Little Odenwald - Kleiner Odenwald

Little Odenwald

The small Odenwald located in Baden-Wuerttemberg south of the Neckar.


The small Odenwald lies on the left side of the Neckar and geologically forms the continuation of the rear Odenwald. A typical characteristic is the occurrence of the red Buntsandsteins, although not as thick as on the right side of the Neckar. The small Odenwald is limited in the north and east by the Neckar, in the west the border is around Heidelberg, the southern border runs roughly on a line between Meckesheim and Obrigheim. The transition to the southern one Kraichgau is often not clear, as the rock often does not come to the surface of the earth. But you can tell immediately from older buildings whether the gray shell limestone comes from the Kraichgau or the red sandstone from the Odenwald. A typical transition region is the so-called. Well region in the southeast of the small Odenwald or in the northeast of the Kraichgau.

Almost the entire small Odenwald lies in the southeast of the Rhein-Neckar district with the exception of a few localities in the east, which for the Neckar-Odenwald district belong,


Map of Kleiner Odenwald

The small Odenwald is relatively sparsely populated. There are no bigger cities.

  • On the left bank of the Neckar you will also find 1 Heidelberg, 2 Neckargemünd and 3 Obrigheim no bigger places.
  • The localities can be assigned to the small Odenwald 4 Aglasterhausen , 5 Bammental , 6 Gaiberg , 7 Lobbach , 8 Neunkirchen , 9 Schönbrunn , 10 Schwarzach , 11 Spechbach and 12 Wiesenbach
  • To Well region At the transition from the red sandstone of the Odenwald to the Muschelkalk in Kraichgau count the villages 13 Neckarbischofsheim , 14 Waibstadt , 15 Epfenbach, 16 Eschelbronn, 17 Helmstadt-Bargen, 18 Neidenstein and 19 Reichartshausen
  • In the west of the Kleiner Odenwald lie 20 Glue and 21 Wiesloch

Other goals



getting there

The small Odenwald can be reached from Heidelberg about the B45, by Neckargemünd and Meckesheim to Sinsheim leads, there is that too A6Symbol: AS 33. The B37 circumnavigates the small Odenwald from north and east, the B292 leads from Sinsheim above Waibstadt and Aglasterhausen to Obrigheim right through the region.


Tourist Attractions







Web links

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