Rhine lowlands when the weather is hot and humid. You can escape the tropical heat by taking a trip to the neighboring mountains.


Web links

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