Kraichgau-Stromberg - Kraichgau-Stromberg

The region Kraichgau-Stromberg is a hill country in the northwest of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Ravensburg Castle near Sulzfeld


Steinsberg near Sinsheim

The area includes the sub-regions

It is limited to the west by the Baden Rhine Plain, to the north by the Electoral Palatinate and the Little Odenwald, in the east by the Neckar and that Heilbronner Land. In the south that forms Alb-Pfinz-Plateau the transition to Northern Black Forest, to join that Heckengäu, the Strohgäu and the Neckar basin.


Auto and Technology Museum Sinsheim
Map of Kraichgau-Stromberg
  • 1 Bad RappenauWebsite of this institutionBad Rappenau in the encyclopedia WikipediaBad Rappenau in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBad Rappenau (Q27918) in the Wikidata database , a state horticultural show took place here in 2008
  • 2 BoardsWebsite of this institutionBretten in the encyclopedia WikipediaBretten in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBretten (Q495428) in the Wikidata database - Melanchthonstadt
  • 3 EppingenWebsite of this institutionEppingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaEppingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsEppingen (Q506450) in the Wikidata database on Fachwerkstrasse
  • 4 KnittlingenWebsite of this institutionKnittlingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaKnittlingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKnittlingen (Q80565) in the Wikidata database , probably the birthplace of Georg Johann Faust
  • 5 MaulbronnWebsite of this institutionMaulbronn in the encyclopedia WikipediaMaulbronn in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMaulbronn (Q80560) in the Wikidata database
  • 6 OberderdingenWebsite of this institutionOberderdingen in the encyclopedia WikipediaOberderdingen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOberderdingen (Q542545) in the Wikidata database , Wine growing
  • 7 SinsheimWebsite of this institutionSinsheim in the encyclopedia WikipediaSinsheim in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSinsheim (Q14950) in the Wikidata database with technology museum
  • 8 WaibstadtWebsite of this institutionWaibstadt in the encyclopedia WikipediaWaibstadt in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWaibstadt (Q82141) in the Wikidata database
  • 9 NeckarbischofsheimWebsite of this institutionNeckarbischofsheim in the encyclopedia WikipediaNeckarbischofsheim in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNeckarbischofsheim (Q82362) in the Wikidata database

Other goals



German in the forms Swabian, Badisch and Kurpfälzisch

getting there


Tourist Attractions

  • Maulbronn Monastery. UNESCO World Heritage Site.







  • Barbara and Jörg-Thomas Titz: Kraichgau, Heuchelberg, Stromberg, Enz and Neckar valleys. Munich: Bergverlag Rother, 2011 (2nd edition), ISBN 9783763343003 ; 158 pages. € 12.90
  • Kompass hiking and biking map 768 "Kraichgau", Scale 1: 50000, 7.50 euros, ISBN 978-3-85491-599-7 , see also

Web links

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