Lower Galilee - Untergaliläa

As Lower Galilee the southern part of Galilee is called, the region belongs to the northern district of Israel.

Lower Galilee - Subdistrict Jezreel


Lower Galilee near Nazareth

Lower Galilee corresponds to the southern part of Israel's northern district. North of a line from Akko to the Lake genezareth, corresponding to the course of the Beit HaKerem valley Upper Galilee, the lowlands to the Mediterranean are included Western Galilee, in the south they are Carmel Mountains and the Jezreel plain, in the east to Jordan they are gone Bet She'an Valley and the Lake genezareth.


Other goals

  • Afula in the Jezreel plain
  • Kafr Kana, Place of pilgrimage where the miracle of turning water into wine is remembered
  • Zippori (or Tzipori), an ancient city inhabited by Roman and Jewish residents, known for its mosaics.


The landscape is mountainous, the highest peaks are the Mount Kamun at the village of Kamanneh with 598 m height and the Mount Tabor at 588 m. In the western part the mountains consist of light limestone rocks, in the eastern part it is the dark basalt that comes from the Golan.


The official language is Hebrew, in the Arab towns (with Muslim and Christian populations) Arabic, English is widely available.

getting there

The Israeli rail network is more than enough Afula only until Bet She'an; the most important places in the Lower Galilee are served by bus routes.

The main traffic routes are the road 65off the coastal highway Hadera above Afula, past the Mount Tabor runs in a northerly direction and just before Safed in the street 85 joins.
The street 75 runs off the coastal motorway Haifa until after Nazareth, the street 77 departs from it and runs north of Nazareth until after Tiberias at the Lake genezareth.


The easiest way to get around the region is by private vehicle, apart from the somewhat Mediterranean driving style, especially in the Arab cities and the tendency to traffic jams during rush hour, getting through is not a problem; the larger towns can all be reached by bus, the timetables of the bus routes in the Arabic-speaking cities are not available in English on the website, you have to ask yourself. Smaller towns can be reached with the shared taxi.

Tourist Attractions

Mount Tabor: Basilica of the Transfiguration
  • The 1 Mount Tabor, on the mountain where the Canaanites once met their god Baal had worshiped, is also available Transfiguration Basilica (Mt 17,1–9 EU)
  • The 2 Jezreel plain with the ruins of the ancient 3 Megiddo located in the south.
  • The 4 Bet She'an Valley with the natural park of 5 Gan hashloscha is southeast.
  • The ruins of 6 Zippori. The Greek name of the city was Sepphoris. Above all, the numerous well-preserved mosaics and the remains of the ancient water supply are known.
  • 7  Kfar Kedem, 17915 Hoshaya. Tel.: 972 4656 5511. was modeled after a Galilean village 2000 years ago according to biblical tradition.


Gospel Trail






Web links

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