Heilbronner Land - Heilbronner Land

The Heilbronner Land corresponds to the city and district of Heilbronn and is in the region Heilbronn-Franconia.


The district of Heilbronn with an area of ​​around 1,100 km² emerged from the earlier one Württemberg lowlands. Most recently, with the district reform in 1973, some neighboring places were incorporated. The following regions with their cities and municipalities belong to the Heilbronner Land

  • the Neckar Valley of 1 Lauffen above 2 Heilbronn and 3 Bad Wimpfen to 4 Gundelsheim,

The population of the district is over 330,000, the urban district Heilbronn, which is completely enclosed by the district, has another 120,000 inhabitants, making this region one of the most densely populated in Baden-Württemberg.


View from the ruin Weibertreu, Weinsberg, over the Schemelsberg to the coal-fired power station Heilbronn

In addition to the places listed above, the following communities are also located in Heilbronner Land:

Other goals


Unterland is primarily the Neckar Valley, the lowest point at Gundelsheim-Böttingen at 142 m. Today, however, hardly anyone takes offense when they Kraichgau-Communities Bad Rappenau and Eppingen to the region "Heilbronner Land" are counted, and also the Löwensteiner Mountains, the highest elevation is the Steinberg near Wüstenrot with 566 m, belong in this way: the city and district of Heilbronn are in fact the lowlands. License plate is HN for urban and rural districts.


getting there

  • The nearest airports are Stuttgart and Frankfurt, and Munich Airport is also conveniently located in terms of transport.
  • The circle is traversed by the A6 from west to east, and from the A81 north to south. Their intersection is the motorway junction at Weinberg.
  • The railway lines to Heidelberg, Sinsheim, Würzburg, Schwäbisch Hall and, above all, to Stuttgart ensure good train connections.
  • The Neckar is navigable as far as Stuttgart, but there are practically only excursions.


Map of Heilbronner Land
  • The Heilbronn transport association maintains good bus connections to all municipalities in the district
  • The public transport network is being expanded further. It currently serves the routes from Karlsruhe / Eppingen via Heilbronn to Öhringen.

Good bike paths and scenic routes cross the region. To call:

Tourist Attractions

Castles and Palaces


  • Bicycle museum and city museum in Neckarsulm
  • Municipal museums Heilbronn
  • Museums in Tripsdrill
  • Raußmühle in Eppingen
  • a small Bauspar museum in Wüstenrot


  • Audi forum Neckarsulm
  • Visitor mine Bad friedrichshall
  • Heilbronn-Böckingen Railway Museum
  • DLR (German Center for Aerospace Technology) in Lampoldshausen







Web links

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