Worms - Worms

Worms ludwigsplatz wv d schmidt 04 2005.jpg
Coat of arms and flag
Worms - Coat of Arms
Worms - Flag
Federated state
Map of Germany
Institutional website

Worms (in historical Italian Vermazia) is a city in the federal state German of Rhineland-Palatinate.

To know

Worms boasts the title "City of Nibelungs", as most of the episodes of the famous saga take place in Worms. In 2001 a museum was opened dedicated to the mythical dwarves who lived underground and knew the art of forging iron. Worms was the capital of the kingdom of Burgundians which drew their origin from the Nibelungs.

Geographical notes

Worms stretches out on the west bank of the Rhine It is the first city of the Rhineland-Palatinate that meets those coming from the south (City of Mannheim).


The kingdom flourished in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. after which it was incorporated by the Franks.

The importance of the city continued at the time of the Holy Roman Empire, when its government was presided over by bishops-counts and it was the scene of important events such as the concordat between the emperor and Henry V of Saxony and Pope Callixtus II.

The diet of Worms dates back to 1521 and was a meeting of German princes at the end of which it was decided to ban Martin Luther and his doctrines.

How to orient yourself

The central station is located on the edge of the old town. From the station, along the pedestrian street Wilhelm-Leuschner Strasse you will meet, after about 400 m. Lutherplatz with the Luther monument and the Ober markt. From here, turning right after another 300 m, we will come across the cathedral of St. Peter, the most important monument of the city and the Marktplatz dominated by the town hall and the church of the Holy Trinity (Dreifaltigkeitskirche).

The Kämmererstrasse, the "course" of Worms.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that ofFrankfurt. Hahn's other [1] where Ryanair operates it presents some small difficulties as the Hahn Express bus lines [2] whose buses shuttle to the other airport of Karlsruhe they do not make an intermediate stop in Worms so you will be forced to change buses in Mannheim or in Ludwigshafen. If you choose the latter airport, you will have to book a seat on the bus together with the air ticket, otherwise you risk not leaving.

On the train

  • 1 Central Station (Worms Hauptbahnhof). If you come from other centers within Germany please refer to site of the German railways for connections to Worms station. Worms Hauptbahnhof station on Wikipedia Worms Central station (Q320361) on Wikidata

How to get around

The center of Worms is small enough to walk around. You can also rent a bicycle from one of the agencies near the station.

By public transport

If you need to use public transport, keep in mind that the city is a part of Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and others in the RheinNeckar conurbation so with a single ticket you can move from one city to another. However, the pricing is in zones. More information on the site transport of the RheinNeckar region (only in German).

What see

Worms - Cathedral of St. Peter
  • 1 Duomo (Dom St. Peter), Lutherring 9. Located at the highest point of the city, Worms Cathedral is one of the best examples of Romanesque art on German soil. A basilica stood on the present site since the 7th century AD. but in 1130 the works for its reconstruction were undertaken which lasted about fifty years. The interior has a basilica plan with three naves Worms Cathedral on Wikipedia Worms cathedral (Q701996) on Wikidata
  • 2 Church of the Holy Trinity (Dreifaltigkeitskirche), Marktplatz 12. Baroque Counter-Reformation Church. Trinity Church (Worms) (Q1257735) on Wikidata
  • 3 Nibelungen Museum (Nibelungenmuseum), Fischerpförtchen 10D (300 m east of the Marktplatz), 49 62 412 02 120. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-5pm. Nibelungen Museum on Wikipedia Nibelungen Museum (Q1465938) on Wikidata
  • 4 City Museum of Worms (Museum der Stadt Worms), Weckerlingplatz (A hundred meters south of the Marktplatz), 49 6241 946 390. The collections that illustrate the history of the city are housed in the church of S. Andrea, an interesting example of Romanesque art Worms City Museum (Q23787108) on Wikidata
  • 5 Church of Our Lady (Liebfrauenkirche), Liebfrauenring. Liebfrauenkirche (Worms) (Q826562) on Wikidata
  • 6 Casa Raschi Jewish Museum (Jüdisches Museum im Raschi-Haus), Hintere Judengasse 6, 49 6241 853 4707. Raschi-Haus (Q13639970) on Wikidata

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 3 Trattoria Pepe e Sale, Wollstraße 5, 49 6241 25836.
  • 4 Pizzeria Bella Naples, Eisbachstraße 34e, 49 6241 82408.
  • 5 Brauhaus Zwölf Apostel, Alzeyer Straße 31, 49 6241 2027853. Gastropub
  • 6 Hagenbräu Gasthaus Worms, Am Rhein 3, 49 6241 921100. Cafe / brewery German cuisine
  • 7 Schänke, Wollstraße 7 - 9, 49 6241 24919. Gastropub, wraps
  • 8 Akropolis, Stephansgaße 16, 49 6241 87571. Greek restaurant

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Worms
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Worms
1-4 star.svgDraft : the article respects the standard template contains useful information for a tourist and gives brief information on the tourist destination. Header and footer are correctly filled out.