Mannheim - Mannheim

Mannheim - Wassertum (Tower of the water reservoir)
Coat of arms and flag
Mannheim - Coat of arms
Mannheim - Flag
Federated state
Map of Germany
Tourism site
Institutional website

Mannheim is a city of Baden-Württemberg.

To know

Mannheim is located in the north-west of the Baden-Württemberg. And then Stuttgart the largest city in the state. It is part of a conurbation known as the Rhine-Neckar with about one million inhabitants.

It is a prosperous city devoted to industry and commerce. For these reasons, many may find it uninteresting. Leisure travelers generally prefer the university city of Heidelberg, just about twenty kilometers to the south east.

How to orient yourself

Mannheim city center (Innenstadt) is between the Neckar to the north and the Rhine to the south. It has an almost spherical shape. Paradeplatz is located in the center of the circle.

How to get

By plane

To reach Mannheim from your place of residence in Italy, you can opt for Hahn airport [1] or for the closest one in Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden [2]. Both are operated by Ryanair [3] with several flights from Italian airports. The two airports are connected by a shuttle bus service operated by Hahn Express bus lines [4] and with intermediate stop in Mannheim.

The international airport of Frankfurt am Main it is 67 km further north (3/4 of an hour by train)

How to get around

Public transport consists of buses and trams. The tram lines intersect on the central square. Five regional train lines go far beyond the city limits to Kaiserslautern and Karlsruhe. A single ticket is valid for the whole network. More information on the website of the Rhein-Neckar transport association

What see

The interior of the Jesuit church with the main altar
  • Mannheimer Schloss (Mannheim Castle), Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 68161 Mannheim, 49 621 293 8700. Baroque style building built in the second half of the XVIII century. The building was the palace of the princes-electors of the Palatinate. Destroyed by the bombings of World War II, it was rebuilt to become the seat of the University of Mannheim. Some spaces have been opened to the public. We visit some sumptuous rooms and the chapel of the palace which houses the tomb of the prince-elector
The Jesuit church with the Bretzenh palace in the foreground
  • Jesuitenkirche Sankt Ignatius und Franz Xaver (Jesuit church of S. Ignazio and S. Francesco Saverio). Erected between 1733 and 1756 on a design by the architect Alessandro Galli da Bibiena, it is a baroque building that served as a court church. Inside, the frescoes in the dome illustrate episodes from the life of the founder of the Jesuit order Ignazio da Loyola. Despite the damage suffered during World War II, some valuable works of art have survived such as the statue of the Madonna with a silver crown from 1747 and the large pipe organ. The sumptuous bronze and silver main altar is instead a reconstruction, albeit faithful, of the original
  • Kunsthalle Mannheim (Mannheim Art Gallery), Friedrichsplatz 4, 68165 Mannheim, Germany, 49 621 293 6452. The building where the gallery is located was built in 1907 on a project by the architect Hermann Billing to host an art exhibition on the occasion of the celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the founding of the city. Schlemmer and the French painters Cézanne, Manet

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • From Gianni, R7 34, 68161 Mannheim, Germany, 49 621 20326. Simple icon time.svg12:00 - 14:00 and 18:30 - 22:00. Closed on Mondays. The best Italian restaurant in Mannheim awarded a star by the famous Michelin guide of 2012. The list of dishes includes vitello tonnato, garganelli with pesto, ravioli with meat sauce plus various fish specialties.

High prices

  • Amador, Floßwörthstraße 38, 68199 Mannheim, Germany, 49 621 854 7496. The best restaurant in Mannheim and among the first in the national ranking according to the suggestions of the authoritative Michelin guide which in 2012 confirmed the 3 stars assigned to the restaurant in 2007. Chef Juan Amador defines himself as a free interpreter of the classic recipes of the land of Catalonia and the Basque Country adapted to the French palate while the Michelin guide noted that the chef, while following in the footsteps of famous names such as Ferràn Adria and Heston Blumenthal, had developed a unique, unmistakable and inimitable technique

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Heilbronn - medieval town, today with a strong industrial soul, well connected with Mannheim through the AVG transport.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mannheim
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mannheim
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