Uckermark - Uckermark

The hilly and lake-rich Uckermark lies in the northeast Germany. The main part of the region is in the state Brandenburg. A small part is in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Map of Uckermark
The Uckermark is rural


  • 1  AngermündeWebsite of this institution. Angermünde in the encyclopedia WikipediaAngermünde in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAngermünde (Q490066) in the Wikidata database.The old town with its historic, restored town center. Angermünde as a state-approved resort.
  • 2  Bruessow. Brüssow in the encyclopedia WikipediaBrüssow in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBrüssow (Q537852) in the Wikidata databaseBrüssow on Facebook.- northernmost city in the Uckermark.
  • 3  Fürstenberg (Havel). Fürstenberg (Havel) in the encyclopedia WikipediaFürstenberg (Havel) in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFürstenberg (Havel) (Q311539) in the Wikidata database.Fürstenberg / Havel water town.
  • 4  Prenzlau. Prenzlau in the encyclopedia WikipediaPrenzlau in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPrenzlau (Q537214) in the Wikidata database.- former and current capital of the Uckermark.
  • 5  SchwedtWebsite of this institution. Schwedt in the encyclopedia WikipediaSchwedt in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSchwedt (Q16008) in the Wikidata database.- largest city in the Uckermark; Industrial location.
  • 6  TemplinWebsite of this institutionTemplin in the encyclopedia WikipediaTemplin in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTemplin (Q519157) in the Wikidata database

Other goals

  • 1  Chorin-Schorfheide Biosphere ReserveChorin-Schorfheide Biosphere Reserve in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChorin-Schorfheide Biosphere Reserve in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryChorin-Schorfheide Biosphere Reserve (Q314279) in the Wikidata database


The Uckermark was founded in the 6th century by a Wendish tribe, the Ukranians (Uchri, Wucri), then after a brief dependence on the German Empire towards the end of the 10th century. taken by the Obotrites, but around 1177 by the Pomeranian dukes. In 1250 it was taken over by the Brandenburg margraves Johann I and Otto III. acquired, but after the Ascanians died out, it was occupied by Pomerania and Mecklenburg. The latter only remained in possession of his share for a short time; However, only Elector Friedrich I of Brandenburg had wrested Prenzlau, Boitzenburg and Zehdenick from Pomerania in 1415, and after protracted feuds Albrecht Achilles had reunited the rest of the Uckermark with the Mark in 1472.


The dialect spoken in the Uckermark is the Uckermark Platt.

getting there

By train

Intercity stops are the train stations Angermünde and Prenzlau. However, they are only served by individual trains on the Berlin - Stralsund / Rügen or Usedom connections (one pair of trains per day, more frequently in the summer months). Frequent connections are only available in regional traffic: the RE 3 Berlin - Stralsund or Schwedt serves Angermünde, Prenzlau and Schwedt; the RB 12 runs between Berlin-Lichtenberg and Templin; The RB 66 runs from Berlin-Gesundbrunnen via Angermünde to the northeast of the Uckermark and across the Polish border Szczecin.

In the street

The Uckermark is served by the Autobahn A11 (BerlinSzczecin) and A20 (RostockPrenzlau) crosses.


