Oberderdingen - Oberderdingen

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Oberderdingen is a community in Kraichgau.


The municipality of Oberderdingen is located in Kraichgau at the edge of the Strombergs. It consists of the main town Oberderdingen as well as the districts Supplication and Large villas.


The place was first mentioned in 766 in the Lorsch Codex. In 1246 he came into the possession of the monastery Herrenalb. After the Reformation, Oberderdingen became part of Württemberg, and since the municipal reform in 1972, Oberderdingen has been part of the Karlsruhe district.


The place Flehingen was first mentioned in a document in 778. In 1936 the former place Sickingen was combined with Flehingen. Flehingen has belonged to Oberderdingen since the community reform.

Large villas

The place Großvillars was founded around 1700, when the Württemberg Duke Eberhard Ludwig accepted around 3,000 Waldensians into his duchy, religious refugees from the area of ​​the Savoy Alps.

Wine is grown in Oberderdingen and the surrounding area, the place belongs to Württemberg Wine Route.

Neighboring communities are Zaisenhausen, Kürnbach, Star Rock, Knittlingen, Boards, Kraichtal

getting there

Flehingen moated castle

By plane

The Karlsruhe Baden-Baden Airport and the Stuttgart Airport can be reached in around 2 hours by public transport.

By train

The district 1 Supplication is used by the light rail Karlsruhe-Heilbronn approached.

By bus

In the street

Oberderdingen lies between Boards and Eppingen at the B293


Map of Oberderdingen

Tourist Attractions


The old courtyard of the Herrenalb monastery with gatekeeper house, witch tower, official building and wine press is particularly worth seeing.

  • 1 Old Town Hall
  • 2 St. Laurentius Church
  • 3 Aschingerhaus
  • 4 town hall
  • 5 rose Garden


  • 6 Flehinger moated castle
  • 7 St. Martin
  • 8 St. Magdalena in Sickingen



Laurentius Church Oberderdingen


  • Weingut Kern, inexpensive local dishes, to be recommended: Maultaschen. In addition wine (red, white, white autumn) from our own cultivation "Kernles Tea"





Practical advice



Web links

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