Hunawihr - Hunawihr

Panorama of Hunawihr with grape vines and church
Coat of arms
Hunawihr - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of France
Tourism site
Institutional website

Hunawihr is a city of France.

To know

The small town Alsatian of Hunawihr is located on the border with the Germany, in that region which has always been disputed between the two states and therefore always wonderfully rich and fascinating precisely due to the intertwining of two great cultures such as the French and the German.

The country is located between Riquewihr is Ribeauvillé, in a narrow valley, along the Alsace wine route. Its location, between vineyards and beautiful half-timbered houses, make it one of the most beautiful villages in France.


The name of the country is probably a compound of the proper name Hunon (or Huno) and his wife Hune (Huna, Hunna) known as Santa Hune, and the Latin word villa "farm". The hamlet was originally the farm or country estate of this holy couple.

According to legend, the holiness of these spouses is due to the fact that they hosted and helped the bishop San Deodato who was passing through here many centuries ago. The two apparently aristocratic spouses do not disdain humbly serving the bishop, excluded from all the others and for this they were canonized. Their cult was very active in the region until the sixteenth century when it disappeared with the advent of the Lutheran reform. What did not disappear was their importance as aristocrats; The whole Middle Ages up to the French Revolution has handed down to us numerous historical sources of the presence in this valley of an important village identifiable with Hunawihr, seat of noble families. There is, in fact, news of a lordship of Horbourg-Riquewihr which remained firm until the French Revolution of the eighteenth century.

After the Revolution, the prestige of the village dropped considerably and today it is famous above all for its splendid countryside planted with vineyards and for its woods, a destination for long hikes and walks.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

  • Strasbourg-Entzheim International Airport (58 km from the nearby Ribeauvillé)

By car

  • Highway A 35 (E 2) towards Strasbourg, exit 22 (or the same exit towards Mulhouse if you come from the South)

On the train

Some of the local trains that connect the cities of Strasbourg is Colmar stop at Sélestat. From here local buses leave for Ribeauvillé and other small villages such as Hunawihr (it takes about half an hour). Inquire at the transport agency SNCF.

How to get around

What see

Fortified church
  • 1 Fortified church. Hunawihr is one of the fifty French countries that was obliged by the "Simultaneum" to have churches in which Catholics and Protestants could coexist, each with its own areas and schedules in a single church. The church of Hunawihr shows the signs of this forced adaptation with the areas of Catholics and Protestants. In the same building there are important works of art, a crypt and the remains of a fortified bell tower, originally with an octagonal plan. The church is a protected historical monument since 1929. In the church there is also a testimony of the importance of the village: a plaque in a vault called "Volta dei Nobili" in memory of a deceased of high rank who lived in this village.
  • 2 Fountain, Rue de l'eglise 2. The village fountain, with a main basin and two lower basins, recalls the agricultural vocation of the village in the last centuries. It was used both for livestock (lower tanks) and for the needs of citizens (main tank).

Events and parties

What to do

Monarch Butterfly in the Hunawihr Butterfly Garden
  • Park of the storks. Access to this beautiful park is completely free and is a popular destination for walks among the inhabitants of the city. You will find some illustrative panels on the storks (reproduction, migration etc.) and some picnic tables in the middle of the green
  • 1 Butterfly garden (Le Jardin des Papillons), Route de Ribeauvillé, 33 389 73 33 33. In the territory of the small village there is an amazing rarity. A park dedicated to butterflies, both local and exotic species, among the most beautiful in Europe. Here you can, in the company of experts, admire the butterflies in every phase of their growth from the cocoon to the adult butterfly and see myriads of them flying in the prepared greenhouses. The center also organizes activities for all ages to discover these colorful animals.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Colmar - capital of the department of Upper Rhine and charming French city.
  • Corcieux - a town located within the Vosges park, it shares its beautiful rural landscapes with Hunawihr.
  • Gérardmer - ski resort in the Vosges.
  • Ribeauvillé - a short distance from Hunawihr, the two towns can be visited in just one day. Ribeauvillé is famous for its tradition of minstrels directly imported from the French Middle Ages and today at the center of important local festivals.
  • Riquewihr - is a village very close to Hunawihr, also on the list of the most beautiful villages in France.


  • The most beautiful villages in France

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Hunawihr
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Hunawihr
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).