Oppenheim - Oppenheim

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Oppenheim is a lovely small town in Rhineland-Palatinate. The town is located directly on the Rhine in Rheinhessen.


Neighboring communities

getting there

By plane

The international airport FrankfurtWebsite of this institutionFrankfurt Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaFrankfurt Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFrankfurt Airport (Q46033) in the Wikidata database(IATA: FRA) is about 3/4 hour drive Mainz-Roman Theater reachable

By train

  • At the 1 Oppenheim station Regional trains stop Mon. - Fri. every half hour, otherwise every hour, on the RB44 Mannheim - Worms - Mainz route. The train station is barrier-free. For wheelchair users, a manually laid sheet metal is laid out on the first door of the railcar behind the driver's cab to bridge the gap between the platform and the vehicle, as the vehicles have a step for low platforms.

In the street

By boat

  • Passenger shipping on the Rhine
  • Mooring with pleasure boats is possible.

By bicycle

Oppenheim is on Rhine cycle path and at the Rheinterrassen route.


Map of Oppenheim

Oppenheim is best explored on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Market square with town hall
  • Old town with many half-timbered houses and a cozy market square.
  • Remains of the city fortifications - i.a. Clock tower from 1255.
  • Town hall on the market square: The Oppenheimer Elle can be found on one corner of the house (length: 62 cm). It was used to measure cloth and fabric.
  • Land crown ruin - beautiful view of the Rhine plain, in summer there are festivals
  • Oppenheim cellar labyrinth - The old multi-storey cellar was built deep in the loess under the old town. The facility is only accessible with a guided tour. 420 m corridors with 6000 square meters can be visited. There is an information board on the market square.




  • Cycling along the Rhine
  • Hikes through the vineyards of the Rheinterrasse (beautiful views of the Rhine plain)
  • Visit of Oppenheim Festival


  • Rhine cycling. Car-free Sunday on July 11, 2021 between Worms and Oppenheim, 25 km on the old B9 through the Rhine Valley.


Shops for daily needs can be found in Oppenheim. However, if you want to go on a real shopping spree, you have to go to the nearby cities (e.g. to Mainz, Darmstadt or Worms).

An exception is of course the wine. Then you can buy it from the local winemakers.




Small numbers of guest beds can be found in some hotels and guest houses. A few holiday apartments can also be rented. (see general Accommodation directory of Oppenheim).



Web links

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