Heckengäu - Heckengäu

The Heckengäu located in Baden-Wuerttemberg.


The Heckengäu is one of the south-west German layered landscape and lies between the Black Forest and the Neckar. In the north it borders the Enz, in the west the valley forms the Nagold the border, being in the south roughly up Haiterbach extends. They are to the east of the Heckengäus Strohgäu or Lower Gäu and the Korngäu or Upper Gäu.

The soil of the Heckengäus is sometimes quite stony, which was often read off when working the fields and piled up to form stone bars along the field paths. Hedges often grew out of this, often like Schlehenhecken in the Calw district, which is why the name is also here Schlehengäu is common. Due to the relatively high location and the proximity to the Black Forest, the fertility of the soil is lower than in the neighboring Strohgäu, so that the Heckengäu also as poor horse was qualified.

The Heckengäu flows through the Worm, which at Hildrizhausen in Schönbuch rises and in Pforzheim into which Nagold flows.


Other goals



getting there

The Heckengäu has good traffic connections. The A8 goes through the north of the region that A81 runs through the adjacent Korngäu in the east. They also offer good connections B295 of Stuttgart above Because in the village to Calw and the B296 from Calw over Herrenberg to A81.


Tourist Attractions







Web links

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