Riquewihr - Riquewihr

Historic city center
Coat of arms
Riquewihr - Coat of arms
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of France
Institutional website

Riquewihr, or Rïchewïhr in Alsatian and Reichenweier in German is a city of France, in Alsace.

To know

Known by the Italians for hosting the video clip set for the song "Maggese" by Cremonini and known to the international public for having inspired the "Moving Castle of How" by the great director Hayao Miyazaki, this village is above all a monument to German history and architecture. , enchanting for its ancient historical center and for its small but interesting museums.


Riquewihr is also part of that group of Alsatian villages as well as Eguisheim or Hunawihr which have deserved the title of the most beautiful villages in France. As for Riquewihr, its historic center has earned it the title: walking through its small streets, it will seem that time has stopped in the 16th century. The small village, in fact, founded by a certain Richo in the 6th century AD. it was quite important as a property of the counts of Württemberg until the 16th century. It gradually lost its importance under French rule, which began at the end of the 18th century with the result that most of the architectural works were interrupted, giving us this window on the history of the German territories of the sixteenth century.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By car

Driving your own car is the most comfortable way to reach this and other villages in the region. However, don't think you can reach everything by car. Once you arrive in the vicinity of the city, the car must be left outside the walls in a paid parking lot (not exactly cheap) and in the city you can travel strictly on foot or by bike.

On the train

The closest train station is the one in the neighboring town of Ribeauvillé. From here you can continue by bike or by booking a bus.

How to get around

The best way to get around this region is on foot or by bike following one of the many itineraries, the most important of which is the "Route du vin" (Wine Route). The entire region, in fact, bases its economy on the production of grapes and wine and extensive fields with vineyards are the typical panorama that you will encounter here.

What see

View of the city surrounded by its vineyards

Riquewihr concentrates most of its beauties in the historic center, which almost coincides with the entire - small - city. Walking through its characteristic streets we meet:

The Dolder tower
  • 1 Dolder. Dolder is the name of the main tower of the city, a relic of the ancient walls erected here in 1291. Today it is the symbol of the city and the main historical-tourist attraction. The tower is also an excellent starting point for visiting the ruins of the thirteenth century which, starting from the city, end about 2 km outside the current city route, where today there is a forest.
  • 2 Hansi Museum, 16 Rue du Général de Gaulle, 33 3 89 47 97 00. Simple icon time.svg10:00–13:00 - 13:30–18:00. The museum collects the works of the graphic designer Jean-Jacques Waltz.
  • Musée de la Tour de Voleurs, 33 3 89 58 44 08, @. Ecb copyright.svg4€. Simple icon time.svg10: 00-13: 00 and 14: 00-17: 30. The museum is located in the old prison, in the Jewish quarter dating back to the times of the Second World War. During the visit you can visit the torture chamber and the interrogation chamber used for centuries since the 14th century.
  • 3 Musée de la Poste. Simple icon time.svg10: 00-13: 00 and 14:00 - 17:30. Museum dedicated to communications, in particular that by post. In addition to its quite interesting collection, the setting is also particular: it is located in the ancient castle of the town's master counts.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

In the city and its surroundings there are several pensions and hotels, of different types; within the walls you will find mostly hotels in ancient buildings, not all restored or complete with modern comforts but still typical of the place. Outside the city, however, there are modern hotels and hostels, with every comfort available to the modern traveler. However, keep in mind that out of town here is equivalent to saying "downstream". To reach the cities you will have to walk down steep streets to fill the difference in height of about 300 meters that separates the valley from the city center, at the top of the hill.


How to keep in touch



The town of Riquewihr is twinned with the German Weil der Stadt with whom it shares a good part of its history, marked by the dominion of the counts of Württemberg, who gave the name to the German Land of Baden-Württemberg. If you are interested in medieval-Renaissance German history or if you want to compare two magnificent examples of villages managed by the same important noble family, the two cities are two excellent candidates.

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Riquewihr
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Riquewihr
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