Renningen - Renningen

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Map of Renningen

Renningen is a small town in Heckengäu.


The formerly independent town of Malmsheim and several hamlets and farms have belonged to Renningen since 1972. Renningen has developed into a popular residential community in the last few decades, and the place received city rights in 1982.

getting there

By plane

The Stuttgart Airport is about 26 km away and is well about that A8 to reach

By train

The line S6 of the VVS connects Renningen with Stuttgart

In the street

Renningen is very conveniently located to the A8 at Leonberg it is around 7 km. To the south there is about the new B464 good transport links to Sindelfingen and Boeblingen. The B295 leads over Because of the city in the near Nagoldtal and in the Northern Black Forest.


Tourist Attractions


  • City hall in Renningen, in front of it a fountain from 1988, ev
  • Town hall and ev. Germanus Church in Malmsheim


  • Archaeological Museum, Realschule building, Rankbachstrasse 40, 71272 Renningen. Tel.: (0)7159 924-787. Open: every 3rd Sunday of the month 2-5pm (except July and August).Price: Admission is free.
  • Renningen Nativity Museum, Hauptstrasse 8, Renningen. Open: Sun 2 pm-5pm, during the Christmas season in the Martinus Church in Malmsheim


  • Ihinger Hof. Test station of the University of Hohenheim, test fields are set up and documented every year.




  • Chair mill. Mill café and beer garden, can be visited.


The nightlife in Renningen is characterized by numerous pubs and bars.



Practical advice



Web links

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