Tourist Attractions

Boitzenburg Castle
Façade of the Marienkirche Prenzlau
  • 1  NABU nature experience center Blumberger Mühle, Blumberger Mühle 2, 16278 Angermünde. Tel.: 49 (0)3331 260 40, Fax: 49 (0)3331 50 00, Email: . NABU Nature Experience Center Blumberger Mühle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNABU Nature Experience Center Blumberger Mühle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNABU Nature Experience Center Blumberger Mühle (Q886162) in the Wikidata databaseNABU Nature Experience Center Blumberger Mühle on Facebook.Visitor center for the Schorfheide-Chorin biosphere reserve. Exhibition. Natural adventure landscape. Show enclosure with European pond turtles. Restaurant. Architecture modeled on a hollow tree stump.Open: Apr - Oct 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Nov - Mar 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.Price: Adults € 4, reduced € 3, children € 1, NABU members free, families € 7.
  • Western town Eldorado at Templin
  • Historical old city of Angermünde
  • 1 MarienkircheMarienkirche in the encyclopedia WikipediaMarienkirche in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMarienkirche (Q14541005) in the Wikidata database in Prenzlau: The monumental hall church, which was badly damaged in World War II, has now been largely restored. With the east gable, it is one of the few brick Gothic churches to incorporate the full richness of the High Gothic into its repertoire.
  • 2 Boitzenburg CastleBoitzenburg Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBoitzenburg Castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBoitzenburg Castle (Q876376) in the Wikidata database, Manor in the style of a romantic fairytale castle, extensively renovated after the fall of the Wall. It is surrounded by a magnificent English landscape garden designed by Peter Joseph Lenné. Today the castle is used as a hotel.
  • 3  Gramzow Railway Museum, Am Bahnhof 3, 17291 Gramzow. Tel.: 49 (0)9861 701 59, Email: . Railway Museum Gramzow in the encyclopedia WikipediaGramzow Railway Museum in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryGramzow Railway Museum (Q15107932) in the Wikidata databaseRailway Museum Gramzow on Facebook.Not only different railway vehicles can be viewed, but also exhibitions on track construction, workshops, operations and traffic services as well as technical systems in the outdoor area and buildings. barrier-freebarrier-free.Open: mid-April to end of October: Tue-Sun 10: 00-17: 00.Price: adults € 4, children € 3, family (2 adults, 2 children) € 11, rides on rail vehicles add. 1.50.

Lookout points and towers

  • 5-lake view - Off the beaten track, you can enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Uckermark here. The viewpoint is included 53 ° 11 '45 "N.13 ° 49 ′ 49 ″ E on the little road between the villages of Fergitz and Potzlow. From the meadow slope at a height of about 40 m, the view of the landscape extends far to the north and east into the Ucker lowlands. You can see 5 lakes, which are about 25 m below the valley, hence the name "5-Seen-Blick". The rest area is also equipped with two open, covered "bench-table combinations" that offer protection from rain (when the wind is not too strong). A panorama of the wide view can be found here on Wikimedia Commons.
  • Viewing platform of the biorama project at the water tower in Joachimsthal. Joachimsthal is located on the southern edge of the Uckermark in the area of ​​the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin. During the renovation, the water tower was given a futuristic, free-standing elevator tower. From the roof of the tower you can enjoy the panoramic view of the vast green forest and lake landscape. The tower is against in the summer half of the year Entry accessible. For more information on the nature of the region, see the page of the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve


4  Good Kerkow, Greiffenberger Str. 8, 16278 Kerkow. Tel.: 49 (0)333126290, Email: .Gut Kerkow on Facebook.Manor on the edge of the Schorfheide Chorin biosphere reserve with an adventure park, children's playground and farm shop.


Regular events

  • Around Angermünde, the Uckermark pasta weeks celebrated. There is everything to do with the potato. Originally, the potato is said to be called nodulus, from which nudl was made in the Uckermark.


  • Ham is a specialty of the Uckermark. Looks like a schnitzel but consists of breaded boiled or smoked ham that is soaked in milk for a few hours to desalinate it.
  • The Uckermark apple bread is baked in a loaf pan with the apple, raisins and nuts. It is eaten coated with butter.

See also: Eating and drinking in Brandenburg





  • Marc Dannenbaum, Joachim Nölte: Uckermark. A companion. Out and about on the Märkisches Landweg. Edition Terra, Berlin 2018, 4th edition, ISBN 9-783981-24778-7
  • Winfried Dittberner: The bird world of the Uckermark with the lower Oder valley and the Schorfheide. Hoyer, Galenbeck / Mecklenburg 1996, ISBN 3-929192-14-4
  • Erwin Nippert: The Uckermark. On the history of a German landscape. Brandenburg publishing house, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-89488-103-8
  • Volker Austria, Hans Rudolf Uthoff: Uckermark and Schorfheide. Stürtz, Würzburg 1998, ISBN 3-8003-1431-2

Web links

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