Talheim (district of Heilbronn) - Talheim (Landkreis Heilbronn)

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Talheim is a parish south of Heilbronn.


The municipality of Talheim is located on the right side of the Neckar in the valley of the Schozach river. The place was first mentioned in documents in 1230. However, the first settlement must have taken place around 7000 years ago. Findings of 34 skeletons, which are known as the Talheim massacre became known.

Talheim was owned by various people in the Middle Ages Ganerbe, Talheim has only been completely part of Württemberg since 1806. The place has retained its independence, but forms with its neighboring community Flein a local government association. Other neighboring communities are Untergruppenbach, Ilsfeld, Lauffen and Heilbronn.

She goes through Talheim Württemberg Wine Route

getting there

By plane

The Stuttgart Airport is approx. 70 km away.

By train

The place has no direct rail connection. The next train station is about 5 km away in Lauffen on the Neckar. To the train station in Heilbronn it is about 8 km.

By bus

Of Lauffen Hbf (rarely also Kirchheim Bhf.) Or Heilbronn Bus station at the main station with the line 651 about Talheim. Although Kirchheim to the transition area in Heilbronn transport association heard, tickets from / to Kirchheim are not available with the app DB Navigator obtainable.

In the street

Talheim is easy to get to by public transport. On the western outskirts of the town goes past B27that comes from Heilbronn and towards Lauffen Stuttgart leads. Highway A81: Symbol: AS 11 Untergruppenbach


Map of Talheim (District Heilbronn)

Talheim is easy to explore on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Lower lock
  • the 1 Upper lock, originally Ganerbeburg with different owners. In the 18th century, some Jewish families leased part of the complex, hence the term Talheimer Judenschloss. Today privately owned.
  • the 2 Lower castle from the 18th century, used by the municipality
  • The3 Town Hall Square with service center and fountain of the seasons
  • the 4 Kilian's Church, Protestant.
  • the 5 Marla Ascension, catholic.
  • several well-preserved half-timbered buildings


Upper castle



Possibly church



Practical advice


In the vicinity are:


Web links

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